
Bruce Charlton #fundie charltonteaching.blogspot.com

In a world where death is understood as utter annihilation of the self; a life-focus on the alleviation of suffering is the precursor to a culture of death attained by suicide.

The common attitude that Men in general, Western Man specifically, and people-like-us in particular, are a "cancer on the planet", likewise feeds the implication.

And further; if anything like social apoptosis is going-on, such that the spiritually-defective are inclined to eliminate themselves; then the predicted mass distribution of Suicide Pills becomes not just rationally defensible, but something regarded as the highest kind of altruistic morality of which modern Man can conceive.

Daybreaker #fundie charltonteaching.blogspot.com

Ian Tattersall on Stephen Jay Gould: "He was a tireless combatant against racism in any form, and if he was guilty of the kind of unconscious bias in science that he warned against, at least his bias was on the side of the angels."

The reason this kind of rhetoric is effective is that the angels' official representatives on Earth agree.

They are signed up with the whole anti-white agenda, including genocide. They don't say much about it when white communities fall into darkness forever. They are OK with lying in this cause. The misrepresentation and outright faking of science, the slandering of those who tell the truth and warn of real danger, including the immediate danger of deception - it is all good with them. It is all "on the side of the angels".

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