
Ben Klassen #racist #fundie creativitymovementtoronto.blogspot.com

What are our priorities? We, the Church of the Creator, spell them out in order of importance, although, after the first few, all subsequent priorities are of major importance also, and not necessarily of lesser status as we go down the list.

Priorities of the White Race

1. Our first priority is the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race. To achieve this goal no price is too high, no sacrifice is too great, and we will and we must utilize any and all means necessary to achieve this paramount goal.

2. To enable us to achieve our own survival, we must first and foremost get the parasitic Jew off the back of our people, not only in America, but throughout the world. For too many thousands of years they have been the scourge of mankind. DELENDA EST JUDAICA!

3. In order that we can organize ourselves and muster the power to smash the Jewish stranglehold, we must first destroy and replace Jewish Christianity, their most powerful and insidious weapon, with a healthy racial religion of our own.

4. The basic philosophy of such a religion must be: What is good for the White Race is the highest virtue; what is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin. Racial Loyalty and White Racial Teamwork must be the foundation of our program.

5. Never again must the White Race be euchred into fratricidal wars of White Men killing White Men. If we must go to war, let us make damn sure we direct such war against our real enemies – Jews, niggers and the mud races.

6. As Nature takes its course and the mud races wither away of their own incompetence and inability to feed themselves, we must expand our own kind and colonize all the good lands of this Planet Earth.

7. We believe that Planet Earth has a definite limit as to the number of people it can comfortably feed, house and accommodate. We believe that number is in the vicinity of one billion people. Once we are in charge of our own destiny, we can stabilize the world population at that number, and through the practice of eugenics constantly upgrade the health, intelligence and genetic quality of our people, thereby building a healthier, happier and more prosperous life for Nature’s Finest for all time to come.

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