
Randy #fundie debunkingchristianity.blogspot.com

Wow, I did not realize that there was so much debating back and forth between atheists and christians on the web. I have several degrees from biology to philosophy and economics with minors in math and geosciences, but after reading all of these sites, I have to be honest, even after having the top overall score in my evolutionary biology course and historical geology course, I still have many doubts about the aging techniques and saw a lot of problems with the evidence that was given to me. Even the evidence given against Jesus and the claimed resurrection just doesn't seem good enough for me. I can try to psychoanalyze my doubts but it doesn't help my doubts about what is said here by atheists for some reason. Does anyone else think that maybe Jesus may have really been who the bible says he was and really did resurrect from the dead. I seem to think it could be true and that maybe the earth is younger. All of this evidence and rhetoric just doesn't seem to convince me for some reason. And I have no crutches needed. I was always the smartest guy in my classes, one of the best looking guys able to have almost any girl in the school, was a great tenor in my rock band, and was an allstar in sports. I liked to have fun, travel, help folks out, drive a BMW etc. etc. and I still see problems with the atheist arguments. Weird I know. Anyone else like this?

Alan Clarke #sexist debunkingchristianity.blogspot.com

If a law forces rapists to marry their victims, then perhaps the number of rapes will decline to near zero. What’s more, if the law requires rapists to pay fifty shekels of silver to the father, this could indeed equate to the death penalty if the rapist hasn’t saved toward his bride’s future. Thus, we have narrowed down the field of rapists who marry their victims to only those who have saved for their “brides” future. If the girl happens to be ugly, he is required to marry her anyway. Again, this stipulation will help narrow the field further since potential rapists will be motivated to think before acting. Thirdly, if one “selects” his wife through means of rape, then he’ll never be able to divorce her even if “she” turns out to be a transvestite. The law is putting so many roadblocks into the potential rapist’s path, and causing him to think, I would guess most potential rapists would opt for the easier path of waiting for a willing partner. Thus, such a society could easily exceed the American society in quality by many fold.

[Bold mine]

Anonymous #fundie debunkingchristianity.blogspot.com

To those of you who have left the Christian faith, I'm asking you to stop and think for a minute about what I have to say to you. The Christian faith is not about following a bunch of rules, it's not a religion. Christianity is coming into personal, experiential, and intimate relationship with God.
For me it all started when I was thirteen. While outside playing ball, I was running and I jumped up to get the ball and when I came down I fell on a piece of metal sticking out of the ground and it split me open from my waist to my shoulder. My friends carried my bloody torn up body into the house where my mother (a Christian) put a towel over the wound and prayed for me. After a few minutes of silence she took off the towel and in amazement said "My God!!" The wound had completely scabbed over and after twenty minutes it was almost all gone. I was sore for a few days and I still have the scar to remind me this really did happen. I have had several other instances in my life that I cannot attribute to anything less than supernatural.
Christianity is not a philosophy to me nor is it a matter of intellectual debate, It is a relationship with a loving God. I am a Christian because I have experienced God firsthand more than once.

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