
James Dobson #wingnut drjamesdobson.org

Now is the time to engage our legislators like never before—we must write, email, and call our senators to let them know that we unequivocally stand in OPPOSITION to both [the For The People Act] and the Equality Act. We cannot afford to be idle while our country is hijacked by the Left-driven agenda of the Democrat Party. If we do not act now, this window of opportunity that we have to save what we hold dear will close quickly, and America's shining light to the world will go out. Please contact your senators and tell them to vote NO for [the For The People Act] and the Equality Act.

James Dobson #fundie drjamesdobson.org

I expressed in a letter to our constituents last month that I continue to grieve over the U.S. Supreme Court decision handed down on June 26, 2015. This ruling, called Obergefell, redefined natural marriage and expanded the legal definition of this 5,000 year-old institution to include same-sex unions. We are convinced that this unconstitutional decision, issued by five unelected, unaccountable and imperious Justices, will ultimately prove to be as catastrophic as Dred Scott v. Sanford in 1857 and Roe v. Wade in 1973. It will touch every dimension of culture. Let me explain.

Several days after the Supreme Court struck this dagger into the heart of the American family, I was lying in bed one night contemplating its meaning. Suddenly, the significance of Obergefell hit me like a clap of thunder. I understood in a new way the black clouds that had hovered over me for weeks. I threw the covers off my side of the bed and hurried to my desk. In the next few minutes, I wrote what I want to convey to you now.

This Court decision is not about same-sex marriage, except only tangentially. Many gay and lesbian groups have admitted that marriage has never been their primary objective. Instead, it is about everything else. What’s at stake is the entire culture war. To begin, it is an expression of hostility toward people who take their Christianity seriously. As you probably know, certain groups and organizations hate us. It is about weakening the Church of Jesus Christ and limiting what pastors and ministers can say and do publically. It is about undermining the religious liberties of Christians that are guaranteed by the Constitution. It is about attacking Christian schools, Christian non-profit organizations such as Family Talk, and Christian businesses, hospitals, charities, and seminaries. It is about Christian colleges and universities, and about whom their leaders choose as professors and what their students will be taught. It’s about government funding and accreditation. It is all at risk. You’ll see.

Obergefell will also result in God-fearing laymen being dragged into court for trumped-up charges, such as those thrown at Aaron and Melissa Klein, who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony. Melissa has, by the way, not only been fined $135,000 for this “offense,” but has now been slapped with a gag order so she can’t even tell her side of the story. What ever happened to freedom of speech?

To continue, the Human Rights Campaign has recently sponsored HR 3185, which is beyond belief. It would allow gay and lesbian activists to persecute Americans in virtually every area of society, including employment, housing and public accommodations, credit, and dozens of other areas of civil life.

There is almost no limit to what will be imposed on the American public as a result of Obergefell. There is every indication that a barrage of court cases has been pre-planned and will be implemented against those who dare to disagree with the government’s view of marriage. Some will lose their jobs for failing to knuckle under.

Some will lose their professional licenses. Some will be persecuted, ridiculed and fined. Some will go to prison. After all, the Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is an inviolable Constitutional right that will trump other liberties considered untouchable for more than 200 years.


Obergefell will give broad access to our children and future generations. Why do you think the Boy Scouts of America have been coerced and harassed for more than two decades to allow homosexual men to serve as Scout leaders? Predictably, just days ago, the BSA National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. Girl Scouts gained that access years ago, and many of their leaders are lesbians who run significant programs. You won’t believe what they are teaching little girls.

The outrage continues. I grieve over what will happen to kids in public schools. They will be taught that right is wrong and wrong is right, and that the teachings of Scripture are unreliable and inaccurate. How unthinkable it is that in some states kindergartners, barely out of babyhood, are being taught adult perverse behavior that should never be discussed in the classroom. Soon, publishers of public school textbooks throughout the country will have to re-write and re-illustrate materials to make them conform to the demands of Obergefell. It matters not that these revisions will contradict the beliefs and convictions of Christian parents. It has already become the law of the land in some states.

Anything activists can dream up could be imposed on our children by liberal judges. LGBT propaganda will be blatantly taught to wide-eyed kids who are too young to understand how they are being manipulated. There is no consideration that the messages given will contradict the beliefs and convictions of millions of parents. The wishes of moms and dads will have been overridden and superseded by five Justices who have a better plan for their kids.

This is not the first time in recent history that children have been used as pawns in the hands of tyrants.
I’m reminded of the words of German dictator, Adolf Hitler, spoken as war in Europe approached. He said, “Your child belongs to us already . . . what are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community.”

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