
judgybitch #sexist #psycho femoid.com


Society & Culturesocial justice

Schrodinger’s Slut — or why it actually does matter what you wear The solution to Schrodinger’s Rapist has been found.


This is essentially the argument Amanda Marcotte makes regarding school dress codes for girls at Double XX today.

According to Amanda, girls should be able to wear skirts so short their panties show, and if boys find that disrupting, well, too bad. What we need to do is just IGNORE all the bodies around us and just focus on minds. Girl’s minds, of course. How boy’s mind’s react to provocative clothing and overt displays of sexuality are none of Amanda’s concern. The fact that such reactions are A) involuntary and B) distracting is not relevant. Who cares how boys perform in school anyways, amirite?

I recommend that …[we don’t]… measure girls by their hemlines by not measuring them by their hemlines. Try ignoring their bodies completely and getting directly to the work of cherishing those minds and those hearts instead

Yep. Show us your panties girls, and we’ll just focus on your hearts and minds. Hearts that clearly don’t give a shit about other people and minds that are so mired in narcissism and self-delusion that they can’t comprehend another person’s perspective.

Sounds like excellent training for female adulthood.

But let’s back up a little bit. Yesterday, CleverGuy, JudgyAsshole and PrinceCharming were over for dinner and a postprandial game of Monopoly. Yeah, we’re a pretty lively bunch. We got to talking about the concept of Schrodinger’s Rapist and why it’s such a stupid metaphor to express the also incredibly stupid idea that all men should be treated as potential rapists.

What we really enjoyed about the whole concept is that MEN should pay attention to how they are dressed and how they are acting in order to counter women’s fear that they might be raped. But women should NOT have to pay attention to what they are wearing or how they are acting because patriarchy. Or something.

So we came up without own little thought experiment, and it goes like this:
Schrodinger’s Slut

Assume that all women are sluts and want to have sex with you. Everyone is either LUCKY or UNLUCKY, and no one has any idea what the fuck is going on. Your state of luckiness (man or woman, good or bad) depends upon what clothes you are wearing!

See? Brilliant!

We’ll mash them all up together in an act of unparalleled genius and call it Schrodinger’s Clusterfuck.

All men are rapists and all women are sluts and the only way to tell one from the other is to check out what people are wearing and how they are acting.

But that’s not fair is it? We have to take other people’s feelings and reactions into account when we move through the world? We have to consider how other people might respond to our actions and choices? We have to step outside our own personal little world-view and try and see reality from someone’s else’s perspective?

Clearly, that’s bullshit.

You know, I think I’ve changed my mind about what I’m going to wear to my exam. I think I’ll go with this:


Come on now! It’s just a piece of clothing. And if people react negatively to my sense of fashion and appropriateness, well, that’s their problem, right?

I can’t be held responsible for how other people react. And I sure as hell can’t PREDICT how other people will react.

The cat, she is dead AND alive, at the same time. Everything else is just random.


Lots of love,


Judgybitch #sexist #psycho femoid.com

The walk of shame is a right of passage, not rape
Poor judgement — moi? Ce n’est pas possible!
Coyote ugly. It’s a phrase men use to describe the experience of waking up, hungover as shit, in bed next to a girl so ugly you’d rather chew your arm off than have her stir. Yep, another night of too many shooters and very poor judgement. Well played, tequila. I’m willing to bet that every single varsity athlete or high status (medicine, engineering, computer science) male on any given college campus has had the experience. Why? Because they get hunted. All the time. By women. You see these guys staggering bleary-eyed into the dorm rooms the next morning, bro-punching their friends and saying “Dude, how could you let me do that?”

The walk of shame. A right of passage. One that men seem to relish, enjoy and get over pretty damn quickly. Yeah, you fucked an ugly chick. Or a fat chick. Whatever. You drank too much, lost all your reason and tumbled into bed with someone you wouldn’t normally touch with a ten yard pole. Ho hum. Where we going tonight, bros?

Women, on the other hand, are completely fucked in the head in this exact same situation. They get dressed up in their best whore clothes, head out to a frat party, drink their faces off, end up in bed with some guy they wouldn’t normally touch with a ten yard pole, wake up the next morning feeling like a total slutbag and then it happens. Someone must be to blame for this. I can’t possibly have gotten shitfaced and exercised some really poor judgement. Moi? Ce n’est pas possible! I am an innocent blushing virgin with impeccable moral standards. Why, only whores get smashed and fuck random guys in a frat house, and I am not a whore so JESUS MOTHER OF GOD I WAS RAPED!

Bitch, please. You weren’t raped. You were trashed. Why is it that men are held responsible for their actions no matter what their state of inebriation, but women get a pass. It doesn’t matter if you were drunk, stripped naked, straddled the guy in your best cowgirl and fucked like a banshee. You were drunk. You can’t consent. You were raped.

Dude might have been just as pissed up as you, but he can’t cry rape because rationality. Only men are rational creatures? Really? Bull. Shit.

There are women so delusional they actually think we live in a “rape culture”. What the fuck?

No, we don’t live in a rape culture. We live in a Don’t You Bitches Have Any Friends culture. Me and the Princess have our fair share of experience dancing like madwomen in our lingerie in night clubs filled with horny men starting looking like the cast of Ocean’s Twelve after that last appletini. Many nights ended with crazy slobbery make-out sessions with the DUDE WHO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE BRAD PITT.

Here’s the thing. We protected each other. Not from Brad Pitt. From our own BAD JUDGEMENT. Rape culture holds men, and only men, responsible for what women do. And thanks, but I prefer to be responsible for my own fucking behaviour. And when I’m about to do something really stupid, that I will regret the next morning, I rely on my friends to save me FROM MYSELF.

So go ahead. Wear those fishnets and hoochie shorts. You look fucking hot! Play beer pong! Strip for that guy. Go ahead and fuck him. Make all those decisions BUT UNDERSTAND THEY ARE YOUR DECISIONS. You don’t get to wake up the next day feeling like a whore and ruin a man’s life because YOU ARE A SLUT. Women–and men–who really were violently brutalized by strangers totally against their will aren’t helped by your idea of a rape culture. In fact the rape culture YOU created makes it worse for them by equating a truly violent and awful crime with bad decisions made while drunk.

So embrace your slut. Or trust your friends when they tell you it’s time to say nighty-night to Brad. Or you know, shut the fuck up. . Take your pick.

Lots of love,


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