
Bloodthirsty, psychopathic and serial-killer-esque quotes

Michail Chkhikvishvili #racist #psycho #wingnut justice.gov

A federal grand jury in Brooklyn, New York, returned a four-count indictment today charging Georgian national Michail Chkhikvishvili, 21[…]with soliciting hate crimes and acts of mass violence[…]
Chkhikvishvili is alleged to be a leader of the Maniac Murder Cult[…]an international racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist group. MKY adheres to a neo-Nazi accelerationist ideology and promotes violence and violent acts against racial minorities, the Jewish community and other groups[…]
Since approximately September 2021, Chkhikvishvili has distributed a manifesto titled the “Hater’s Handbook” to MKY members and others. The handbook discusses MKY’s principles and encourages members to engage in acts of mass violence in furtherance of those principles. In the handbook, Chkhikvishvili states that he has “murdered for the white race” and encourages and instructs others to commit acts of mass violence and “ethnic cleansing.” For example, and among other things, the handbook encourages its readers to commit school shootings and to use children to perpetrate suicide bombings and other mass killings targeting racial minorities[…]
Beginning at least as early as July 2022, Chkhikvishvili repeatedly encouraged others, primarily via encrypted mobile messaging platforms, to commit violent hate crimes and other acts of violence[…]Soliciting acts of mass violence in New York from an individual who claimed to be a prospective MKY recruit, but who[…]was actually an undercover FBI employee (the UC)
In a September 2023 conversation, the UC messaged Chkhikvishvili whether there was an application process to join MKY. The defendant responded, “Well yes we ask people for brutal beating, arson/explosion or murder vids on camera.” He further stated that “[p]oisoning and arson are best options for murder,” and suggested also considering a larger “mass murder” within the United States. Chkhikvishvili advised the UC that the victims of these acts should be “low race targets”

Puupi #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

because they were sitting at the dinner table CELEBRATING the man who was holding her, a 14 year old girl, hostage and wanting to have sex with her against her will...id have killed them all too to get out of that situation...

They were celebrating their marriage. It's normal in their culture.

By the way, are you American? Are you a man? Are you circumcised?

Most (?) American men are circumcised and it is a lot more questionable thing to do compared to arranged marriages, even if the girl is 14.

I see child marriages more acceptable and moral than circumcision.

Those two things aren't remotely comparable, and I'm highly against circumcision of children. How is the marriage/rape of children by adults more moral than cutting some skin off of kids penises?

Mutilation of sexual organs of a baby compared to marriage where you may need to have sex against your will?

You know, there are lots of good things about arranged marriages as well. The girl gets a husband, a man who is feeding, protecting and taking care of her. And the husband gets a wife, who takes care of him. There is more to marriage than just sex.

Shockingly, most people have sex willingly in life. Even do everything they can to please people to get them to have sex. Ultimately, sex drives the whole human society.

So when you need to have sex against your own will - it is a bad and unwanted thing - but it isn't the most atrocious thing happening in the world.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Nephew”]

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother[…]
It was he who[…]invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals:[…]absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere[…]Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will[…]
Unlike Jane Austen’s world[…]in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West?[…]I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone[…]
Even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind[…]becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

vokal kazih, hooked, zantos, #psycho #sexist mmo-champion.com

[on a 14 yaer old child bride who poisoned her husband and at least 3 of his friends ]

Vokal: “ While I don't agree with forced marriage, killing is killing. She could have just ran away instead of poisoning a dozen or so people. Don't care if she's 14. Hope she fries, or hangs. However they do it.Just like any and every killer should.”


She wasn't defending herself. She felt bad and wanted to make other people suffer like a typical school shooting case. You think she couldn't poison the husband in a different situation? No she wanted to kill as many ppl as possible.

Hooked: “I agree, she is pure evil. “ https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1495017-Child-Bride-Kills-Husband-and-his-3-buddies/page13?p=26405166#post26405166 So she was able to go to the market and buy rat poison without anyone noticing, but couldn't just run away?. I think she wanted to make them all pay.

Zantos: “Exactly. She had every bit of freedom she needed to get away at any time. She had just as much time to kill him by himself then to try and take out as many others as she could with him.”

Technically she wasn't kidnapped, the marriage with this man was most likely arranged by her parents, as that is what the law states has to happen for a 14 year old to be married. Wouldn't you say her parents are more to blame than the husband in question? Would you also condone her killing her parents as well because they arranged the whole thing ?Attempting to kill 14 people because you aren't in love with the man your parents forced you to marry doesn't sound like my kind of justice.

Hooked: “Not only that but her own parents probably also had an arraigned marriage. Nah this girl was just evil, plain and simple.”

puupi #psycho #sexist #pratt mmo-champion.com

Being forced to take the trash out or being forced to do your homework are a little different to being forced to marry (potentially for life) a man you do not wish to marry, to have sex with him as and when he desires (as is the case in their culture), bear his children without a say in the matter, and risk your life in doing so.

I was forced to go to the military (like every man in my country), I was forced to serve my country with my life (literally).

I don't think those are small things. I would do them without being forced, too. But that doesn't change they are being forced upon me.

I really have hard time understanding the demonizing of sex. Everyone WANTS to have sex in their life, it's the best thing in the world.

Now when sex is forced it becomes the WORST AND MOST ATROCIOUS THING IN THE WORLD.

How the fuck does that kind of switch happen.

Of course I think rape is bad. But I don't understand the polarization. I think there is a lot of hypocrisy, exaggeration and victimization involved.

Not all sexual experiences for all involved parties are pleasurable.

Would you look forward to sex if you were unlikely to orgasm because your partner wasn't interested in your pleasure, or even your comfort? If it was a painful experience for you because you aren't aroused by your partner, would you look forward to doing that again?

Obviously I would not enjoy it and wouldn't look forward to doing that again. But people do other discomforting things, too, because it's part of life and needs to be done. Like work.

I'm not sorry that I had to go through conscription. I, and other men, owe that to our grandfathers. Yeah it's against free will, but as I've said previously, some things in life aren't that pleasurable yet they still have to be done. The result justifies the means.

Well people who don't want to have sex are a very small minority. Asexuality is 1% or less of the population.

Marcel Bucard Division of Perpignan - French Popular Movement #racist #wingnut #psycho leparisien.fr

[Translation mine]

In mid-June, several residents of Chatoux, in Yvelines, were the targets of racist letters. On Wednesday, it was in Perpignan, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, that Brigitte, 62, received a similar missive with violent remarks, reports Actu Perpignan

The self-employed woman shared this letter on Facebook, dated July 1. “It stinks,” she wrote. But I’m not going to let it happen”

“I would like to write to you today to advise you on an important decision concerning your property,” the letter begins, then referring to the first round of the legislative elections: “The situation in Perpignan has changed considerably”

“It appears that you are no longer welcome in this city,” continues the text, with racist and threatening remarks, which urges the sixty-year-old to “sell her property as quickly as possible”. “Once the sale has been concluded to a family of good native French people, I advise you to prepare your departure for Africa”

“You must realize that your personal well-being and your property are no longer safe because you are no longer welcome today in Saint-Mathieu, where we will, starting in September, carry out a merciless and virulent cleansing of the neighborhood in order to restore the Catalan atmosphere of yesteryear,” we can then read

The letter is signed “La division Marcel Bucard de Perpignan”, named after the founder of the Francoist Movement, a fascist and collaborationist group, shot in 1946, as well as a “French Popular Movement”


spoilerLetter received by the victim. Logo on the letter was used by the fascist and collaborationist French Popular Party

Réseau Libre #wingnut #psycho #racist reseau-libre.org

[From “A (very incomplete) list of lawyers to be eliminated” - Translation mine]


spoilerExecution by guillotine of Urbain Liottard, Louis Berruyer and Octavive David. September 22, 1909

Note: July 4, 3:30 p.m.: The Dumbass-Moretti subversives are outraged and have already filed a complaint. Perfect ! My response to their lawsuit is already online here. Come on guys, a second lawsuit!

To be sent into a ditch or a stadium, these lawyers already declare that they do not respect the verdict of the polls in the event of a victory for the RN

These scum have formed a “Law brigade against the National Rally”, read this hilarious article!

Of course, they are not the only ones, it is the vast majority of lawyers who need to be neutralized. But let's imagine all those on this list found in a bottom of a pit or simply “disappeared”, and fear will change sides! It's high time to put things back in order!

For the record, in 2003 already the black robed vermin had filed a complaint against the sos-racaille website which had dared to publish a list of lawyers defending the vermin. The webmaster of the site was fined 12,000 euros although he was never arrested or even formally identified

History is an eternal rewinding, we are publishing a list of lawyers to be eliminated, we are not formally identified, we will not be arrested, and we may be convicted, who cares!

List of subversives
[Below is a list of name of lawyers along with the bars they're registered with]

Three unnamed teenage boys in Courbevoie #racist #psycho france24.com

The suspected anti-Semitic attack in Courbevoie, a northwestern Paris suburb, has sent shockwaves in France in the run-up to a general election that could bring the far-right National Rally to power for the first time

The girl told police she was approached by three boys aged between 12 and 13 while she was in a park near her home with a friend and dragged into a shed on Saturday evening in Courbevoie

The suspects beat her and "forced her to have anal and vaginal penetration, fellatio, while uttering death threats and anti-Semitic remarks", a police source told AFP

Her friend managed to identify two of the attackers

The three boys were arrested on Monday

On Tuesday evening, two of them, both aged 13, were charged with gang rape, anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats. The pair were taken into custody

The third boy, 12, was also charged with anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats, but not with rape. He was allowed return home after being charged

Charlie Kirk #fundie #homophobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

Charlie Kirk was discussing children’s YouTuber Ms. Rachel, who was targeted by rightwingers earlier this month because she acknowledged that June is Pride Month on social media[…]
“In Matthew 22, a religious teacher asks Jesus, ‘What’s the most important commandment?'” Ms. Rachel says in the video. “And Jesus says to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself”

“There’s no greater commandments than these, I believe it’s mentioned eight times, love your neighbor”

That made Kirk mad

“I mean, Satan has quoted scripture plenty,”[…]“You love somebody by telling the truth, not by confirming or affirming their sin”

“And it says, by the way Ms. Rachel, you might wanna crack open that Bible of yours, in a lesser referenced part of the same part of scripture is in Leviticus 18 is that thou shall… Lay with another man and be stoned to death,” Kirk continued

“Just sayin’,” he said, smiling as his co-hosts laughed. “So, Ms. Rachel, you quote Leviticus 19, love your neighbor as yourself, the chapter before affirms God’s perfect law when it comes to sexual matters”

He was referring to Leviticus 18:22, which says, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,” and Leviticus 20:13, which says, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them”[…]
In that same podcast episode, Kirk said that being gay is an “error” and compared homosexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction

“It’s very simple,” Kirk said. “So how do you love somebody? You love them so much to correct their error. So let’s just take the Pride conversation out because people think it’s an identification… It’s not, it’s sexual behavior”

“But if you meet an alcoholic or you meet a drug addict, do you affirm their struggle?” he continued. “No! You say, you’re better than this, let’s get you free from that, let’s get you free from that activity”

Joel Davis and Elijah Schaffer #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Elijah Schaffer once again spoke with Australian Neo-Nazi Joel Davis[…]
Davis told Schaffer that he looked forward to visiting America so he can perform a Nazi salute[…]and purchase a gun. He also said that Americans need to own firearms[…]
“My girlfriend is an American,” he said. “And I say, when she’s in America, I’m like ‘Take your gun, like, in the car,’ you know? Because what if you pull up at a gas station and like some nigger walks over and tries — you know, like…”

Schaffer revealed that he owns guns for that same reason, saying, “I bought my guns to protect myself from Black people. And that’s not a hateful thing to say. It’s like my — well experience is I’ve been a victim of many crimes, okay, like in L.A., and they were all at the hands of Black people and one was Hispanic”

He also claimed to have advised his wife to “stay out of Black neighborhoods” and “avoid groups of Black people,” because “your chances of being involved in a serious violent crime … probably goes down near 100%”

Davis[…]said that “Americans need to be aware of” the “Indian problem, the pajeet question”[…]“the largest non-white ethnic group in Australia are Indians”

“And they’re able to, they’re not [gonna be] 2% of the population, they’re gonna keep growing and growing and growing like a virus, consuming all these tech companies”[…]
Schaffer asked Davis whether he is for or against Adolf Hitler[…]
Davis called himself “pro-Hitler,” and said that our current society, which opposes Nazism, “produces trannies, and infinity brown people, and women police officers that can’t do their job, and, like, a divorce rate over 50%, and the economy going to shit, and so on”

Davis openly longed for the years prior to World War II, when “every white country was racist,” and said what the Allied Forces “stood for was wrong”[…]
He also told Schaffer that Hitler “saw liberal democracy as weak and incapable of defending Western civilization against communism and against degeneracy”

Samurai Kenji #psycho #sexist #dunning-kruger #pratt runescape.salmoneus.net

my mother was 13 when she gave birth to me and my dad was in his mid to late 20's i CHALLENGE AND DARE YOU to explain why she and her mother and her mother and her mother were all capable of having a succussful relationship with these "Hunters" and now live pretty fufilling lives without any real complaints about there childhood and why this girl can't.

My mother was brought up in a very American culture and had a child with a very American man. He may or may not have just been interested in getting some fresh good kitty! or he may have legitimately loved and cared for my mom none the less he eventually left her and she was forced to care for yours truly all by herself she was left a single mom to a "Pedophile" but within a couple years she got over it moved to the states got a university degree and is now living happily and even ocassionally meets with that pedophilic monster to have a cup of coffee with him when she visits Los Angeles.

Why are these 2 so different? infact the Man in this article is a bit younger then my dad is and is certainly much less mentally developed and my mom was no further ahead developmentally then any other girl her age. Yes 8 times out of 10 things go bad but that means 2 times out of 10 they go right it's a gamble and so long as they know the odds and have some guidance i feel a girl of 12 years of age has the right to decide whether she wants to have a sexual relationship with this man.

E. J. Preston #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #psycho #mammon amazon.com

(Curiously categorised in Books > Business and Career > Finances)

Jesus Was a Republican

What does it mean to be a good Christian? If you go to church, does that do it? If you give to charity, does that do it? If you bring your friends to a prayer group and get them involved in the church, does that do it? What if you see a homeless man on the street and you buy him a meal or even get him a job? Does that make you a good Christian? The answer is no. Kind acts are important but at the core of what makes someone a good Christian is not an act or two. It's all about the values. A good Christian will dedicate him or herself to following a strict adherence to the values set forth by Jesus Christ. This book explores precisely that question: What did Jesus believe when it came to Taxes, Abortion, Homosexuality, the Death Penalty and Guns and this book will conclusively demonstrate using Holy Scripture that Jesus, were he alive today, would most certainly be a Republican. Moreover, he would denounce the Democratic Party and would never view them as good Christians.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Old-school film projector.

Panel 2: Kids watching. Miko is in front.

Panel 3: [in movie] The rail line leading into Auschwitz.

Panel 4: Three prisoners in white-and-gray striped prison outfits. Devil-Person in a Nazi outfit, with a rifle.

Panel 5: The prisoners are being kicked into a flaming pit by Nazi Devil-Person. This is most likely meant to be a crematorium, despite that it looks exactly like how he draws people being sent to Hell. Also the real crematoriums were for disposing of corpses after they’ve been shot or gassed, and were not a method of execution.

Panel 6: The kids who are watching look shocked.

Panel 7: Uncle Sam running alongside US soldiers, who are oddly wearing modern combat gear.

Panel 8: Devil-Person Hitler… presumably. The mustache looks a bit wrong, though.

Panel 9: Devil-Person Hitler gets punched in the face.

Panel 10: Uncle Sam stands atop unconscious Devil-Person Hitler, holding a US flag.

Panel 11: Miko puts on the truth glasses. Originally the glasses were a “They Live” reference, but Tats seems to have forgotten some time ago exactly how they’re supposed to work.

Panel 12: Through the glasses, Uncle Sam is revealed to be a Fat Cat businessman with a cigar and top hat (Possibly meant to be Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild? Though he died before WW2), Devil-Person Hitler is revealed to be Germania (a pre-WW2 symbol of Germany, similar to Lady Liberty for the US), and the flag is an earlier version of the Rothschild Family Coat of Arms, minus the Lion.

Snake Baker #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Greek Coast Guard Accused of Being Mean to Invaders, Allegedly Killing Dozens of Them”]

These people are invading the country

Under Just War Theory, the military has a right to kill them

(I understand it’s more complicated than that, but actually, it’s not really)

The Guardian

A former Greek coastguard officer has described as “clearly illegal” the actions of colleagues who abandoned nine migrants at sea in one of 15 alleged pushbacks from Greek islands or territorial waters that reportedly killed dozens of people[…]
Two were thrown directly into the water, the man said, including an Ivorian man who said: “Save me, I don’t want to die … and then eventually only his hand was above water, and his body was below. Slowly his hand slipped under”

Yeah, well, buddy, nobody wants to die. Nonetheless, everyone does at some point

I would shed some tears for you, but I stopped buying tissue paper when I learned it was filled with PFAS

Frankly, I don’t know if the Greeks did this stuff or not. I don’t care if they did, and I support it, but I don’t know if I believe it

My thinking is it’s more likely to be made up than not, but also, Greeks are funny people, and the idea that some group in the coast guard was like “let’s start just fucking killing these apes” is not beyond belief

However, no real proof is offered here. These are all just allegations, and they are more or less impossible to investigate, so there is really nothing here to even discuss. The allegations just amount to baseless rumors

Wall Rider #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #quack twitter.com

Wall Rider: Lol they can cure it[rabies] holistically don't let them lie to you and do some research instead of being a tattle tail bitch

Slappy Longballs: I wasn't aware rabies denialism was a thing, but honestly, why wouldn't it be?

Wall Rider: Because why would known fraudulent companies keep lying to make more money. Lol you can cure it holistically without any vaccines. But go ahead and increase the chances of getting cancer by all means go ahead

(link to second quote) https://x.com/LucioMainOW/status/1794445701294039287

Adenso_1 #psycho #pratt #sexist reddit.com

[ In response to a post called “ "leaving a pedo around small children is a-okay" “]
I mean, yeah, nice reductive argument you got there. Do you really think that someone attracted to kids has absolutely no control over themselves? Are you that brain dead? What if that person was born into the same society as you and had the same super "anti-pedo" mindset instilled into them? Clearly they'd see their attraction as gross, and thus never act on it, yet you're such a dumb fuck of a human being as to believe they still would? Are you even real? Like have you ever interacted with a human before? Have you only been constantly raped all your life and that's why you don't think anyone can control themselves? Fucking moron

Savitri and Ravi Kumar #ableist #psycho wltx.com

Police in south India have arrested a couple after the woman allegedly threw their deaf and nonverbal 6-year-old son into a crocodile infested canal, leading to the child's death.

The incident happened in the Dandeli rural area of Karnataka state on Saturday, according to police, who told CBS News that Savitri, 26, who uses only one name, threw her son into a local canal after an argument with her husband.


"We found the child's body from the canal on Sunday morning," Karnataka Police sub-inspector Krishna Arakeri, who is investigating the case, told CBS News. "There were several injury marks on the child's body and one hand was missing, which seems to have been eaten by a crocodile."

During preliminary questioning, Savitri told police that her husband, Ravi Kumar, 27, would often blame her for their son's disabilities and urge her to throw him into the river, Arakeri said.

valleyshrew #psycho #pratt reddit.com

children are off limits for fucking

There is no rational age to end childhood. 11 years old (when it was consumated) may have been a perfectly reasonable age biologically. You cannot say to me that 16 is more rational, it just isn't. You have to draw the line somewhere irrational. Modern society has chosen 16-18 because we have elongated adolescence. That it varies from country to country shows you that it is irrational. It's 14 in Spain, would you say fucking a 14 year old spaniard was ok but fucking a 15 year old American is wrong? Children grew up quicker back then when there was not systematic education. What's the difference in having an 11 year old working for a living and being married?

Muhammad had a dozen other wives, none of whom were underage, so he was not exclusively a paedophile. This argument really annoys me because there is no doubt he did not abuse Aisha, he was a great husband and she loved him dearly. Hate muhammad for being a war mongering psychopath who delighted about the thought of the vast majority of people suffering in hell-fire for eternity. Don't hate him for the age of his youngest wife. It's a lame emotional argument because of the stigma of sexuality, and the acceptability of violence. If I was Aisha and I believed Muhammad was a prophet of God then damn right I would marry the shit out of him, and anyone would be lucky to be in that position.

Stormer Editorial Board #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “Stormer Editorial Board Reiterates Support for One-State Solution in Palestine, Controlled by Hamas”]

Over ten years ago, the Daily Stormer endorsed a one-state solution in Palestine/”Israel”, fully controlled by Hamas

It is time again that the Stormer Editorial Board reiterate this position: the Daily Stormer officially backs a one-state solution to the Palestinian problem, wherein Hamas is installed as the governmental entity of the entire Palestinian territory

It will of course be the decision of the Hamas authorities what they do with the Jewish occupation population, but it is the opinion of the Stormer Editorial Board that the Jews be pushed into the sea

The Stormer also modestly requests that our team be allowed to build a statue of Adolf Hitler in Tel Aviv[…]
The Daily Stormer Editorial Board does not recognize any form of governmental authority in Palestine other than Hamas. That means that we also do not recognize the false authority of the shill Mahmoud Abbas and his fake government, which the Editorial Board recognizes as a Jew shill group designed to pacify the Palestinian people[…]
The Board would like to fully repeat its position that the Jews should be pushed into the sea, but that the Board will fully respect any decision that Hamas authorities choose to take in dealing with the filthy Jew occupiers

The Stormer Editorial Board once again wishes swift victory to Hamas in their battle against the Satanic Jew occupation force

valleyshrew #dunning-kruger #psycho #pratt reddit.com

The whole issue of consent is bullshit. Why is sex so special? Other than because a religion tells you it is. Look at how muslim countries approach it, it's illegal to even hold hands. Should holding hands be illegal before the age of consent here? It's just as logical. But I don't think the big religions are in support of a 17 years old age of consent when Mary was only 13 and Mohammad married a 7 year old. If you believe in God, why would he make us biologically sexually active at around 12, if it was wrong to have sex until 17?

The age of consent was upped to 16 to stop the common act of forced child prostitution which was a just law, but it shouldn't apply anymore. My state has a year extra from the others because of crazy puritans. The fact that secular liberal countries have different ages shows how arbitrary and unfair they are.

Do we need to use age in the law? What about driving for another example. If the best 12 year old in the country can pass their driving test and has provably higher ability than any adult, should they not be allowed to drive? There are plenty of 18 year olds psychologically unfit to be driving but they're allowed to because the law is based on age only, and then they go and get other people killed because of it. It doesn't make sense to draw the line based on the position of the Earth around the sun. What would happen if like in many sci-fi stories, adult humans could be farmed much quicker. Would a 6 month old that had the body of a 20 year old have to wait until 37 to have sex? I don't like having laws without clearly defined loopholes that allow the innocent people their basic rights in life, and the most basic is that you own your own body. To me defining a law by age is no more logical than defining it by sex or race. It's accepted females mature quicker than males, if it was really about the psychological maturity necessary for informed consent why aren't there different ages for males and females?

An Angry Patriot #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #psycho stateofthenation.co

And the real funny thing about this growing army of seriously armed and ammoed up angry Patriots is that the Plandemic perps are directly responsible for filling their ranks. HAHAHA!!!
Because every US service member who was kicked out of the military for not getting jabbed is totally and forever pissed off at you know who.

Of course, when the same dopes even threatened the millions of vets, who rely on the VA Health Care System for everything, with the Covid injection to obtain ALL of their benefits, they really stirred up the hornet’s nest.
“Raw People Power”
That raw power comes in two packages.

First, that the American people — the Conservative, Christian, Libertarian & Independent side — is the most heavily armed and ammoed up citizenry in world history.

Secondly, throughout much of the RED flyover country, the rural counties and their sheriffs reign supreme. These county sheriffs ARE the law of the land.

Most folks are completely unaware of the underground Patriot Movement that has been at work ever since Donald Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015.

That’s nearly 9 years of planning and prepping that has gone into THE PLAN. Mostly unnoticed

Mind you, the actual Patriot Movement is highly disorganized, totally organic, grassroots-driven, people-powered as well as effectively asymmetric in the execution of all strategies and tactics. Not only that, but we run just like a CIA-coordinated black op—totally compartmentalized and on a strictly need-to-know basis. And as opaque as can be.
Do the FEDS know everything we’re up to every second of the day. Hell yeah!

But those clucks only know what their pervasive AI-managed spying and surveillance regime can pick up on. MEANING: If the comms are not digital, AI doesn’t know about it.

That’s not to say that there are not COINETELPRO infiltrators strategically positioned everywhere. Fuck ’em. If they get found out during the inevitable American Bolshevik Revolution, and they will be, they’re dead.

Sahar Shehadeh #psycho #racist twitter.com

[regarding the Hamas attack on October 7th]

History was made that day. Very proud of my people. Very, very proud.

Would love it if they would do it again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.

They're not terrorists. I support every decision, and you know what? What they did was history. Very proud. History was made that day.

Shout-out to Hamas.

Stew Peters and Kandiss Taylor #fundie #psycho rightwingwatch.org

(Submitter's Note: the phrase “extreme accountability” is a Peters-ism for, “public executions of people whose only crime is I, Stew Peters, personally do not like them.”)

“We need to make church the state’s business again,” (Stew) Peters said. “We need to bring Jesus Christ to the state, and we need to eradicate any form of government that is oppressive to the individual rights, individual liberty, prosperity, peace, liberty, property, of anything, our God-given inherent, unalienable rights, and replace that with a form of government that’s representative of the people and God’s law.”

“We are the church and we run the state,” (Kandiss) Taylor replied. “Even if they don’t believe it to be so, it is a fact. And if they keep pushing around with American people, and they keep playing all these games, they’re gonna find!”

“How are they gonna find out?” Peters asked. “How are they gonna FAFO [fuck around and find out]?”

“Extreme accountability,” Taylor answered.

“I love it,” Peters gushed. “You’re speaking my language.”

Sheva, legopants & dasehe #transphobia #psycho ovarit.com

Man charged with killing transgender woman following argument in Harford County

( Sheva )
And no women were harmed. That sits just fine with me.

( legopants )
Just wait till this is posted by even one tra on Twitter. Women will be blamed immediately

( Sheva )
Women will be blamed regardless of the situation or the outcome. That’s what men do, especially TiMs

( dasehe )
I've hit the point I can't be arsed about what Twitter TRAs are going to do. TIMs are just gonna TIM. I only care that it isn't weaponised in legislation against women. I'm not an optimist about that point, but that's still a fight that has to be taken on.

Bezalel Smotrich #racist #fundie #psycho msn.com

Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich called on Monday for annihilating Israel's enemies, saying "There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. 'You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven' – there's no place under heaven"

Smotrich also referred to ongoing negotiations with Hamas for a hostage release deal, saying that Israel is "negotiating with someone who long ago should have ceased to exist at all"

He made the remarks at a Mimouna event, a traditional North African Jewish celebration held at the end of Passover. It took place at the home of Rabbi Shachar Butzhak, who is affiliated with the Garin Torani movement – a state-funded group of Jewish religious nationalists often planted in secular populations or in mixed Arab-Jewish towns as a demographic and intimidation strategy

Smotrich, who also is a minister in the Defense Ministry, added that when Hamas is destroyed, Israel must "clear out, with God's help, with one blow, wicked Hezbollah in the north, and really send a message that what will happen to those who harm the Jewish people is the same as those who have tried to harm us in the past – they will be destroyed, destroyed, destroyed. And it will echo for decades to come"

Dmitry Suslov #wingnut #psycho rt.com

[From “Dmitry Suslov: It’s time for Russia to think about a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear test”]

There’s every indication that the US and several of its allies may soon allow Ukraine to use Western weapons, including long-range missiles, to attack targets located within – how do we put this? – Russia’s internationally recognized borders. Or those that existed before the 2014 Maidan in Kiev[…]
Such a decision would take the conflict to a fundamentally different level, would mean the erasure of one of the brightest “red lines” that has existed since February 24, 2022[…]
There are at least two reasons why the West is now discussing abandoning this principle. The first and main one is the increasingly difficult position of the Ukrainian army on the battlefield[…]
The second reason is Russia’s unwillingness to escalate relations with the West each time it crossed a ‘red line’ and became more involved in the conflict[…]
Thus, the West has come to believe that the cost of Kiev’s defeat is far greater than the risks of a direct military confrontation with Russia, as a result of allowing Western weapons to strike deep into its ‘old’ territory[…]
This logic can inevitably lead to World War III[…]
In a few months (or maybe even weeks), the same logic will be applied to stationing regular Western troops[…]
According to even the current Russian nuclear doctrine (certainly a ‘peacetime’ doctrine in need of tightening), such a scenario would amount to official grounds[…]
To confirm the seriousness of Russia’s intentions and to convince our adversaries of Moscow’s willingness to escalate, it is worth considering a demonstration (i.e. non-aggressive) nuclear explosion. The political and psychological effect of an atomic mushroom cloud, broadcast live on all the world’s television channels, will hopefully bring back to Western politicians the one thing that prevented wars between the great powers after 1945, and which they have now largely lost – the fear of nuclear war

Unnamed French far-right activists #psycho #wingnut #homophobia #racist swissinfo.ch

Hours after Bardella’s National Rally (RN) party scored big in the European election this month, four men in Paris assaulted a teenager at whom they hurled homophobic and transphobic slurs

The four, who were found guilty and sentenced after the attack, told police they were RN party members and members of the violent far-right GUD group, the Paris prosecutor’s office said

While the interior ministry says it does not have consolidated numbers on such incidents, they offer a snapshot of what rights groups say are a rising number of assaults motivated by race, religion, homophobia, transphobia and political allegiance during campaigning for France’s snap election

The RN says it has no links to violent far-right and neo-Nazi groups. It did not reply to a request for comment about the spate of incidents since the European election[…]
“We’ll smash you, Bardella will win, and it starts now,” Green party activist Olivier Richard recounted the two young attackers as saying. They headbutted him in the face in Bordeaux as he carried pamphlets for the left-wing New Popular Front[…]
“They were sure they were going to win and could do what they wanted. This situation is terrifying”[…]
Political tensions have long intensified ahead of votes in France. But rights groups and activists say something has shifted this time, with violent individuals holding far-right sympathies seemingly feeling emboldened[…]
Michael Colborne, researcher for Bellingcat on transnational far-right networks, said that if the RN was to take power, young men could feel empowered to ‘take matters into their own hands’”[…]
Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has warned of the potential for “extremely strong tensions”. He announced this week he had shut a number of far-right groups, including the GUD[…]
Reuters spoke with four activists and politicians with the NFP left-wing alliance who have been physically or verbally assaulted by RN supporters while campaigning ahead of the vote on Sunday

Blair Edwards and Taylor Edwards #fundie #quack #psycho kptv.com

A couple who belong to the Followers of Christ Church in Oregon City are facing first and second degree criminal mistreatment charges after their newborn died in June 2023

The Clackamas County District Attorney’s office allege that Blair and Taylor Edwards failed to provide medical treatment for their son, Hayden

Court documents say Hayden was born on the evening of June 24, 2023. However, two days later, his health took a turn and he stopped eating. When the parents grew concerned, relatives arrived at their home on S. Maywood Street in Oregon City to pray and bless the infant

Family and friends say he looked unhealthy and that his lips turned blue. At 2:35 pm. on June 26, Hayden stopped breathing, but began to breathe again after Taylor splashed cold water on his face. Court documents state that despite his condition and not eating for seven hours, the parents didn’t call for medical help

Hayden died 30 minutes later and the Edwards’ called the medical examiner

The faith of Followers of Christ abstains from medical treatment for their children and believe in faith healing

Romana Didulo #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #psycho operationdisclosureofficial.com

Romana Didulo: Hello Canada. I’m Romana Didulo. I’m the Founder and Leader of Canada First.

As of this year, February 2021, I am the Head of State and Commander in Chief of Canada The Republic.

0:20 In case you’re wondering who appointed me as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada. The people who appointed me are the White Hats and the U.S. Military together with the Global Allied Troops and their Governments.

0:44 The same people who have helped President Trump.

0:50 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the Vatican Church.

0:58 The same group of people that have seized the assets of the fake Royal family of the U.K. installed by the Central Bankers 200+ years ago.

1:07 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the 13 family bloodlines.

1:18 The same group of people who have seized the assets of most, if not all, Royal families of Europe.

1:29 The same group of people who have removed the criminal governments across the world.
3:12 Romana Didulo cont.: Now I would like to address the vaccinations and injections happening across the Republic.

3:24 As far back as late February, early March of this year, right immediately I took my oath as the Head of State and Commander in Chief, I DECLARED CANADA A VACCINE FREE NATION.

3:42 Which means all of the vaccines and injections happening across the Republic is UNLAWFUL, CRIMINAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

4:00 And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorism is death.

4:35 Romana Didulo cont.: You will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity under The Nuremberg Code.
7:27 I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada, and that is I, must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the Republic—I will do so.

Alexander G. Markovsky #psycho #wingnut #racist americanthinker.com

[From “Israel: Terror Can Be Conquered Only With Greater Terror”]

Gangs of Hamas terrorists launched a violent assault on Israel, indiscriminately raping and killing women and children, torturing its soldiers, and taking hostages[…]
The indiscriminate bombing of Gaza appeared more as an act of desperation rather than a well-planned military campaign. It looked effective on TV screens but was often ineffective as a practical matter[…]
It became evident that despite decades of fighting terrorists, Israel has failed at the critical distinction that a war with terrorists differs from conventional wars[…]
Terrorism’s purpose is to terrorize, to break the will, and to paralyze society into submission

Therefore, terror cannot be defeated through conventional warfare. The terror can be conquered only with greater terror[…]
It is a reality of warfare that soldiers are expected to die. However, the deaths of women and children bring the horror close to home and demoralize the combatants and the entire society[…]
To destroy Hamas and prevent even greater tragedy in the future, Israelis must demonstrate unrestrained ruthlessness and unwavering determination[…]
The non-combatants are the terrorists’ mothers, fathers, brothers, and children. They provide moral, financial, and logistical support[…]
Israel shall keep in mind that friends will support it, while the international community will condemn Israel anyway. Therefore, as Nixon’s maxim goes, one pays the same price for doing something halfheartedly as for doing it completely[…]
The initial step involves doing as Churchill did: Continuing to bomb “until every home, factory, shipyard, and hospital is reduced to ruins,” and halting the irrational influx of humanitarian assistance, thereby increasing casualties while depriving the terrorists of vital resources such as sustenance, water, medical supplies, and weaponry. The second step is to offer these necessities only in exchange for the release of hostages

Kristi Noem #psycho theguardian.com

Conservative pundits have condemned the South Dakota governor and possible Trump running mate Kristi Noem, amid widespread horror over her admission in a new book that she killed both an “untrainable” dog and an unruly goat during a single day in hunting season.


“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, saying Cricket was “untrainable … dangerous” and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.

“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”

Noem describes taking Cricket to a gravel pit on her farm and shooting her. Remarkably, Noem then describes how she also chose to kill an unruly, unnamed, un-castrated goat, first botching the job then finishing the animal off with a third shotgun shell.

Elvis Dunderhoff #homophobia #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “Taliban Publicly Flogging Sodomites, Sluts, Thieves”]

Unlike every other faggot government, the Taliban doesn’t play games

They don’t arrest you for a crime and then say “here, let me give you a quick blowjob before I release you back onto the streets to do even worse crimes”

The Taliban will crush you

The Guardian

The UN has condemned the public flogging of more than 60 people, including more than a dozen women, by the Taliban in northern Sari Pul province[…]
Taliban’s supreme court confirmed the public flogging of 63 people, including 14 women who had been accused of crimes including sodomy, theft and immoral relations. They were flogged at a sports stadium

Here is the basic fact: the Taliban is the basic model for every government on earth

Every government should send delegations to the Emirate of Afghanistan, and learn the ways of the Taliban, and then run their government like this

The Taliban is the only entity on earth that has figured out how to effectively run a government

Stew Peters #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho angrywhitemen.org

White nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters has a history of bigoted and violent rhetoric[…]
And on Friday, Peters made his first appearance on Rumble’s Fresh & Fit Podcast — a show hosted by antisemitic manosphere influencers Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes[…]
Peters told Gaines and Weekes that the U.S. “hasn’t seen a violent insurrection yet,” and told them that “if everybody that was in Washington on January 6 brought guns and really wanted to overthrow the government” they would have succeeded

Peters falsely claimed that the violent, armed mob that stormed the Capitol was “peaceful” until they were “provoked by agent provocateurs.” In response, co-host Walter Weekes said that if the crowd was armed with guns it would have been used as an excuse to confiscate Americans’ firearms

“And it’s comin, by the way,” Weekes added

“Okay. Yeah. It is coming. Until it’s not a one-off, but it becomes a national mantra that we’re not giving up our guns,” Peters said. “Like, if the feds come for my guns, I’m gonna shoot the feds. ‘Kay? And I’m going to die in a hail of gunfire. Because I’m not giving up my guns. Are you?”

Peters went on to say that if he’s a “one-off,” then the headlines would read “Crazy white guy, white nationalist, Nazi-sympathizing, Hitler-praising, far-right shock jock Stew Peters dies in hail of gunfire with the FBI”

But he said that if everyone else refuses to give up their guns, “then we become a formidable opponent to an infiltrated and weaponized Department of Justice and law enforcement apparatus that has openly declared war on the American people”

Peters also chastised people in the Rumble chat who thought this sounded “crazy”

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

lexbyanyname #moonbat #racist #psycho twitter.com

it's so sad to me that i spent over a decade tampering what i wanted to say (on so many issues) to try to still succeed in tech and be accepted because i thought that was the way to help build an ethical tech industry. i see the naivety now.

in regards to Palestine, what i wanted to say (and now can but should have immediately and loudly) is that: i support armed resistance, i pray for a one state solution, and i am happy when i see IDF soldiers die.

velvetliberty #sexist #psycho tumblr.com

for the last time men can not be r*ped by women. how often does it need to be said? nothing a woman does could ever be considered r*pe. any action against a man is justifiable and to draw a moral equivalence is dumb as fuck. the debate around "male victims" is designed to dilute the severity of the historic destruction of womanhood by male cultural hegemony

#radfems do touch #terfs do interact #terf safe #rapeculture

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From “France: “Liberated” Moslem Teen Thot Gets Patrolled by Classmates, Ends Up in a Coma”]

In Islam, you cannot slut it up and face no consequences

This is why they don’t have feminism: if a woman tries feminism, she ends up in a coma

It might seem hardcore

But what women have done to the Western world is a lot more hardcore than this

[url=https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/04/girl-14-left-in-coma-after-attack-by-teenagers-outside-school-in-france]The Guardian[/ur]

The French government has launched an urgent investigation after a 14-year-old girl was severely wounded and left in a coma after being beaten outside her school by three other teenagers in the south of France[…]
Her mother, Hassiba, said in media interviews that her daughter had been bullied by a fellow pupil for two and a half years, raising the possibility this could have been over her behaviour and clothing being deemed un-Islamic[…]

It sounds like people don’t appreciate that

Maybe as her mother, it was your responsibility to tell her not to wear slut clothes?

Maybe this is your fault?

MP Mohamed Ali, Salim Said, Athman Ahmed and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #psycho lgbtqnation.com

Kenyan anti-LGBTQ activists are now prohibited from calling for the murder of the country’s LGBTQ+ community, the country’s High Court said in an order. The order is temporary while the court hears a case on whether city legal officials can allow anti-LGBTQ+ protests that encourage violence against queer Kenyans

The interim conservatory order was placed following accusations that members of an organization, dubbed the “Anti-LGBTQ Movement,” as well as Parliament member Mohamed Ali, have called for the murder of LGBTQ+ individuals and their expulsion from Kenya

Mamba Online reported that, in a demonstration last year, Ali cited the Bible and Quran to justify killings, while calling for the American government to take in LGBTQ+ Kenyans

“We do also call upon the head of state, his Excellency President William Ruto, to come out strongly against LGBTQ machination,” Ali said[…]
Kenya currently outlaws consensual same-sex relationships[…]
The High Court order, implemented by Justice Olga Sewe, bans any calls for violence, conversion, or expulsion of LGBTQ+ individuals, with specific individuals — such as Ali and activists like Salim Said and Athman Ahmed — being restricted from this type of hateful rhetoric[…]
This order is temporary, with permanent decisions awaiting the results of the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed against Mombasa Police Inspector General Japhet Koome for allowing anti-LGBTQ+ protests in his city. The lawsuit was filed alongside another suit against Said, Ali, Ahmed, and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement for their role in instigating violence