
Messenger #fundie forum.physorg.com

[questions for "evolution proponents]

Why don't any ape type animals display a need to draw their history onto rock? [...]

How do you explain the non-existence of time? If you cannot explain it - does that make it false?

Iam #racist forum.physorg.com

all things
comes out of darkness, black is not a color but it is the essence of color, if
im wrong prove it to me! black people can produce any other color including our
own, because it is dominant, the white race of people can only produce white and
their genetic make up is from a recessive life germ that was in the black man and
grafted out by means of a strategic birth control order. im only stating what is
true and i have no hatred towards anyone but we as intellegent people must be
able to reason with truth.

professor andy #fundie forum.physorg.com

My cat was born programmed to chase mice. How can evolution do that? The idea that thoughts are put into your head when your in the womb is strange! How can thoughts grow? How can an animals brain grow with knowledge about the outside world already in it? As far as the neurorns are concerned, the world doesent exist.

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