
rainafaye2000 #fundie forums.abcnews.go.com

I have a question to all atheists. How do you think the world came to be? How do you think people,stars,earth,animals were made? Really there are only 2 choices. Either God created the heavens and the earth is 6 days OR an asteroid hit the ocean and we came out of slime. But evolution doesn't make sense because the earth is winding down not up. I think it takes more faith to believe that man evolved from slime and a bang. But it is Christians who society views as crazy. Kind of ironic isn't it. We believe God made the universe and the world views us a strange. But it is not crazy to think man evolved from slime. I guess my question is how do you think the world was formed and why? It is important to know what you believe and why. Most people don't. I believe that God made the world. I also believe every word in the Bible.

rainafaye2000 #fundie forums.abcnews.go.com

[Creationist explaining evolution to atheists:]

Well I am sorry if I feel that evolution is silly. I mean come on. Do you even think about it. Lets see a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Just kiding. Really a long time ago earth was a molten rock. As its heat dissapted oceans became filled with primordial "SOUP" This soup presented ideal conditions for the orgin of life. It all started with a simple cells. Eventually this led to multicell organisms? Right which turned into fish. OK After a while these fish got bored living in water and wanted to get dry. So as the little fish struggled so hard to get ashore. Finally by george it developed cute little legs. And became things such as frogs, salamanders, etc.... Ok now things are moving up in the world. So then Amphibians evolved intor reptiles. Then reptiles into mammals and birds. Well Darwanism claims that fish turned into land creatures by evolving little arms and legs. Now let me ask a question. If that were true wouldn't there be fossils of fish with arms and legs??? Yet we do NOT find that. In fact all organisms appear in the fossil record fully formed. There are no transitional stages.. SO WHY IS THAT???? I am sorry but the truth is that fossil records do not support evolution. What about the Coelacanth? Wasn't that supposed to be extinct for like millions of years according to evolutionists? Then in 1938 a fisherman caught one near Africa. After examining the coelacanth it was found to be 100% fish. It had no amphibian traits. Still evolutionist claim that amphibians turned into reptiles. Again no fossil records....... There is no fossill record of reptiles being transformed into birds. OK SO NOW WHAT ABOUT THE HORSE. Horse sequence. This by the way is discredited. Eohippus actualy turned out to be a rodent. Horse evolution would want a person to believe that a gradual changes occured from 4 toed fox size creatures to todays much larger one toed horse. And I say again there are no transitional forms...... And by the way Archaopteryx was a true bird. And again there are no transitional stages here. Just a fully formed Archaopteryx. Evolution is not visible in the fossil records. And science is supposed to be based on observations??????


I was trying to explain the silly ideas behind evolution. Charles Darwin had the IQ of a horse fly.

Chuckabutty #fundie forums.abcnews.go.com

If there really is no God, why do atheists work so hard to prove that something doesn't exist, if it doesn't exist?

Does anyone work that hard to prove Santa or the Easter Bunny really don't exist?

Will atheists make Christians lose their faith and change their minds about God? Obviously not.

So why not save your breath, and instead of sticking your atheistic beliefs down Christian throats, why not go fishing? It's so much more relaxing.

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