
MattMarriott #fundie forums.armageddononline.org

(More from wild-eyed web kook Matt Marriot)

Ultimate SIGN of END TIMES - revealed worldwide first by Matt Marriott
People murdering their own parents after having murdered previously their own babies is now a mass event.

The data in Illuminatiland is now:
- 20+ pct women murdered their own babies
- explosive increase in the number of elder murdered in hospitals after consultation between the "medical" staff and the children, who give the green light for "euthanasia" leads to 30 pct of deaths in homes and hospitals being now of this type

[Do you have any kind of evidence to support those statistics?]

For the numbers of women that murdered her children, here is the basis data

For the numbers concerning how many murdered their parents, you don't even need to confirm them with medical staff. Just do your own enquiry about how many percent of the old people you know are taken to hospitals and homes and a little later you find out that they passed away.

Of course if you brought your own parents to a hospital or a home and you were contacted by the staff, you don't even need to do that...

Jake99 #fundie forums.armageddononline.org

[Jake99 believes himself to be Jesus]

I am trying to cut the End Times short and I remain optimistic that one of you will wake up soon. I can stop the Mid East wars for all of time and have every intention of doing so just as I have stopped many other wars between people, unions and companies in the past.The UN has never stopped a single war and I do those things without anyone standing in my corner to advise or assist me.

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