
Brandon Walker & Jim Garrow #conspiracy freepatriot.org

Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China. He has been featured on several media outlets throughout the world. Last Sunday, as a guest of Now the End Begins internet radio program however, he dropped a bombshell on the world. Dr. Garrow claims that up to a week ago he was covert CIA. To top it off on the program, he states he knows that President Obama ordered the hits that killed Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart!

Jim Garrow

Doctor Jim Garrow is a man that works for ending genocide in China. He has a PhD, taught college classes in the United States, and throughout the world. He is also the founder of the Bethune Institute, which operates hundreds of schools throughout China. He was even given a secondary honorary doctorate from the North Carolina Collage of Theology and is one of the few Christian teachers in China. In fact many of the Chinese elite business members and military personnel send their kids to Doctor Garrow’s school.

Then Doctor Garrow started noticing the atrocities surrounding him in China. He started noticing that there was a diminishing value in the lives of females. With China issuing the order of one child per family due to over crowding, families were literally choosing to abort, sell, and even kill the female child to try for a boy to pass on their lineage and name sake.

Thus he founded Pink Pagoda Girls, a world non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue of unwanted girls in China. Pink Pagoda Girls even goes as far as finding homes for the female children. The work has become so recognized not just in the United States but around the world. Dr. Jim Garrow was even nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in saving the lives of over 50,000 young Chinese women.

So it came as an absolute shock when listening to the internet radio program on Now the End Begins radio that he made several startling revelations.

Dr. Garrow relieved was that he was actually asked to take the military litmus test that he outed in February 2013. Among the rumors that the United States Military was purging top brass using a “litmus test” of sorts. The high-ranking officials were being asked “would you fire on an American citizen”. If you said no, you found yourself unemployed. Several high-ranking officials have claimed this. Dr. Garrow spoke out about this on Alex Jones’s radio program, Now the End Begins radio, Glenn Beck, and several conservative internet mediums. If you wonder why several top officials were asked to step down or retire, this very well may be why. It left open the question as to why Dr. Garrow of all people would be asked this “litmus test”.

Well it seems that was when Dr. Garrow decided once again to shock the world by stating that up until October 3, 2013, that he was a CIA operative in the Obama Administration, and actually fired from the CIA by President Obama, or “outed” he called it, for his blowing the cover on the Military Litmus Test. The President’s branch director forced Dr. Garrow into early retirement for leaking “classified” information.

Andrew BreitbartBut the surprises kept right on coming.

Andrew Breitbart died under mysterious circumstances. The autopsy said that he died with no prescription drugs in his system and only a .04 blood alcohol content not days after taping an interview with the now also deceased “alleged” gay lover of President Barack H. Obama. So why if he died of natural causes did the FBI go after his widow for potential homicide?

Well according to Dr. Jim Garrow, Andrew Breitbart was not dead of natural causes. According to the interview, he was killed directly by the Obama Administration. Andrew Breitbart was known for his controversy against the administration and the news media. Several people believed he was killed including some of the main founders of www.breitbart.com in his memory.

ClancyThen there was Tom Clancy. Tom Clancy died last week at the age of 66. Although they say “natural causes”, the actual list of cause of death on his autopsy, cause of death unknown.

Tom Clancy once said:

I hang my hat on getting as many things right as I can. I’ve made up stuff that’s turned out to be real — that’s the spooky part.”-Tom Clancy to the New York Times

It is no secret when he wrote The Hunt for the Red October that he was met at the door by Pentagon officials and FBI agents demanding to know where he got top-secret documents. Dr. Garrow states that after the incident, the CIA “spoon fed” him classified information and scenarios to write his novels in a manner that was entertaining but contained that ever needed element of truth. Dr. Garrow says that is why he was killed because he was getting to close to a secret they don’t want the world to know. In fact Dr. Garrow attributes the statement quoted above as “a little too late”.

Dr. Garrow states President Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well and noted that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Amazingly enough, or coincidentally, the doctors did not perform an autopsy on Tom Clancy’s body for 5 days.

Anon2U #conspiracy freepatriot.org

You are Absolutely Correct. Those who did their research, and sat their with their bottom jaw hanging open in disbelief at the many Fools in America who fell in love with the Perfect Scam--Obama and Valerie--who have planned and plotted from long ago, having BIG Bucks backing them to help use their Marxist agenda to destroy America from the inside out, so they can have their New World Order Global Governing Rule over the entire world. We knew and tried to warn, but few would hear--they wanted so much to believe the obvious BS, that now, slowly but surely they are waking up from their stupor...a sleeping giant nonetheless, but she's coming around and she is not done yet---no sir, America is the people, not the few traitors...never forget that--and she is mighty when the people come together, and have no doubts, those who have betrayed her --THEY ARE OUT MATCHED!

If I were the Foreign Troops stationed here, planning to Invade the Homes of the American People to disarm them or shoot them under Martial Law orders and on Valerie and Obama's "go"...I would think twice before I helped those goons and would turn and serve the American people---it is the American People who hate the fake wars on terrorism and invading other countries to cause Regime change so that the globalist can instill a New regime that answers to them--it is the Armed American People that are the Hope of the Free World--for when the SHTF they best choose that day whom they will serve and help--for should the American People lose this one---the Russian and Foreign Troops here, best understand they are next--their own country is next and the ENTIRE world loses and will be subjugated to the likes of the New World Order Globalist POS ruining the world for everyone else. Stand ready American People...it's coming. Stock and Hold--off premises for many, for surely its coming, and we have but one go to make right the wrongs--and show them POS we ARE NOT DONE by a long shot and they are going to have to work hard for this one! 'Cause this time its on our own turf and they ARE outmatched! Semper fi

Dan #fundie freepatriot.org

Exactly, but the left doesn't care, or is simply too stupid to see the truth! We are in the End of Times, the die has been cast, the vow of the Harbingers has been spoken per Isaiah 9:10. I see OVomit as the Hammer of God who has rightfully judged this Nation, he doesn't know he is that hammer, and when God is done with him, he will be summarily 'dismissed'. Defy God and see what happens, it is happening now as it happened in Ancient Israel, the warnings have come and gone unheeded... The time of Judgement is upon us... Read the Harbinger, research ancient Israel and the invading Assyrian armies, dispute with facts if you can..

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