
geekandmisandry #sexist geekandmisandry.tumblr.com

Calling all/most men sexists/rapists/abusers is just as bad as saying that all/most black people are violent thugs who hate white people.

No, it’s— Not? Because like— Black people being considered thugs gets them—literally killed? If I treat a white man like he might be a dangerous potential abuser the worst thing that happens is— He gets abusive.

GeekAndMisandry #sexist geekandmisandry.tumblr.com

People who are angry and hateful like you turn off people of feminism. Same thing with the lgbt ppl who say hateful things about heterosexuals but then turn around and then wonder why they don't have very many allies....

Pretty sure we have lots of allies, gay allies are everywhere. What a failure of a comparison.

Also if some dudebro is so turned off by my distrust of men then he was never going to hear me out when it comes to patriarchal violence and rape culture. I didn’t turn him off of feminism, he was never going to listen in the first place. It’s not a loss that I didn’t have to waste my time holding his hand.

GeekandMisandry #sexist geekandmisandry.tumblr.com

2nd question: why are you a misandrist?

Because men continue to perpetrate violence against me in both a personal and systemic way that makes it difficult for me to trust men by default. Not impossible, but difficult.

I could say NotAllMen, but that doesn’t seem like it’ll affect someone like you. I sympathize if you’ve had bad experiences with men in your life, but to jump the gun all the way to misandry is not only extreme and radical, it’s a dangerous way of thinking. It’s judging the many based on the few, so your misandry is already poisoned by subjective bias.

It is self protection that harms no one. Distrusting men keeps me WAY more safe than openly trusting men does.
My distrust of men doesn’t harm them, but it keeps me safer. Yet people want to wax theoretical about it.
I know misandrists. People who have been hurt. Not once, not twice, but over a lifetime and in a manner that impacts on their ability to simply exist in their day to day lives.
Yet almost all misandrists I know have some men who are friends, they love their family and they actively support men who are victims of rape.
Trusting men, ESPECIALLY cishet white men is a painful process that often involves me having to be continually hurt in order to educate and set up my own boundaries.
Misandry isn’t jumping the gun, it’s putting your feet into the starting block and being ready for the shot you know will come.

Idevstuff #fundie geekandmisandry.tumblr.com

(Shout out to abortion doctors.
So many of you put your lives and safety on the line, looking for loopholes, fighting laws and outright ignoring them in favour of the welfare of pregnant people and their right to a safe abortion.)


(Murder is a legal definition. Go fist yourself ?)

misanderist vermin like you should be force fed rat poison til you cease to breathe. YOU ARE BABY MURDERING SCUM

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