
Janet Mefferd #fundie #homophobia janetmefferd.com

But now that we're 40 years past Roe v. Wade, many of us can see that the abortion agenda never was about "our pregnant daughters" at all. And it wasn't about creating a more fair, equal society. It was, at root, about sexual freedom with no consequences. A freedom that has cost an entire generation of children -- roughly 53 million babies to date -- their lives. And for what? Now that Social Security is in its death throes, one could argue that having 53 million more young adults in America right now might have been a good thing for all of us. That cursed hindsight.

By contrast, the LGBT agenda hasn't been fully realized -- yet. They say they want equality, fairness, civil rights. It's about sexual freedom, but it's really about state-sanctioned sexual freedom, one that will create a whole new definition of morality and civilization. That's a big change, one that will be nearly impossible to reverse. So it's about more than shrugging your shoulders about the two nice guys down the street who want to be married. It's also about accepting that, if homosexual couples are allowed to marry in the United States, the state -- as it has in the case of our newly "open" military --takes the official position that homosexuality is morally right. If you're a Christian family who believes that God was telling the truth in Romans, Chapter 1, you're the intolerant one under the new morality. And you'll have to be dealt with, in ways we have yet to see.

We do have an inkling of what's ahead, though, as seen in places like the U.S. military and some college campuses. When homosexual "rights" are recognized, religious rights -- guaranteed in our First Amendment -- are trumped. Even Equal Employment Opportunity Commission appointee and radical lesbian Chai Feldblum has said that when homosexual rights and religious liberty come into conflict, ā€œIā€™m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.ā€

And don't forget that once the American public accepts that we must legally recognize a homosexual's "civil right" to marriage, how can we long deny those same "civil rights" to polygamists and polyamorists? Don't they have "love?" Don't they deserve "equality?" Look for those dominos to fall, too, probably more quickly than any of us can imagine.

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