
Laurie #conspiracy #fundie lauriechristian2012.wordpress.com

Tim LaHaye, co-author of the popular “Left Behind” Series which has gained popularity and has now hit the Big Screen with the October 3, 2014 release starring Nicolas Cage, has some pretty sketchy, to say the least, ties to Illuminati organizations.
By now, we have all heard of the The Bilderbergs, The Trilateral Commission, The Council of Foreign Relations, and the Central Intelligence Agency and of the conspiracy theories surrounding them regarding the development of the ‘New World Order.’
Now imagine for a moment there is something to this (and there appears to be no lack of documented material justifying these theories). That would mean that at almost every elevated level of business and government, worldwide, men and women have infiltrated, become the controlling administrators and are working to effectively control every aspect of the life of the “world citizen.”
One aspect of this that has not been properly searched out is the “religious” connection. Surely, given that much of the world is religious, and in the currently reigning Superpower nation of the U.S., predominantly “Christian,” then it would only make sense that these organizations have infiltrated the Church itself and are also actively leading it to into the New World Order as well.
Do the world’s leading Christian evangelicals have ties to these organizations?
Yes they do, and it is thoroughly documented.
The above named agencies are “umbrella” agencies that fund, run, staff and control a number of smaller, innocent sounding organizations around the world. One such organization is The Council of National Policy (CNP) founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the aforementioned co-author of the “Left Behind” book series. It is reported that he received $500,000 from a Mr. Bo Hi Pak, Rev. Sun Myung Moon (The Moonies), and the Unification Church’s #1 man, and a former Korean CIA officer.
Looking into some of the CNP officers we find not only a just a strong association with Moon, but also powerful ties with the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations, not to mention association with high level Freemasonry for which many conspiracy theorists have more than a mere elementary knowledge related to the NWO. Another past President of CNP is Rich DeVoss, co-founder of Amway (and 33rd degree Mason).
Another organization to fall under this umbrella is the ‘Coalition for Religious Freedom’ where again; Tim LaHaye held a paid position as Chairman and the Women’s Federation for World Peace, headed by Beverly LaHaye. Former President George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director) received an undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this organization and his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5 million dollar conference expense-line according to IRS records. ’The Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable’ is another made up of many of the same members from the CNP and CRF organizations. It marries leading associated evangelicals to the CIA, the Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and Freemasonry. The CFR and The Trilateral Commission are closely tied to the Bilderberg group.
These, along with a long list of “innocent” sounding organizations have some of the most prominent Christian names associated to it. Though these people claim to be Christians and have a following in the MILLIONS, they are really being supported by and spreading false doctrines for the people paving the way for the one world religion.
Tim LaHaye co-authored the Left Behind series, the forerunner of the “Pre Trib” teaching on the rapture. It is scary that most churches now hold this view and teach this twisting of scripture. I’m not going to take a side on rapture theology but this view is based on pure speculation, fantasy and twisting of scripture. I personally have done extensive research on this subject and above all I READ MY BIBLE!
The big cheese here is that this view is setting people up for massive deception and disappointment because it holds the view that Christians will be taken away before the big bad tribulation. What will happen when the rapture doesn’t occur after the world goes to pot is people will doubt their faith in Jesus Christ.
Tim LaHaye is one of the people responsible for gathering all the theologians together to make sure this was the view the church had. This view makes the church weak in the faith.
I can go on for pages about this but here is a very shocking revealing fact about all of this. All the significant production and release dates for “Left Behind” fall on Major Satanic Holidays.

There are 8 primary holidays in witchcraft and Satanism. There are four major and four minor ones:
1) Candlemas or Imbolg — Feb. 1, 2- major
2) Ostara- March 21 (Spring Equinox) — minor
3) Beltane or Roodmas — May 1 (founding day for the Illuminati in 1776)- major
4) Litha— June 21 (summer solstice) — minor
5) Lughnasadh or Lammas- August 1 — major
6) Mabon- September 21 (autumnal equinox) — minor
7) Samhain or Hallowe’en- October 29-31 — major
8) Yule- December 21 (Winter solstice) — minor

Luciferians seek Satanic blessings by not only performing their jobs in their sacred locations where they believe there are vortexes of occultic power but also seek Satanic blessings by initiating their projects on their Satanic holy days.
On May 1, 2000, Beltane (major Satanic holiday) they began production on the movie ‘Left Behind’. 13 weeks later on August 1, Lughnasadh (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘making of Left Behind’ for sale.
13 weeks later on October 31, Samhain (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘Left Behind’ movie for sale 13 weeks from that date on Feb.2, 2001 Candlemas (major Satanic holiday) they released ‘Left Behind’ into the theaters across the country.
In light of the ties between Tim LaHaye and the CIA, the Council for Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and the “New World Order”, is it any wonder why, after THIRTEEN years, “Left Behind” is being once again released?
There can be no doubt that these dark elements of government, industry, banking, and intelligence are leading us into their “New World Order”, and their influence has been extended to nearly every Christian in the world through leading television evangelicals who claim to represent Christ, and through Hollywood.
The sheer number of people this Hollywood production will reach is going to be another notch in the advancement of their satanic agenda. Could this be the ‘falling away’ of the Church so often preached by these same evangelicals? The great ‘apostasy’ which will, in the last days, render much of the Christian Church faithless to their original calling and subject to the manipulation, will and prophesied plans of the ‘Antichrist’?
The entire rapture doctrine is un-biblical and is not what the Word of God tells us is in store for the world during these End Times. The doctrine is supported by the distortion of scripture and the misassumptions of what is truly being said. It even goes as far as to twisting the very words of Jesus Christ to imply something He was not saying OR implying!
I urge you to spread the word that this movie is dangerous to the salvation of Christians! The fact that the man that wrote this is tied to Satan himself is obvious, and clears up the motivation for the timing of the release of this movie.
‘Left Behind’ will be released on October 3rd, 2014 and for those of you familiar with the Elite and their use of gematria, this is 10/3 or 10 + 3 which equal 13. The number “13” is the Illuminati / Freemason Signature.
The number, “13” is considered divine by the Elite, and second in power only to the number 666.
Clearly, the false doctrine is being pushed and when added with all the other events happening throughout the world, it is probably safe to assume that we will be seeing the next stage of their plans implemented in the very near future!
Time is running out. The time to get your households in order and your relationship with Jesus Christ solidified is NOW!!

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