
Jim Rudd #fundie lifeandlibertyministries.com

Many pro-family groups are capitulating to the false notion that "gay rights," in fact, exist and therefore, are not maintaining their focus on addressing the truth that sodomy is a crime.

Consequently, these groups are now finding themselves in protracted, defensive strategies while criminals are allowed to sodomize each other and members of society with impunity.

When ministering to these people, one of the first things we let them know is that there is no such thing as a right to commit sodomy.

Sodomy is a crime, and for Christians to publicly refer to this criminal activity as "gay" or as a "life style" is an anti-Biblical presupposition that suggests to the public, and to our civil officials, that the laws against sodomy can be ignored. To ignore what God says is to mock God, and for Christians to suggest that it is permissible for civil officials to ignore the Commandments of God is iniquity -- anomia -- Greek for lawlessness (Matt. 7:23).

Life and Liberty Ministries #homophobia #fundie lifeandlibertyministries.com

[Excerpts from the article; click the link to read the rest]

Are You a Pro-Gay Bigot?


2. Do you participate in name-calling of those who object to homosexuality -- names like bigot, hate-monger, etc.?

3. Do you believe ‘gays’ have been deprived of the right to marry? Doesn’t pretty much everyone have the right to marry now -- to a person of the opposite sex?


5. Do you believe some people will just inevitably be homosexual, and that there’s a set percentage of the population that will always be ‘gay’, and that this won’t increase, even if a culture embraces ‘gay’ sex? Do you think homosexual experimentation could never become ‘chic’ and popular? Is there no risk for the people involved or our culture if this happens?


9. Do you believe that homosexuals are born that way? Do you refuse to consider the evidence against this claim? Have you ever looked at the connection between child sexual abuse and later homosexual attraction?


11. Are you quick to say “Judge not, lest you be judged” ( Matthew 7:1) and similar passages, without understanding the Christian theology behind it, and all the while being very judgmental yourself?


16. Do you believe it’s okay for thirteen- year- olds to learn at school that they have the right to have homosexual sex with each other? Do you close your ears when concerned parents are outraged? Would you call such parents “ignorant” and accuse them of “censorship”?

17. Do you believe that, after several thousand years where most cultures have prohibited homosexuality, only now the ‘real’ truth is emerging? Do you believe this is not an arrogant, narrow or immature position?

Pastor Ralph Ovadal #fundie lifeandlibertyministries.com

If citizens are not allowed to discriminate in any way with regard to out-of-the-closet homosexuals, then there is no basis for denying those involved in sexual perversion the right to adopt and teach children, marry one another, be policemen or medics, serve in the armed forces, be elected officials and judges, work for you, and rent from you. It is because of the no-special-rights approach that we now have open homosexuals involved in many activities from which they should have been banned, and principled property owners and businessmen are required by law in many states to rent to and employ persons of low moral character engaged in immoral conduct which flies in the face of the deepest beliefs of the landlords and employers.

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