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Werewolf Mistaken For Bigfoot: Sasquatch Obviously More Valuable Than A Lycan

Rural farmlands are home to a plethora of horror tales “designed” to raise the hair on the back of your neck, and to send shivers down your spine. Some of these tales are quite tall, indeed; told to young folk by their elders as a way to ward them away from certain behavior. Hence the word “designed” comes into play. These stories are cleverly crafted to provoke a desired response.

However, some of the strange tales are based on actual experiences; passed down from generation to generation as a way of remembering what could be lurking behind the trees in yonder field. Ever so often a photograph surfaces that raises the question, could monsters be real? Ultimately it’s left for you to decide as such evidence is open to individual interpretation and predisposed biases. Where one person may see evidence of Bigfoot, another may see something entirely different. Case in point, this photograph posted on YouTube clearly shows the carcass of a dead animal, but the type of creature is a mystery.

The story behind the photograph is that a farmer (name and location intentionally left out) was in his fields one afternoon, filling deer feeding bins, when he discovered the corpse of an unknown creature. Quickly, he snapped a single photograph of the beast; claiming that it was, to him, clearly the deceased body of a Bigfoot.

Upon reviewing the photograph, many people have flatly stated the photograph is a fake; no Bigfoot to be seen here – move along. Many questioned the practicality of taking only one photograph and leaving all physical evidence behind. One man pointed out that he’d have loaded the thing up and hauled it away, as well as taken several hundreds of pictures from all sides to prove what he had was real.

Putting aside questions about whether or not the subject of the photograph is real, the corpse clearly doesn’t match the likeness of what we have come to know as Bigfoot. In fact, it looks more like a partially decomposed corpse of a werewolf. When you look at the photo, notice the elongated snout and long canine teeth, as well as the shape of the body. It’s the classic example of a werewolf.

Unfortunately, the anonymity of the farmer’s identity and lack of specific details strengthens the argument against this being hard evidence of cryptid life. Discovering something as rare as a Bigfoot (or a werewolf) body lying in their field, would lead most to stake their claim and become famous. Intentionally leaving out your name seems counter-intuitive to most people.

Is this just a situation where a rural farmer doesn’t want to be famous? Maybe he enjoys the life he has and wishes it to remain free from endless media coverage. There’s nothing at all wrong with that, either. As they say, it takes all kinds—The question as to what is in the photograph remains. Is it as the mystery farmer claims: a Bigfoot? Or is it a werewolf mistaken for Bigfoot?

Submitter's note: It's really obviously a partially decomposed bear. Here is the original source of the photo.

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