
planck's constant #psycho #racist plancksconstant.org

I have for years blogged about banning further Muslim Immigration and even deporting those that are already among us, see my 2007 article The Sunset of Christianity. Had this country heeded my warnings there would have been no deaths or destruction at the end of the Boston Marathon.

On 1 Jun 2009 an American convert to Islam, one Carlos Leon Bledsoe, opened fire with a rifle in a drive-by shooting on soldiers in front of a United States military recruiting office in Little Rock, Arkansas, killing Private William Long, and wounding Private Quinton Ezeagwula. This was only one case out of many involving American converts to Islam. In my 2006 article Can Muslims be Good Americans? No. No. No., I warned that "when an American, who was born here, converts to Islam, he becomes a threat to this country." Had this country heeded my warnings to deport all Muslims, including converts, there would have been no deaths or injuries in subsequent attacks.

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