
Michael Egnor #fundie sandwalk.blogspot.com

Cutting science funding to the bone is a wonderful thing: most of the stuff that makes it into journals is crap, data massaging is ubiquitous, peer review is a joke, and the science profession has become just another bunch of corrupt self-interested government contractors. Climate science is a crime syndicate, and evolutionary biology is an atheist priesthood.

You [explicative redacted] have far too high an opinion of yourselves. Most of you would struggle to make it in the drive-in window at McDonalds. You have few marketable skills.

Anonymous #racist sandwalk.blogspot.com

If there were no whites asians would still be living in pre technical industrial times like they did 200 years ago and beyond. Even today many asian countries with huge populations still produce very little science & technology break throughs. Imagine if germany or britian had populations as large as india or china. The amount of society contributions would be great. Hah probably have already terraformed mars.

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