
n2motocross #fundie scary-kittencat.livejournal.com

[Edited my ownage out of this. I'd like to see what you guys think of this fucktard]

Well congratulations of working toward your computer degree offered from The Univ. of Phoenix Online.

Liberalism is a mental disorder:

Liberals support:

Ripping babies from the womb ie: partial birth abortion.
Animal rights....... but no rights for the unborn.
Homosexual marriage. I guess you don't know what happened to Rome.
Multi-culturalism......... A nation of tribes.
Euthanasia.....ie : Terri Shiavo
Oppressive taxation
Welfare for the able-bodies
needle exchange programs for drug abusers
Muslims, Buddhism, Hinduism, Wiccans.....but have hatred toward Christians
Oppose War....even if it meant our own destruction. But care more about how we are liked globally.
Global Warming.......21,000 Scientists worldwide disagree
Environmental treaties that would destroy the U.S. economy.......but exempt China. ie: The Kyoto protocol.
Condoms on cucumbers....public school sex ed.
Obama, even after knowing his associations with known terrorists. ie: Ayers and Dorhn
But, demand any Republican be removed from office with even the slightest contact with anyone they don't approve of.
Overlook voter fraud, except when it is on the other side.
Fairness doctrine: Air America failed because no one wants to hear emotional whining so they want to penalize conservative talk radio and force the broadcasters to employ liberal views.
Radical Islam just because they hate George Bush.
Urban league
Trail Lawyers guild.

I could go on...... but I'm tired of typing.

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