
Richard The Dreaded Libertarian #fundie sci.tech-archive.net

Sorry, I haven't swallowed the antismokerists' cult dogma.

Please note that a "carcinogen" is NOT an agent which "causes"
cancer!!! It is only an agent that makes cancer more likely. Hence
smoking does NOT "cause" cancer. Smoking only makes it more likely
that you may get it.

I know some are laughing, but truth is that mental attitude is a HUGE
factor in curing cancer (and contracting it, I presume) There are so
many cases of "spontaneous remission" that are clearly related to
mental attitude (like the Placebo effect) that mental attitude clearly
qualifies as both a "carcinogen" as well as a "cure" for cancer.

Davoud #conspiracy sci.tech-archive.net

Gerard wrote:

"Last winter we had the entire northern hemisphere pushed away from the Sun by the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Planet X....

"Last summer we had a distinct wobble, with many people reporting the Sun too far in the north, at least for sunrise....

"We may have a repeat of last winter, where the entire northern hemisphere is pushed away and all have less sunlight ?...

"OR we may have a more violent wobble, a stronger figure 8.

"OR we may have what the Zetas have described as a complicated kind of double wobble"

Since much of your research involves the northern latitudes, I would suggest that you travel to Alaska and do your research from there.

Consult closely with Alaska's Governor because she can see stars, planets, and nebulae that are difficult to see from other parts of the globe, not to mention the moon and the sun (the latter not full time, however) and she is, therefore, an expert astronomer. She also sees the Aurora Borealis (and, for all I know, the Aurora Australis) and that has given her profound insights into particle physics.

Governor Palin will be the perfect partner for your research.


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