
Tom Brown #fundie tbm.org

I asked him, "How long have you been like this?"

"For many years, I have heard these demons talk to me and speak through me. I want to be free, but I can’t."

"Yes you can!" I assured him. "And I believe that you will be set free today."

"Can you drive out the demons from me?"

"I sure can with God’s power."

He grinned, "I think you can."

"I know I can." I laid my hands on the man and said calmly, yet sternly, "In the name of Jesus, I command all the evil spirits to come out of him." I named several which I believed were in him.

No sooner than I said this, the man looked up at me and smiled wide, "They’re gone!" The other men all sensed that the spirits had left him.

That night, the leader of this group came to me privately and asked, "Tom, what were we doing wrong? Why couldn’t we drive out the spirits?"

I explained to him, "You should not hold conversations with demons. By doing that, you prolong the deliverance. Simply, take your authority over the spirits and cast them out!" He accepted what I said.

Tom Brown #fundie tbm.org

n my youth, I was working at a local restaurant when one of my fellow employees confided in me. She said, "Tom, I know you’re going to think I’m crazy. But I feel that I have a demon inside of me. Nearly every night when I go to bed, this spirit begins to scare me." This girl was not a charismatic. She was not even a Christian at the time. She simply believed that evil spirits were real.

I told her that I believed her and that I would try to help her. We ended the conversation and proceeded to continue working. We closed the restaurant and started cleaning up. The Lord startled me, "Tom, if you will speak to the spirit now, the demon will go."

I walked to this girl as she was vacuuming the carpet. I said to her, "The Lord spoke to me and told me to tell the spirit to go, and it will go."

She turned off the vacuum cleaner and said, "Then tell it to go."

I pointed my finger at her—she was about ten feet away—and said to the spirit, "In the name of Jesus, I tell you evil spirit to come out of her!"

The moment I said that she gasped, "Ugh!" She looked startled and exclaimed, "Something came out of my mouth. What was that?"

"That was the demon. It’s gone!"

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