
Pithom #fundie whistlinginthewind.org

“There are people who think women shouldn’t vote, that their brains are not as rational as men’s”

-Both of these are arguable. Donald Trump (a great guy) was liked by women much less than Jeb Bush (Jeb Bush) before the primaries started. That’s a big piece of evidence in favor of the “women shouldn’t vote” argument, although this and previous election cycles have suggested to me that old people shouldn’t vote (more likely to support Hillary, Romney, over Sanders, Paul) and educated people (more likely to support Rubio over Trump) shouldn’t vote, either. The last especially makes a lot of sense. Most of politics isn’t actually evaluating positions, but status-signaling. There is no prima facie reason the right to vote shouldn’t be restricted to just the few capable of exercising it.

pithom #racist whistlinginthewind.org

(commenting on a blog post about Syrian Refugees)
This post could be much shorter:

1. The crisis was caused by NATO.

2. I want my country to be inundated by Blacks, Arabs, South Asians, and Indonesians! But not Japan or Israel! Those are special.

“As Muslims are today, we were stereotyped as unwilling or unable to integrate or get a job, preferring instead to have 8 children and live off welfare.”

-Not 8 children, but the Muslim-German unwillingness to work seems to be broadly true. And the fiscal impact of Arab immigration in Europe is large:
Over their lifetimes, the refugees will, on net, pay out way less in taxes than they’ll get in benefits.
And Vietnamese in America do not equal Syrians in Germany!

“Many of them will bring skills and ideas that are new to Ireland.”

-Riiiiight. You have evidence for that, right? There are more high-skilled people in Hungary than Syria.

“Charity is not a zero sum game and it’s not as though the homeless must fight refugees for coins.”

-You don’t know the definition of “economics”, do you?

“A wealthy and stable country would still struggle with such a number and Lebanon is neither.”

-For the Arab world, it is both.

Had European states stronger anti-immigration stances (e.g., sinking the boats), there would be no refugee crisis.

“It is only the rich Western European countries that come close to being able to give these refugees a decent standard of living.”

-Lie. Also, cuck. If you want to make the argument for open borders, make it. Otherwise, stop pretending this is about seven-figure numbers of migrants and ignoring India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Africa- the real elephants in the room.

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