
Adrian Garza #conspiracy wired.com

[in response to a news story about a DDoS attack against the website GitHub.com]

Wednesday morning - Feb 28:

-Akamai: We are ready to deploy the the largest DDoS packets as planned and after testing several times, you should be OK with the infrastructure you have. No impact expected. Then you can report it to the media.

-GitHub: Awesome. So I will receive support from you guys for a year at no charge if we report this to the media and mention you guys and let them know is the largest DDoS attack ever.! You guys will get excellent exposure for your services! Win/Win!

-Akamai: Correct. You will get some of that too, after proving that you are prepared, you will increase your value.

- GitHub: OK! Let's plan it at 12:15pm ET.

-Akamai: Sounds like a plan!

jwobstj #fundie wired.com

This is a hilarious attempt to demonized the alt-right for the very things you apparently idolize being done by the lunatic left. Nice try. You could replace all of the references to alt-right in your article with LBGTQ, BLM, or Occupy Wallstreet and come to the same conclusions about those organizations. All you've really done is make an extremely weak and lame attempt to legitimize the lunatic leftist groups at the expense of one on the other side of the pendulum swing.

Sam Kriss #fundie wired.com

Neil deGrasse Tyson is, supposedly, an educator and a populariser of science; it’s his job to excite people about the mysteries of the universe, communicate information, and correct popular misconceptions. This is a noble, arduous, and thankless job, which might be why he doesn’t do it. What he actually does is make the universe boring, tell people things that they already know, and dispel misconceptions that nobody actually holds. In his TV appearances, puppeted by an invisible army of scriptwriters, this tendency is barely held in check, but in his lectures or on the internet it’s torrential; a seeping flood of grey goo, paring down the world to its driest, dullest, most colourless essentials. He likes to watch scifi films, and point out all the inaccuracies. Actually, lasers wouldn’t make any sound in space; actually a light year is a unit of space rather than time; actually, none of this is real, it’s just a collection of still images projected at speed to present the illusion of movement, and all the characters are just actors who have never really been into outer space. When the rapper B.o.B. started loudly declaring that there’s a vast conspiracy to hide that fact that the world is really flat, Neil deGrasse Tyson immediately jumped in to refute him, even featuring on a eye-stabbingly awful rap song insisting that ‘B.o.B. gotta know that the planet is a sphere, G’—a passionate, useless, and embarrassing defence of the blindingly obvious. In a world that’s simply given, brute fact, any attempt to imagine it into an entirely different shape must be stamped out. Why? The subject-matter is cosmic and transcendental, the object-cause is petty and stupid. Neil deGrasse Tyson strides onto stage to say that actually the Earth orbits the sun, that actually living beings gain their traits through evolutionary processes, that actually your hand has five fingers, that actually cows go moo, that actually poo comes out your bum—and you are then supposed to think yes, I knew that, and imagine someone else, someone who didn’t know it already, some idiot, and think: I’m better than that person, I’m so much smarter than everyone else.

A decent name for this tendency, for stars and spaceships recast as the instruments of a joyless and pedantic class spite, would be I Fucking Love Science. ‘Science’ here has very little to do with the scientific method itself; it means ontological physicalism, not believing in our Lord Jesus Christ, hating the spectrally stupid, and, more than anything, pretty pictures of nebulae and tree frogs. ‘Science’ comes to metonymically refer to the natural world, the object of science; it’s like describing a crime as ‘the police,’ or the ocean as ‘drinking.’ What ‘I Fucking Love Science’ actually means is ‘I Fucking Love Existing Conditions.’ But because the word ‘science’ still pings about between the limits of a discourse that depends on the exclusion of alternate modes of knowledge, the natural world of I Fucking Love Science is presented as being essentially a series of factual statements. There are no things, there are only truths. The fact that the earth is a sphere is vast and ponderous: you stand on its grinding surface, as that fact carries you on its heavy plod around our nearest star. The fact that the forms of organic life emerge through Darwinian evolution is fractal and distributed, so that little fragments of that fact will bark at you in the street or dart chirping overhead. The fact that there is no God, being a negative statement, is invisible, but you know for certain that it’s out there.

Jim Zatlukal #fundie wired.com

(in response to an article about the "relaxion" theory to explain the Higgs mass)

Higgs was appropriately labeled the 'God particle' but I fail to see divine energy explored e.g. speed of light (years) v. God's light - instantly, and constantly. Quantum Theology (D. O'Murchu)

Halfadozen #fundie wired.com

No amount of therorized connomality makes me evolved from primates. If there is a system that works why change it. Henry Ford developed the assembly line for Fords. Does that mean Honda needsa to create a completely diffrent system or just take what works and change what needs changed? Do you realize that the chance for basic life to just happen is so incredibly small scientist say there is no chance? Yes, scientist.. Yes, I know that there is 98% commonality between chimps and humans. But that 2% makes a lot of diffrence. Since there is no way we are going to convince each other other then the beliefs we each have this conversation is over.

Pooua #fundie wired.com

As in many cults, adherents have to attribute cause in name of their god, even when it is an awkward fit. Hence, biology news articles often claim that such-and-so is an example of evolution at work.

theot58 #fundie wired.com

Let's make a deal.
If I agree to keep my religion (Christianity) from our the public school system will you agree to keep your religion (Evolution/Atheism) out of the public school system.

What could be fairer than that?

imarealguy #fundie wired.com

(On an article about Sleep Paralysis)

I'll second that. I know science tries to explain away all supernatural phenomena because they start with the fundamental assumption that reality is bounded by what can be scientifically measured and that there is no such thing as God, devils, etc.

For the last four years, I have unfortunately been under constant attack by demons, especially at night. Though I have never been paralyzed as others here have experienced, I most assuredly have had evil beings enter my room and try to take possession of my body. Sometimes they succeed and the buzzing on my head is so intense that it makes me nauseated. As soon as I awake, I raise my arm to the square and cast them out through the power of Jesus Christ as you have mentioned, and they slowly withdraw.

They generally like to wake me up by creating a wave-like motion on my bed, as if I were sleeping on a water bed (I'm not). There is one really nasty one who has an overpowering sense of evil when he enters my bedroom. I no longer fear them because I know that the name of Christ is more powerful than they are, but they can certainly make it difficult to get a good night's rest.

Don't believe all the hokum about a scientific explanation - in this case the scientists are dead wrong. Evil is real and is gaining greater power as people become less moral.

ednorton545 #conspiracy wired.com

[On an article about a new completely drug resistant strain of TB]

Not surprising. CIA sent a squad the moment this story broke. Perfect opportunity to harness some bioterrorism agent that can't be traced to Plum Island. Good luck America! You're about to meet a "credible threat from a radical Muslim group". Maybe now you'll support the NDAA and then some- with open arms.

Andrew Breitbart #conspiracy wired.com

Breitbart looks around for a waiter and launches into a stem-winder about collusion between Hollywood and the press — the “subtle and not-so-subtle use of propaganda to make a center-right nation move to the left.

“It’s not just the nightly news,” he says. “You’re also getting television shows that reflect the same worldview, where Republicans are always the bad guys. Al Qaeda’s never the bad guy. The Republican is always the bad guy.”

Neil #conspiracy wired.com

[from the comments. Posted by: Neil | 07/20/09 | 1:45 pm ]

It was a beautiful hoax.
Very impressive even today.
Polls say 75% of Americans still think we went to the moon.
Although it was criminal, you can’t help respecting the Zionists that orchestrated it.
They needed money for the Israeli nuclear program. 100 nukes are expensive.
Submarines, ships, tanks, state-of-the-art fighter jets, cruise missiles are expensive.
Israel can’t afford them with only 7.4million people and a paltry $200Billion GDP.
$3Billion in annual foreign aid doesn’t come close to what they need.
They’ve got very generous social welfare programs that need to be funded also.
They had to steal.
From the United States.
They do it by siphoning $trillions allocated for the United States space program in exchange for well-crafted convincing fake photos, video and narrative that only cost $millions.
Israel has a hostile Eastern flank that needs defending but they can’t afford it so they manipulate Americans with false-flag terrorist attacks to get American slaves to send their sons and daughters to their early deaths in illegal, preemptive, bankrupting quagmire wars for Israel.
ISS, Hubble, and Mars missions are hoaxes also.
The money gets sent to Israel.
Americans are slaves.

jlo0312 #fundie wired.com

[Life’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory]

I usually enjoy Wired—interesting content and all. However, the “spark of evolution article” is the most ridiculous piece of crap that I ever read. If the Earth was in a state of primordial ooze, where did the boiling water come from? It takes more faith and less brains to believe in this crap than it does to believe in an intelligent God. The deal is this: EVOLUTION HAS BEEN PROVEN FALSE by numerous outstanding scientists. Why we base our theories on Darwin, whose work “evolved” BEFORE BIOCHEMISTRY is beyond me. It is ridiculous. Look up irreducible complexity.

theMage #fundie wired.com

(commenting on an article about the synthesis of one of the components of RNA in a laboratory setting}

Nobeliefrequired: check the bible, God specifically said 120 years max.

Everyone is missing a very big detail: this experiment created a COMPONENT of RNA, not even a single molecule of RNA. You evolutionists need to realize you have your own religion: Evolution. How else you explain how this reaction would have to be repeated hundreds of times, creating hundreds of different proteins, and then they have to assemble themselves in perfect order (violating the law of entropy). All this has to happen JUST TO CREATE DNA, then of course you also have to form the DOZENS of other structures REQUIRED for a SINGLE CELL ORGANISM. Your have to throw your brains in the trash to believe that was plausible.

Daniel Knight Hayden #conspiracy wired.com

Daniel Knight Hayden, 52, was arrested by FBI agents who identified him as the Twitter user CitizenQuasar. In a series of tweets beginning April 11, CitizenQuasar vowed to start a “war” against the government on the steps of the Oklahoma City Capitol building, the site of that city’s version of the national “Tea Party” protests promoted by the conservative-leaning Fox News.

“START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!,” read a tweet at 8:01 PM that day. “After I am killed on the Capitol Steps, like a REAL man, the rest of you will REMEMBER ME!!!,” he added five minutes later. Then: “Send the cops around. I will cut their heads off the heads and throw the[m] on the State Capitol steps.”

Hayden’s MySpace page is a breathtaking gallery of right wing memes about the “New World Order,” gun control as Nazi fascism, and Barack Obama’s covert use of television hypnosis, among many others.

fisher4Christ #fundie wired.com

[Discussing the online capabilities of GTA4 and then this cuy appears out of no-where...]

Clive Thompson is right on the money. GTA4 IS a lonely game. Now you got multiplayer, and realism, and massive group conciousness with its focus on kill, steal and bascially, hate. Can I help an Old Lady across the rd in the game? Can I be at the hospital to watch my wife give birth to a beautiful baby? Can I go to the park and watch the flowers open as the Sun rises and watch birds feeding their young? WHY the focus on the blood, killing and pseudo-death? you cant respawn in real life, my brothers, unless you get with Jesus in any way you can. The Eleventh hour is upon us. May your hearts know the truth. Amen.

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