Welderhelp #racist reddit.com

Yes. In the U.K. and many other European nations, racism is a criminal offense, with possible custodial sentences. Meanwhile, Islamic "refugee" rapists are given a slap on the wrist or no punishment at all. We are living in very strange times that very few of us thought were possible.

Imagine getting in a time machine and explaining to your 1990 self that in the year 2017, there are 57 genders, a homosexual crossdressing man is woman of the year, Muslims blow up the World Trade Center, then adult Muslims would invade Germany and Sweden posing as child refugees and speaking out against it will get you thrown in jail, health insurance is more than a mortgage payment, white people are considered the devil himself, and Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton to replace a black cryptomuslim named Barack Obama as president of the United States.

Imagine what your 1990 self would think?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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