
ClownfishSoup #racist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

The reason [the n-word] persists and is so terrible is because black Americans use the word constantly and it’s not a bad word among them. However it is absolutely for forbidden for any non black personal to say the word this giving it immense power and offense when actually spoken. It would have died out decades ago if black people would let the word die by not using it.

FilthyNastyAnimal #crackpot reddit.com

As it should be because cat feces is literally the ONLY thing that can spread it, nothing else! It only gets onto unwashed veggies in the form of cat feces. It only gets into uncooked meat because farm animals eat cat feces and the cysts infect their muscle
tissue. If cats didn’t exist either would toxoplasmosis. Cats are the ONLY way to spread the disease and should be recognized as such.

Loopytunes2016 #dunning-kruger #wingnut reddit.com

I remember in the 2020 debate basically all of it was bullshit but Trump said something about minimum wage that was totally inoffensive and correct. Something like “it can’t be decided federally it needs to be state by state” which is a totally true thing and one of the only things that wasn’t a lie from both sides.

Trump is basically the same as any other politician, he’s really not some diabolical cartoon character.

Except that he’s not like any other politician and if you don’t consider a child rapist, con artist, fascism loving dickwad a “diabolical cartoon character” wtf are you doing lmao

Are you talking about Trump or Biden rn? Or Obama or Bush or any of the recent presidents? They all have the same rumours about them and when you feed into the conspiracy’s and rumours without knowing anyone’s actual policy… then your a pawn.

January 6th.

Have you looked into January 6?

runofabitch #moonbat #sexist reddit.com

Is it really not all men though?

Because when we say ACAB, we mean all. Because they're complicit in a system that perpetuates violence.

I don't know a single man who has reliably, every time, called out other men for their vile behaviour.

In fact they usually make friends with them, and if the women in their lives point it out they'll "oh, yeah, he's a bad dude" and then go have beers because what the BAD DUDE thinks of them is more important than the comfort and safety of the women in their lives.

They call themselves protectors but I don't see them calling each other out for creepy behaviour, online or off.

They're complicit.

All of them.

They're complicit in a system that perpetuates violence against women.

Not only that, but they continue to both benefit from it AND be harmed by it, but still unwilling to change it because even though it hurts them, it hurts us more. They get more from this than they lose.

Yeah. All men. Every single one.

You are completely ignoring the fact that at the basis of the patriarchy not just the oppression of women by men but also the oppression of disadvantaged men by advantaged ones.

I myself, before starting to identify as non-binary, suffered the worst consequences of this firsthand as an Autistic AMAB. Under patriarchy, the physical abuse of men by other men is way more openly normalized than physical abuse of women by men

I am an intersectional feminist. When I say "all men" I should correct myself and say "all cis men".

But "all cis men" is 98% of men.

While it's also "all cis men" who are complicit in the parts of patriarchy that also harm men...

... I'm really tired of it only mattering to men to fix it when it hurts them.

Why do we have to convince them that THEY are being harmed before they'll change something?

Why is the harm they're causing us (everyone but cis men) not enough?

ultrasissydreams #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I wonder how long she practiced that for? She argues with a sense of pent up rage and open indignation, resulting in a clear hope to present some measure of authority on this subject. However, her argument is not balanced, because she leaves options off the table that are inconvenient to her personally biased assertions. For example, she may not agree with the concept of Free Will, but it is a core principle in relation to any discussion on the existence of God. Additionally, she completely ignores the fact that she COULD be wrong. Instead, she argues from a narcissist’s pulpit that she is blameless in her actions for God is at fault or simply cannot exist. My critique of her argument is not to favor whether God does or does not exist, but rather to point out her horribly flawed exposition of her philosophy. A very flawed philosophy at that. My gosh, she doesn’t even mention Pascal’s Wager.

Loopytunes2016 #dunning-kruger #wingnut reddit.com

Using inflammatory language to dehumanize politicians is literally what the democrats complain about Trump doing. yet every democrat under the sun seems to think that everyone who disagrees with them should experience some form of pain as punishment.


So Trump needs to be stopped because he dehumanizes people. And anyone who disagrees with that is subhuman?

Check yourself…


You’re so ingrained in your own opinion you are literally acting as the force you don’t want to see in the world.

I would be weary of anyone that invalidates a fellow human based on political opinions (right now it’s you). You are literally acting exactly as the force you are trying to “stop”.

valleyshrew #psycho #pratt reddit.com

children are off limits for fucking

There is no rational age to end childhood. 11 years old (when it was consumated) may have been a perfectly reasonable age biologically. You cannot say to me that 16 is more rational, it just isn't. You have to draw the line somewhere irrational. Modern society has chosen 16-18 because we have elongated adolescence. That it varies from country to country shows you that it is irrational. It's 14 in Spain, would you say fucking a 14 year old spaniard was ok but fucking a 15 year old American is wrong? Children grew up quicker back then when there was not systematic education. What's the difference in having an 11 year old working for a living and being married?

Muhammad had a dozen other wives, none of whom were underage, so he was not exclusively a paedophile. This argument really annoys me because there is no doubt he did not abuse Aisha, he was a great husband and she loved him dearly. Hate muhammad for being a war mongering psychopath who delighted about the thought of the vast majority of people suffering in hell-fire for eternity. Don't hate him for the age of his youngest wife. It's a lame emotional argument because of the stigma of sexuality, and the acceptability of violence. If I was Aisha and I believed Muhammad was a prophet of God then damn right I would marry the shit out of him, and anyone would be lucky to be in that position.

Sunnykit00 #kinkshaming #sexist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

(from a Reddit thread where the original poster wanted advice on a “friends with benefits” situation. This user started to accuse people in casual sexual relationships of being rapists; this is a collection of their quotes from throughout the thread)

No relationship is casual once you have sex. Sex has consequences whether people want to admit it or not. It's physical.

(“I have had plenty of casual relationships, mainly just having sex and maybe watching movies or whatever.”)

You raped people?
Sex by deception is a criminal act of rape.

(“You think no one can consent to casual, no strings attached sex?”)


(“It didn't create an emotional response in him. All he led her to believe is that he was down to nut, just like her. She shouldn't have led him to believe she wouldn't catch feelings.”)

Take a biology class child.

(“So you're saying that sex is inherently damaging to people?”)

It is the most emotionally damaging thing that ever happens to anyone.

(“I've been the naive girl who caught feelings from a FWB situation, and you're talking bullshit.”)

You "caught feelings" because that's a normal human response you learned the hard way; that there is no such thing as simply FWB. You were used.

(“Chill out, dude.”)

Why, because guys can't be called out for using someone? Lying by actions? Women do this as well at times. But yes, usually men because other men tell them it's ok to do. Just like the hundreds on this sub who are supporting casual rape.

(It goes on and on like this…)

valleyshrew #dunning-kruger #psycho #pratt reddit.com

The whole issue of consent is bullshit. Why is sex so special? Other than because a religion tells you it is. Look at how muslim countries approach it, it's illegal to even hold hands. Should holding hands be illegal before the age of consent here? It's just as logical. But I don't think the big religions are in support of a 17 years old age of consent when Mary was only 13 and Mohammad married a 7 year old. If you believe in God, why would he make us biologically sexually active at around 12, if it was wrong to have sex until 17?

The age of consent was upped to 16 to stop the common act of forced child prostitution which was a just law, but it shouldn't apply anymore. My state has a year extra from the others because of crazy puritans. The fact that secular liberal countries have different ages shows how arbitrary and unfair they are.

Do we need to use age in the law? What about driving for another example. If the best 12 year old in the country can pass their driving test and has provably higher ability than any adult, should they not be allowed to drive? There are plenty of 18 year olds psychologically unfit to be driving but they're allowed to because the law is based on age only, and then they go and get other people killed because of it. It doesn't make sense to draw the line based on the position of the Earth around the sun. What would happen if like in many sci-fi stories, adult humans could be farmed much quicker. Would a 6 month old that had the body of a 20 year old have to wait until 37 to have sex? I don't like having laws without clearly defined loopholes that allow the innocent people their basic rights in life, and the most basic is that you own your own body. To me defining a law by age is no more logical than defining it by sex or race. It's accepted females mature quicker than males, if it was really about the psychological maturity necessary for informed consent why aren't there different ages for males and females?

Adenso_1 #psycho #pratt #sexist reddit.com

[ In response to a post called “ "leaving a pedo around small children is a-okay" “]
I mean, yeah, nice reductive argument you got there. Do you really think that someone attracted to kids has absolutely no control over themselves? Are you that brain dead? What if that person was born into the same society as you and had the same super "anti-pedo" mindset instilled into them? Clearly they'd see their attraction as gross, and thus never act on it, yet you're such a dumb fuck of a human being as to believe they still would? Are you even real? Like have you ever interacted with a human before? Have you only been constantly raped all your life and that's why you don't think anyone can control themselves? Fucking moron

FoopaChaloopa #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

Would anyone be interested in a protest at Ubisoft headquarters?

This entire situation is taking a huge emotional toll on this community and I think we should do something positive about it. Beautiful women have historically viewed men like us as “weird” and “creepy” so beautiful women in games have been our refuge and now that’s being taken away from us. Would anyone else be interested a peaceful March on Ubisoft or Disney headquarters?

I’ve also been thinking of doing a hunger strike in protest of woke cultural vandalism but I’m not gonna ask other people to join me.

Missgiababy #sexist reddit.com

I believe many, many more men are secretly paedophiles than we actually think. One of the most, if not the most popular porn categories is 'freshly turned 18'. Do people really believe these men's attractions start the day girls turn 18? Of course not, if they're attracted to 18 they're most likely attracted to 17, 16 and so on

Global_Meet_375 #elitist #sexist reddit.com

Most homeless men are r*pist

Alot of homeless men can't maintain a job or even get one because they can't control there sexual desire. They would stare at women on the street they would grope women and even r*pe women yet women are expected to feel sympathy for them and were expected to donate money to them. Most people who donate to charities are women yet were blamed for male homelessness and male homelessness statistics are used to gaslight women and keep us quite about our issues.

70% of homeless people are male meaning that most of my tax money goes to men. Most of my money goes to funding rapist on the street but I'm considered a greedy bitch if I don't think pads and tampons should be tax.

LordsOfLastLight #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Rapists are more worthy of respect than Prostitutes

Rape requires the rapist to either deceive his target or physically overpower her, a test of brain or brawn. All being a whore needs to do is find a bed and spread her legs to get pumped for a payday. Rapists are considered the worst scum by the public and Law system so it takes courage to commit rape. Whores know they hardly ever get prosecuted in most First World Countries, in some European ones prostitution is even legal, it takes little courage. Sure some whores and feminists will say they're scared a customer might get too aggressive but I think the sort of guy who would pay a whore is usually the sort of guy who hasn't got the spine to be violent. Plus whores can easily work with other whores or a pimp for protection.

Some of the bravest and most heroic men in history committed rape. The Red Army committed mass rape against the Nazi German Fräulein when they marched to Berlin, would anyone diminish those men who fought the Nazis in personal combat? Some people speculate that as many as 1% of the entire Chinese population have some genetic heritage to Genghis Khan the Conqueror because of his routine rape of those women he conquered. These are great men of history. When has a whore ever had a great impact on history? Cleopatra? Well she spread her legs for the Romans but I'd argue the fact they even were amiable to her whoring was prove they were on the decline anyway!

Rape represents masculine strength while whoring represents feminine wiles and treachery!

Solid_Officer3975 and DualKoo #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia reddit.com

My wife and her friends laugh at the pandering, and don't watch the movie/show. They think it's ridiculous, but they're not emotionally attached to IPs so they just move on to something else.

I have several gay friends, and black friends, and gay black friends, all of whom don't like the disingenuous nature of "inclusion" in modern cinema.

The message isn't intended to be a genuine method of gathering support. It's forced acceptance so there's no space for a nuanced conversation.

Which is why it’s known as Cultural Marxism. This is straight up 1984 type conditioning of the population.


Or in this case… there are more than “two genders”

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.

DogWater76 #crackpot #conspiracy reddit.com

Are they trying to hack the universe?

I was watching a couple of Billie Carson's video's about how we're in a computer simulation/light matrix and it got me wondering what the motivation is behind the current shadow agenda.

I'm convinced they're trying to hack the universal code at the moment, and the end times is like an anti-virus installed in the program. Basically they're trying to make a metaphorical philosophers stone.

Some things to back it up would be the hadron collider looking for secrets in our universe. The fact that computer programs can be hacked reveals the possibility that the universe can indeed be hacked.

The full on acceleration to AI even though the risk to humanity is severe seems like a crazy idea until you realize they're trying to accomplish something with it.

If they really are trying to depopulate the world and reduce the population to like 10% so they can rule over it, that honestly sounds like a guise. Like wouldn't you get bored?

I'm a bit incoherent with these thoughts, but if I had a trillion billion dollars, I'd probably want to hack the universe and talk to god too.


I just realized it's a similar story to the tower of Babel, like history repeating itself somehow.

LorsCarbonferrite #conspiracy reddit.com

Yeah, basically. I think there are two broad categories of people that push for this type of "diversity": The true Believers, and the Eroders.

The true Believers are the ones that actually believe the shit that they push. They actually think that they're helping making a more equitable society and are making the world a better place. This is probably the larger chunk of the people involved, and they are basically just useful idiots for the second category. They don't care about any issues that straight hwhite men might face (or gay white men at this point), because the Eroders have told them they shouldn't.

The Eroders are only concerned with eroding the current social order and/or disrupting the current power structure so they can claim more power for themselves and their allies. These are commonly the leaders and organizers of these movements. They don't actually care about others, but know that other people do, so they pretend to be these virtuous paragons fighting oppression, meanwhile they quietly (or sometimes not so quietly) sequester more and more power for themselves. This is why there seems to be a treadmill of oppressed groups (and why you get shit like a trans suicide hotline that is never staffed/staffed by people that had almost no training while its organizers use the donations intended to support it to fund a lavish lifestyle); it's because the Eroders use various groups as an excuse to get more power, and just kick them to the curb whenever their utility has failed. This is why gay white men and white women are currently shifting to being in the oppressor group, rather than the oppressed group as they were not too long ago. My guess is that the next designated oppressor will be white trans people, but it could also be a non-white group if society as a whole considers white people to have lost enough power. Whites are currently being gone after because the Eroders have successfully convinced society that western society is strongly white supremacist. If this idea stops being tenable to society and the Eroders haven't yet amassed enough power to just ignore whatever society says, then I think they'll move on to some other group. I don't think they truly hate white people, I think they just want the power to be gained by designating them as some grand enemy.

[deleted] #psycho reddit.com

I absolutely hate children (warning, language)

I hate kids with a burning passion. They are the most disgusting little shits and they are some of the main reasons why dogs get murdered. The little bastards harass dogs and do shit that they don't like, then the dog retaliates and the dog is the one to pay the price by getting murdered by absolutely disgusting selfish idiotic breeders. usually when a child gets bitten, they deserve it. I made a resolve to donate money to a pitbull rescue every time a dog loses his or her life because of a stupid kid and their dumb ass breeder parents. The dog should not be killed because they couldn't be bothered to watch their kids or teach them how to respect animals. also if any anti-pitbull lunatics show up on my post you will be reported and blocked.

LordsOfLastLight #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

American Slaves had better quality of life than many free African-Americans do today

Under the Plantation Slave system the slaves were guaranteed productive employment, food, and shelter. Can people in modern urban ghettos say the same? Many poor African Americans today are obese, suffer poorly managed diabetes and other chronic conditions related to morbid obesity and poor nutrition. On the plantations the slaves got plenty of exercise and ate more natural less processed foods and were healthier for it. All the horrible street drugs that cripple with addiction and kill by overdose didn't exist on the plantations.

While disobedient slaves may be punished with a whip is that really worse than being punished with homelessness and years in prison? I don't think so. A wise Master would never seriously injure his slaves as punishment because the slave was an expensive investment. Today Police, even black Police, brutalize and kill African Americans quickly and with little consequence largely because they have no wealthy, influential Master who values and protects them.

In the Plantation days children were sometimes separated from their father due to him being sold, but there was still much less fatherlessness than there is among black families today. Wise Masters taught their slaves to be obedient, God-fearing Christians and live by Christian family values. Today the rappers glorify promiscuity, wanton hedonism, street violence, and indulgence in every vice. Today many African-American Churches are just schemes to provide the preachers with money and women. Many, likes the Black Muslims and Black Israelites, also encourage radical Politics and Black separatism. Nothing good can come of this ignorance and corruption of Christ's message! Also note that the Bible never explicitly condemns slavery as an institution, it just condemns certain specific slave-owners like the Egyptians.

StrangerDirect6762 #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Submitter’s note: this comment is from a post on a subreddit called “PassportBros”. While some of the posts on this sub are relatively benign travel stories or requests for suggestions on where to go, what to do, etc, quite a few of the posts and comments are from incel-types looking for submissive women from highly heteronormative, male-centered cultures because “the west” has been destroyed by feminism.

American women are trash. 80% of women chase the top 10-20% of men and sleep around. 80% of divorces are filed by women, 90% if they have a college degree.
American women choose one guy for his genetics while simultaneously simping up another guy for his finances. You are virtually guaranteed to be cheated on with no consequences from American law, even crimes involving child support fraud and false rape allegations go unpunished.

In America women can literally stab a man to death with 108 stabs and then say they're innocent because the marijuana weed was too strong.
Marrying an American women is a form of suicide in 2024.

okko1001 #ableist #elitist reddit.com

so let the immune deficient ppl stay home instead of everybody. y drag the rest down with u because ur disabled?? thats like cutting off everyone elses legs just cuz ur in a wheelchair. the lockdown was for literal years and applied to everyone not just the sick. also most cant afford to say home when sick thats an Extreme luxury. I dont have problems with vaccinations I have problems with forced coerced and pressured vaccinations.
I would LOVE to stay home when Im sick but I cant afford it usually.
its not my problem some ppl are immunocompromised so they should stop trying to make it everyones problem that they are. most of those ppl are also that way by their own fault ie obese or theyre just super old in which case they already had their good run.

danegraphics #ableist reddit.com

Yes, learning disabilities exist, but “dyscalculia”, a disability that somehow specializes in mathematics, a non-biological non-social construct of the modern age, is a nonsensical concept.

Sure, students can have adhd, or aphantasia, or dyslexia, or some other disability, or combination of disabilities, that makes it difficult to learn math on top of the other effects those disabilities have. But there is no such thing as a disability that affects mathematics only and nothing else.

Any student can learn, even with learning disabilities. It’s just a matter of find a way to work with or around the disability. Saying “oh, you have a disability that makes it impossible for you to be good at math” is one of the worst things anyone could ever tell a child.

I’m not going to validate a lie that can only hinder a child’s ability to learn and grow.

MedleyChimera #elitist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Oh fuck off with this bullshit, most homeless people choose to be homeless because they don't want to follow the basic rules of society, like be clean, and sober. And before anyone comes at me with that "but but they're mentally ill" bullshit excuse, believe it or not but a majority of homeless aren't naturally psychotic/suffer from psychosis, its rampant drug and alcohol use that has ruined them. Legit I have been homeless before not by choice but by act of nature, the amount of people in the street because they refused to follow the basic rules of the shelter is fucking astounding. I know anecdotal blah blah but I have literally lived that, and my lived experience is not invalid.

Ask anyone who has been legitimately homeless and has had to be in a shelter, a lot of them will vouch that a majority portion of homeless aren't "sad, down on their luck, poor unfortunate souls" but instead drug addicted assholes who accost you and just piss and shit all over the place with no moral human decency left in them.

Those who attempt or even succeed at getting out of homelessness and move on with life are those worth helping and saving, those who try are worth it. The filthy scum who lay in their own waste expecting handouts and the world to give them what they want because they are homeless are the scourge of the Earth and deserve nothing.

Oh and if the homeless are so fucking good why aren't all these self righteous assholes opening up their own homes or stoops for them? Oh yeah that's right its because they know how bad it really is. As long as its not their personal space they don't care who these people harass or impede.

mjbnhang #ableist reddit.com

Ableism is such a bullshit word. NTA. I’m sick and tired of having to accommodate every little mental illness or disability for people who need to adapt to the world they live in. Sucks they got dealt a shitty hand. Deal with it.

Driz51 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist reddit.com

It’s weird to me that the ones THE MESSAGE is pandering to fall for it so easily
What I mean is that it’s just so insincere. These movies or shows or games with marketing completely built around having a diverse character a gay character a trans character whatever it is. That’s always almost a guaranteed red flag that the show will have no substance at all and is just going for easy brownie points and a perfect shield to block any criticism. Is that really the kind of representation you’d want? Women want those cardboard cutout perfect at absolutely everything with no struggles at all girl boss characters? A black person wants to see a white character race swapped instead of an original well written character who was intended to be black from the start?

I think the word work has started to lose some meaning with how much it’s passed around, but I think to a lot of people like myself it’s referring to that right there. I think of something like Everything Everywhere All At Once which is about a conservative mother and her struggle to understand her daughter’s world. Arcane is a female driven show with a lesbian as one of the leads. Fallout show we just got has a female lead and I’m pretty sure a trans or no gender or one of those kind of things on the Brotherhood of Steel.

I’ve pretty much not at all heard woke tossed at these things or complaints about female driven stories or any such things. Because they aren’t created to shove a message down your throat and get effortless praise they actually care about these characters. People aren’t inherently shut down to ever accepting these stories they just want them to be written well.

I would just think the ones that they want to represent in these instances would appreciate such examples a hell of a lot more and not so easily be sucked in by something with absolutely no soul like The Little Mermaid remake. Sometimes it feels like a battle that can never be won. No matter how much we try to push back the crap just keeps coming and so many people just keep eating it up with a smile.

wallace321 #fundie #conspiracy #transphobia reddit.com

Parents don't have rights, but children have rights.

And apparently the children's rights involve being supported and "affirmed". "Affirmed" being a word that basically had no meaning 3 - 5 years ago. And now we all know what it means.

But parents don't have any rights. Boy when did that happen?

Gee. I don't know how well i see this going for the government who says parents have no rights except the responsibility to push the government agenda on their offspring. Whom the government has more right to than the parents.

Apparently there is also no plan to codify rights for parents either. Just morons like this rubbing it in your face that, no, actually, you have no rights. And we're all just offspring producers for the state whom you serve unquestioningly.

Don't worry, if you won't have kids, they already have a plan for that too.

Jesus this is getting really creepy up there in canada.

BeeDub57 #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy reddit.com

The question was never that good content isn't out there to be enjoyed - we all know that. The issue is that, for the past decade and change, there has been an active and insidious attempt to attack and besmirch major cultural touchstones (yes, like Star Wars) by either turning them into mouthpieces of THE MESSAGE or else destroy them completely. What we're seeing happen at Disney/Lucasfilm/Marvel is only a microcosm of a much bigger cultural war that seeks to destabilize or erase the core values of Western culture.

CheeseBurgerDragon #enbyphobia reddit.com

[Context: they are talking about the new Fallout show.]

Im on episode 2 and so far so good. Only spotted one woke additive not found in the games in that theres a non binary character. Why would some fucked up post apocalyptic world have gender sensitivity training to make sure commanding officers respect pronouns?

GreenOrkGirl #fundie #dunning-kruger reddit.com

What enraged me is that if you know both endings of that Q, it becomes apparent who was intended to be the guilty one (it impacts the money award only so I dgaf, "Paul" went to prison). And that was 100% done because of white man!bad, woman in drag!good. Lol you don't even have to look at evidence to know this, this is just sjw pandering at its best.

PS: dear mods, she is not 'censored', she is exactly this - woman in drag.

Global_Meet_375 #racist #sexist reddit.com

Anytime a women shows her emotions it is used against her people say stuff like "is it that time of the month", This is why women can't become leaders or be president", now these males say that when we cry and express our emotions that it is used against black men somehow even tho no one is being physically harmed by someone crying unlike when black males use aggression to get what they want. Such as in mongomary brawl where a black man hit a white women in the face with a metal folding chair over a dispute about a dockside parking spot because he didn't get the parking spot he wants and all the liberals and black men defended him and he didn't even get jail time. Another example would be about the black man who went around NYC and punched a bunch of white women of the head and even chipped a womens tooth and gave another women a concussion.

Then these black males have the audacity to call women Karen's because she called the police on them because she is scared for her safety.

What is more dangerous a women crying or a man who violently hurts women according to all the black men and liberals its women crying.

If black males care so much about racism why don't they attack white men that would make the most sense because they have the most power. The reason why they don't do that is because there misogynistic and they hate women even women of there own race look at how they treat black women. I doubt that most of them even cares about racism and they just care about attacking women.

danegraphics #ableist reddit.com

It is different from dyslexia in that dyslexia actually has a specific effect that can be measured.

The same cannot be said for dyscalculia, where the diagnosis is basically “Oh, looks like you struggle with math and numbers. Must be dyscalculia.”

“Dyscalculia” is almost always the result of one or more other learning disabilities, whether a memory problem, a reasoning problem, a perception problem, or otherwise. You’ll never find dyscalculia without finding at least one other learning disability that causes dyscalculia.

So sure, if dyscalculia is just a label for a specific result of other disabilities, then yeah, it exists. But dyscalculia itself isn’t a specific disability with a specific measurable effect.

But in the end, regardless of the existence of dyscalculia, if there is one thing that needs to be stopped more than anything else, it’s the self-diagnosis by math students who struggle with math for one reason or another (usually the teacher’s or curriculum’s fault). And when they get that diagnosis, they give up on math, or stop trying as hard.

Again, I’m not going to validate an excuse for bad teaching practices and the discouragement of learning.

DryRecognition_6671 #sexist #elitist #pratt reddit.com

It’s getting harder and harder to find a high quality woman in America. I’m leaving…

It seems their expectations and standards have only risen in the past few years. The 6/10 women (6s, 7s, 8s) who ALSO have a decent personality accumulate for less than 5% of the overall American female population. That’s millions of men competing for the top 5% of women. America lacks quality control and I’m not sure if things will ever change. Time to leave ✈️

endorbr #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com

[𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘹𝘵: 𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘮 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘎𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘰.]

“Anti-semetic” for saying that demonizing and de-humanizing people you disagree with socially/politically is how we got the Holocaust. That’s just a logically true statement.

“Transphobic” for saying her pronouns are “beep/bop/boop when pressured to include pronouns in her Twitter bio. Nothing “transphobic” about pointing out that the mob is a bunch of robots.

Sugreev2001 #racist #conspiracy reddit.com

I believe that was the point when this insanity was initiated under Obama's regime. Walt Disney has European Christian ideals and was proud of his European heritage. The last 10 years, that has not only become taboo, but is actively attacked and will kept getting attacked until there is nothing of that sort left. I can't elaborate here further, but understand this, nothing is a conspiracy when the far left labels it as such. That goes for your observations over what is happening in the US, Canada, Australia and every single European country right now. Disney has become anti-Disney, because it exemplified the Euro-Centric American culture and was a huge reason behind the culture of the US becoming a dominant one.

H_T1998; Reasonable-Design_43; SnowMiserForPres; AliceLoverdrive #kinkshaming reddit.com

(from a thread discussing AI-generated deepfake porn)

Porn is degenerate unless you make it yourself with your partner

I absolutely agree. Tried to explain this to someone and they fought me tooth and nail over it

That person 100% cranks it to the hub daily. Porn just melts peoples brains it’s crazy

"it's my God given RIGHT to jerk off to and objectify a human being. If you don't support that, you want my rights and my freedom taken away"

Why yes, I want all the coomers to be stripped of rights and sent to uranium mines, why do you ask?