This time, as I looked out the window facing north I noticed again a single long chemtrail spanning west-east and then the beginning of a second one coming from the east. I boosted again addressing the operators of the plane and those behind it, being very clear that I don't accept chemtrails in my reality.
Content with not seeing the plane coming back for a third run, I went about my other pre-occupations.
Somewhat later I looked out and saw two more chemtrails spanning the whole sky, but this time they were crossed in the shape of a flattened "X" as seen from my view. The two previous ones were already dissolving slowly and had moved away from the original place, so a certain amount of time had elapsed between the first two and the last two.
I don't think this was a coincidence. That it happened at the same place as before, right in front of my view and no other trails where seen in the sky, only these four trails appeared, and the last two where clearly separated from the first two, makes me wonder if it was some kind of staged "message".
What that means I don't know. Maybe alluding to some kind of "revenge" (in the sense that an X could mean something to be crossed over or taken out ). Or was it simply a confirmation or admittance of that the chemtrail agenda is failing?
Once at home I took care to boost some more.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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