Anonymous Coward #fundie
I grew up in the 70s and a teen in the 80s. NOT ONCE in all my schooling did I see any “Transgender” students, zero, nada. There were a few gays, but that was it. Why do we have children that think they are transgender? It boggles the fucking mind. We have wrapped our children’s minds beyond anything I have ever seen.
NOW we have so many “genders” if makes your head spin. What the fuck has actually happened here? Sorry, in my mind these people are all raving lunatics. We have destroyed the family, the core values of our society and it’s just progressing each year towards more and more idiocy. In a few years, it will ok to fuck your dog. There’s two genders, male and female, the fucking end.
Growing up I saw one transvestite in the city and that was it. This shit was never around anywhere I went. Now we have people who don’t know what fucking gender they are? Look between your damn legs!! Call me a Transphobe, I don’t give a flying fuck. This shit is not natural.