*sigh* You atheists and your "evidence".
why is that on a final fantasy forum?
It's in the "serious discussion" forum. A lot of religious debate goes on there, and it's incredibly entertaining. This udsuna guy had my ribs hurting earlier. Seriously, the three quotes of his now on fstdt are just the tip of the iceberg.
Back in my day we didn't have evidence for anything, and we LOVED IT! Believing in woodland elves, leprechauns, outhouse demons. Sure it was rough, especially when a full moon hit and we had to barricade the door against werewolves and ghost-demons, but we were ignorant and proud, dammnit! We knew that doorknobs were magic, and that crows carried the souls of the recently deceased. Horseless carriages were Satan’s sleigh’s and if it weren’t in the bible, we didn’t want to hear about it. We didn’t need no new-fangled cy-in-tists, telling us we need anti-bi-otics, why would be need a shot if we weren’t sick? They were just trying to inoculate us with the devil! Then we’d cook up some dung-cakes over a burning witch and pray ourselves to sleep. Those were the days!
Okay, up until now, I've been fairly sympathetic to Udsuna, who is at least a civil and articulate disputant.
But this -- this is hysterical! Indicating complete disdain for evidence shows for a fact that Udsuna prefers ideology to reality.
~David D.G.
who is at least a civil and articulate disputant.
No, no he's not. He's already gotten one warning from an admin in that thread and later he said "but atheists do entertain me in a sad 'poking things with a stick' sorta way."
Raistlin: Well, I was going by his behavior here, which seemed quite civil. Stubbornly illogical, but civil. I'm disappointed that he feels that way about atheists; I had thought better of him.
~David D.G.
Don't hate us 'cuz we're right. :)
Anyway, if evidence repels you so, you can always live in a cave somewhere with absolutely nothing and no benefits, praying to your Celtic god to bring you food.
Yeah, even finding food requires use of evidence. If a sign says "supermarket," that's evidence that there may be food inside. Of course, if you live in a cave, you need to examine evidence even better if you want to find food. You can't live in a house; it was built by heathens using evidence!
Actually, you probably can't find a cave without using evidence either.
You atheists and your "evidence"
Hurts, doesn't it...?!
Especially as it was a Conservative Christian judge - personally appointed to the Federal bench by the Conservative Christian president George Dumbya Bush, voted in twice by Cre(a)ti(o)nism-belie ving right-wing Fundamental ist Christains like you - John E. Jones III, whose decision in Kitzmiller vs. Dover legally proved that we Atheists were right all along: also making your 'agenda' in US schools etc unconstituitional .
The fact that Scripture - Romans 13:1-5 - is on our side: and you Christains are forced to agree with we Atheists: or you're going to Hell, is the final torture for you lot.
Someone up there loves us.
Enjoy your paradox.
Remember: We have the evidence . We eternally win . As that precedent-setting court cased proves, FAIL... er, I mean 'Faith' not allowed. The law - via Romans 13:1-5 - says so. Otherwise why didn't that Conservative Christian judge you'd ultimately put in that courtroom in KvD rule for the defendants ...?!
Call him an 'Activist Judge' all you want. But remember:
The only ones who ultimately put him there: are Cre(a)ti(o)nists like you .
That's indeed why you have faith (motivated conditioned certainty argument and hope), which would not be necessary if you had evidence. Contrast with knowledge based on evidence, including evolution. It's not only atheists who need critical thinking, logic and science. If you use technology or have access to medicine, it's thanks to that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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