You people really need to get over the fact that despite what you may think, there are other people in this world that may not think the same as you do.
After you.
I was watching the news earlier and someone suggested that the detainees at Gitmo should have been killed and then we would not have all these legal problems.
No, we would have more legal problems. I'm talking about the Geneva Convention here.
I agree 100 percent.
Bloodthirsty, aren't you?'
As for Obama, he is exerting too much control and it is going to come crashing down on him. He has not helped matters, he has made them worse.
Oh, the wonderful, wonderful irony. Republicans were the ones who wanted a powerful executive branch when Bush was in power. Now that Obama is President, executive power is suddenly BAD and needs to be limited. If you don't see the irony there, you're not looking.
Some of us don't trust the president, and feel that he does mnot serve our best interests, and his questionable past would picque the interest of anyone who has the ability to think.
Questionable past - such as being the first black president of the Harvard Law Review?
Now, having said that, do you feel great inside that you can sit here on a site and call me names?
Actually, yeah. It's nice to know that there are people out there who are dumber than I am.
If so, I suggest you go and get a life.
I've got one. It's pretty good right now.
Liberals are supposed to be open to other's ideas, not just their own. So I suggest you change your name to "we"berals.
Hat toad hamster? Violin caribou?
There, I just made less sense than you. I win the nonsense contest.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a life to lead.
No, really? I thought you were dead!
Oh yeah, O, if you're such a man then why don't you accept my challenge to come to my face and say the things you do?
Because I don't know who the hell you are, and frankly, I don't care.
Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a wuss.
Tee hee!
I'm 5' 6". I have a right to be a wuss.
Besides, only ignorant meatheads think that fighting resolves anything.