
#1103383 #crackpot fstdt.com

“Muhammad was a liar, thief, mass murderer, rapist and a pedophile."
“Eh, if we consider Mary to be about 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus, than God and Joseph fall under this same pedophile umbrella you just opened.”

That doesn’t make any sense. Unlike Aisha Mary was legally an adult at that time. Yes 12-14 isn’t the best age to get pregnant, but why bring Joseph into this? God I can get cause him being eternal=judge him by all time standards, but Joseph most likely wouldn’t be much older than Mary.Under Jewish law a girl was a maiden at 12+ puberty and was a mature woman after puberty (no less than 12.5). Ezekiel 16:8 seems to suggest that ancient Israelite women married after puberty (although probably still before 18-20). To the ancient Jews pedohiles and child marriage would’ve been under 12.5/13 years of age.

I have read enough sources that said some Jewish married after 20 in ancient times (which was atypical, so Mary being 17-19 isn’t really that unlikely. Palestinians Jewish women in first century married at 12-18, so Mary could’ve been 18. Another several sources say rabbinical literature talks about men in Palestine marrying at 30 to women around 15-20 years old.

Even if Mary was legally an adult at 12. Being pregnant at 12-14 isn’t safe. Giving birth at 12 is more risky than at 22. Mary never comes off as being immature as someone under 15/15, so she may have been 17-18 at that time.

Jewish girls married at 12-18: Judaism and Christianity in First Century Rome page 134

Ancient Palestinian men
typically married at 30 to women 15-20 years old: Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark page 166

Some Jewish women Marie older than 20: Dictionary of New Testament Background page 684

Ps. Christians believe that Mary was a still a virgin. How did Mary get pregnant? My guess is IVF.

NASALies #fundie #crackpot #dunning-kruger fstdt.com

Space exploration is impossible. Not only that, it has never been done. The Challenger blew up after passing through the firmament in 1986. That proves men never went to the moon or space at all. NASA is a Satanic organization that kills people who disagree with them and lie about everything they touch. To Hell with these Masonic scumbags!

Koko #fundie fstdt.com

That weapon never crossed state lines and Kyle was legally allowed to carry it.

As for Kyle himself crossing state lines - perfectly legal for him to do so.

This is typical victim-blaming. Even if you don’t like the fact that Kyle brought a gun to that location, it was legal for him to do so and Rosenbaum had no right to attack him. The other two that got shot also attacked him first, he was retreating towards the police to turn himself in. Why aren’t you disappointed by the fact that large groups of people go out and riot, destroy people’s livelyhood for no good reason.

Leftists: We don’t like mass incarceration.
Also leftists: Let’s put a kid in prison for life for self-defense.

Sounds legit.

True2God #fundie #homophobia #psycho fstdt.com

(in response to Steven Anderson telling homosexuals to kill themselves)

Suicide is a sin. Suicide would make God madder. While the world may be a better place if all the homos killed themselves, the ends still don't justify the means. What they need is God.

Of course there are homos who are Christians, but they're not living a life of queer sex.

Dialgatime321 #conspiracy #sexist fstdt.com

Bastethotep: How is that “the vast majority of children are cuckoos” thing even supposed to work? Have women been secretly been using reliable but non-noticable contraceptives when having sex with their husbands? Are women having really, really lots of extramarital sex, far more than marital sex? Are men too stupid to notice that the schedules don’t line up? This claim goes far beyond “all women are adulterous”.

What about family resemblence? I'm pretty sure too many people have clearly inherited physical traits from their official father for a cuckoldry rate of 80% while no one noticed that most children actually look suspiciously like the mailman/stable boy/pizza delivery guy...

Dialgatime321: It’s entirely possible that females in America have lots of extramarital sex, far more than more marital sex. I guarantee many are. Males do not notice the schedules not lining up, because females are extremely good at sneaking. Additionally, females are very good at controlling who impregnates them even without contraceptives (but I’m sure they sneak those in when they can, too), if the male does not make her feel dominated or overpowered enough.

And regarding family resemblance, for most Americans sadly the child being of the same race is enough to make most fathers believe it is theirs. Often the mother will point to hyper-superfluous resemblances (like “the puffiness of the cheeks”, “pointiness of the chin”, or “hey, he has black/brown hair!” (almost all people have black or brown hair). Yes, the female searches for a “donor” or “donors” whom their husband doesn’t know or doesn’t know very well.

IceStationZebra #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut fstdt.com

Drunk drivers get taken off the road, they lose their licenses, when they kill people they go to jail, and there are all kinds of awareness movements about it. Deliberately violent cops get the pedophile priest treatment, they’re shuffled around to save face for the law as an institution when it would have made much more sense to just hold them accountable. When somebody presses the point they’re accused of hating what cops represent: the law. They press the point too hard they just might find a tank rolling down their street.

Drunk drivers also kill more people than religiously motivated terrorism or street gangs. Think real careful about what you’re trying to imply with a half-assed dismissal.

Clearly that didn’t happen with Chauvin so you’re wrong. And the level of police brutality never justified trashing up your town over it. The far left’s propaganda has made you crazy and given you all the wrong priorities. When you actually look at the numbers:
1. there’s no racism
2. there’s no “white privilege”, police will kill a defiant white criminal just as easily
3. police brutality is an almost non-existent problem for a person who’s not a career criminal, doesn’t resist arrest or try to struggle and generally doesn’t act like a total asshole around cops, with very few exceptions, it’s partially if not completely self-inflicted because some people are idiots or don’t want to follow any rules other than their own

Understand that you’re “protesting” for people who don’t give a shit about you and wouldn’t hesitate to put you in a wheelchair for an extra 30 bucks. There are far more worthy causes that you’re completely ignoring and ultimately the heads of BLM/antifa are not interested in reform or black lives or white lives or any lives, they’re interested in causing a big enough disturbance in society to kick start a revolution, it’s only you the gullible sheeple who think they’re actually fighting for the little guy. They use the exact same propaganda tactics that ex-KGB defectors used to talk about over 30 years ago and it’s very easy to spot the pattern and more importantly you can judge them by their actual results. Unlikely to succeed nowadays, but likely to cause more than enough damage trying and that’s what you support when you support BLM/antifa. You’re supporting revolutionary Marxism, hysteria, chaos and lawlessness. The world has gained nothing and is now an even worse place thanks to BLM/antifa, they have destroyed more lives than Chauvin could ever dream of.

I can’t yet tell if Chauvin is a psycho or just a hothead, if he is a psycho I can imagine him deep down laughing all the way to the court like the Joker. He couldn’t be more proud of what you have accomplished with your “protests”.

Peterphil #sexist #dunning-kruger fstdt.com

Lmao yes all those men fucking baste’s future wife right now are the real suckers, just training her up and stretching her out while future hubby spends his days relaxing and watchdogging on the internet, waiting for the fruit to ripen.

Sure her uterus will be ravaged up like the projects by the time he gets her but at least she’ll be experienced enough to take his dick once a month.

NASALies #fundie fstdt.com

And what happened to Laika the dog after she was thrown up into the firmament? SHE DIED! NASA is no better than circuses who beat and torture animals for sick people to enjoy. If you've ever been to a circus, you're not right with God! If you support NASA at all, you're not right with God! NASA is of the Devil, abusing animals and killing people to get political power and play God. Hell will be hot! Everybody involved in NASA will stand before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day if the Lord doesn't tarry. Come Lord Jesus and DESTROY NASA!

IceStationZebra #racist fstdt.com

It isn’t entirely a “strawman on the right”, headlines were calling him a “gentle giant”. You can find many such websites just by googling “George Floyd gentle giant”.

It’s true that none of his actions warrant being killed over, equally his murder does not warrant the mass hysteria that followed with violent protests, statues being destroyed (and no they weren’t all confederate soldiers), stores being looted and even many innocent people being killed including David Dorn, a retired black cop. Did his life matter? Not to BLM.

The US has a population of ~330 million, ~43 million of which are black, millions of police interactions. The number of ALL people killed by police (white majority included) last year is around 1000 (that’s an average of 20 per state), only 240 are black, most are career criminals and people who are not cooperative with law enforcement. No evidence that any of them were killed for their race. The odds of this happening to you just minding your own business are pretty fucking slim.

Just like misogynists bringing up stories of a raped woman’s past ‘sexual escapades’, claiming they mean she deserved to get raped.

Not the same thing. Having a lot of sexual escapades isn’t a crime.

DUI is. The officers (particularly Chauvin) clearly used excessive force and they should be punished for that, equally George Floyd could have avoided the whole thing by not being high while driving around town. That is what ultimately turned things deadly, not some supposedly fake bill (and yes they knew he was high or at least drunk because that’s what the store clerk reported in his 911 call). It’s still an injustice, Epstein’s “suicide” was also an injustice, every single kill by Dexter Morgan (if such a person existed in real life) is an injustice, arguably the way Gadaffi was killed was an injustice (if you believe he could have been taken alive), you can condemn such actions but don’t ask me to feel particularly sorry over them or lose sleep over. You know what they say, live by the sword, die by the sword.

Oh and DUI kills 10 times more people than cops do by the way. But I’m supposed to be scared a cop will randomly kill me while I’m minding my own business, yeah right. The US police could probably learn a lot from European police, but this mass hysteria isn’t gonna achieve anything.

Caamib #sexist fstdt.com

Reddit's censorship is really disgusting. That site is beyond evil. I was banned for saying I MIGHT want to sleep with one 12 year-old girl but, mind you, not now or in several weeks or months but 11 FUCKING YEARS. And that would not even be illegal in some countries, as some countries have the age of consent set at 12. Yet I was banned for "sexualization of minors" and the subreddit I maintained turned into slime and disaster you currently see associated with the term incel.

His4Life #fundie #psycho fstdt.com

{Moderator’s note: this comment is 8 years old}

Filin, interestingly enough, it does not mention apes in that passage. "Beasts of the field" are more like cows, oxen, etc. I don't recall anywhere in Genesis where it mentions God making humanoid creatures other than man.

It does, however, mention that fallen angels entered into the earth and copulated with human women, producing distorted human hybrids. I believe this is where apes, monkeys, and other humanoid animals come from and God will promptly destroy them in the end. So yes, all of your prized monkies will burning in hell with you, as evidence of "evolution." ;-)

NASALies #fundie #crackpot fstdt.com

The Moon landings were fake movies directed by Stanley Kubrick and commissioned by President Dick the Crook. The Mercury missions were a lie because there is no Mercury. The Solar System doesn't exist. There is only the Earth, the Heaven, the Firmament, the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Columbia didn't actually go into space. They gave up and turned around but it was too late. The Van Allan Radiation Belt fried it instantly. NASA is the world's worst terrorist organization ever in the world. They have killed so many people through their "missions". They are war criminals, trying to cruelly invade God's territory when John 3:13 says is IMPOSSIBLE! Wake up NASA sheeple and start thinking for yourself!

Jackthelad #sexist fstdt.com

Who do u guys support pro choice so hard tho?
Most men on here are virgins and seem all the happier for it, so idk why women can’t just abstain from sex as well. No need for abortion.

@mod let this through tbh, not trying to offend or whatever

caamib #sexist #psycho fstdt.com

(In regards to comments on a quote of his where he proclaims himself a “limited political pedophile”)

first anon-

"Yeah I have a question. Can we put you in prison before you hurt someone."

No. I am not committing a crime by saying this. I am merely explaining a political view.

Kanna - "Some females at some time ignored you, therefore all females at all times should be penalized"

What the fuck are you rambling about? I don't care about women who ignored me at all, they didn't do any damage to me at all. The ones who didn't ignore me were the ones who could hurt me. I also never say that all should be penalized, I specifically state which ones should.

Kadorloon - " what makes you think outright admitting you'd have sex with a toddler is in any way, shape or form a good idea? "

The same thing that makes anybody state our their political ideas.

"Oh, right, brain damage. "

Hahahah, here we go again. The same cretin who wants citations about everything is making a completely unverifiable claim again, after I warned him many times about it. Still claiming I am living in a mental hospital while never taking me up on my offer to talk on Skype at 3 AM? Only an American can be this dumb and have this little self-awareness.

"EDIT: and, no, no one else in the world cares what made-up distinctions
you make to pretend a toddler from America "deserves it" "

No one else? Made up distinctions? Tell it to tens of thousands of men who have already left America and other feminist countries to find wives in non-feminist places in the world. Tell them how rape worshipping scum like modern Western women are no different than sane non-feminist ones. You imbecile !

"more than a toddler from some Middle Eastern sharia hellhole that you hold as the epitome of morality because they'd just straight-up kill her."

What ?!

A toddler from a non-feminist country doesn't deserve it at all, and nobody would kill such a toddler, but the ones who would rape such a female toddler. It would be a horrific crime, while it would be honorable act in America, as American women are scum. So are Western men, as evidenced by you. The fuck did you get the idea that somebody would just kill a raped toddler in the Middle East? Or that Middle East is the only non-feminist region of the world? Or that Middle East is a shithole, while some of the wealthiest countries in the world are situated there? You're a cretin, Kadorloon.

"Not only are you disgusting but you just contradicted yourself."

I am not. I explicitly say IT IS NOT ABOUT ATTRACTION and am even expressing doubts about my ability to get a hard on somebody that young. It's a political matter, limited political pedophilia.

dn #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #ableist fstdt.com

[darknation came all the way over from Doomer Boards to the comments section of FSTDT to try and defend himself. This is what he had to say.]

@pyro #148960

I actually agree, the “archival” function of sites like this is important. Just as important as, say, the archival function of the kiwifarms is, especially when you’ve got sex predators scraping google clean to hide the fucking evidence.

And we really don’t delete posts… why the hell would I? To save the precious feelings of the userbase? Fuck that, arguement and debate is darwinian, that’s how opinions and intelligences *evolve*; a healthy dose of cringe in a user’s history ought to help stop repeated third-degree retardation offences.

@Anon-e-moose #148929

This, however, somewhat undermines your website’s noble archival endeavor: difficult to say “we’re archiving websites to preserve content for the future!” when your users are actively advocating for the deletion of said websites. I’d question the biases of archeologists who openly advocate for mass extinction events. I’d also call them “intellectual cowards with shit debating skills”, “cretinous societal vandals” and, quite possibly, invite them to “eat my shit, you invertebrate pussy”.

<@KeithInc.> #148908

“Meaning if you don’t get the point i was trying to make, it’s your failing, not mine.”

Yes. Lurk more. Read more books. Don’t come at me screaming “I’m too fucking stupid to read subtext, and don’t have time to read context, but my opinion is just as valid as yours”. I’ve been featured three times on this shitfeast of a website, and not once has anyone stopped to think “Hmmm, how much of this is rhetoric over-exaggeration, how much of this is for comic effect, how come he hold free speech opinions that are actually left wing, how is babby formed what is sarcasm…” Fuck off.

richellebrown12 (spambot) #quack #mammon fstdt.com

Am so happy to share this testimony with everyone about how i got my herpes cured from Dr. Obela the godfather of herbal medicine. I had been going from one country to another for medication for 3 years just to be cured from herpes but all seems in vain, i was confused and decided to search through the Internet if i could get any news concerning herpes so i do keep searching until i visited one particular site and i saw the great testimonies from different persons testifying how Dr. Obela has cure them from herpes and other diseases and i was shock and was thinking if this is real, after a due consideration i decided to contact him with the email address I found in the posted just to give it a trial and when i contacted him he proved to me that his herbal medicine can cure me if only i believe in him, so i requested for his herbal medicine and i got it and i applied it as prescribed and after 1weeks and 3 days of application i went for a test and to my greatest shock the herpes virus has disappeared and it was just like a dream. Today I am cured from herpes am so happy and thanking God for using Dr. Obela to cure me. so if you are out there and you are suffering for herpes cure or any kind of illness kindly contact Dr. Obela through he will help you to cure that illness. you can get in touch with him via: drobelaspellhome@gmail.com or call/whatsapp him on this number +2347084171950.. Thanks very much DR. Obela
he can also cure all type of disease like:
HIV/AID .... cancer disease......e.t.c

(Submitter’s note: That one is just one of roughly 25 identical comments posted across a variety of quotes.)

Vogon Award

for worst attempt at poetry

Karlsbad #fundie fstdt.com

I actually agree with the idea that welfare and charity are bad. But then again, I think that welfare and charity are part of the reason for human civilization's decline into decadence (along with most religion, for that matter), and in any case this assertion makes Hovind a bit of a hypocrite given the nature of his stated faith.

Forscience314 #fundie fstdt.com

If you want progress, stop discriminating people based on gender and start discriminating them based on IQ. And that's INDIVIDUAL IQ, not "my parents were smart so I'm smart", prove it, we test you first and then assign the level of rights based on that.

You want to know why we're not progressing faster? Take a hint: most people in politics and "civil society" are bullies and narcissists. Almost NONE are scientists. Almost NONE are geniuses in the true sense. Sure they may be average or above average, but that's not enough to manage a complex society.

People themselves are a problem, they don't want real intellectuals leading them, they are easily impressed by bullies and narcissists. The way the system is set up, that's what you need to be to succeed in any leadership positions. Freedom and democracy went to far. Time to scale it back a lot.

{the following is from a later post in the same comment thread, emphasis by Vman:}


What are the actual conditions?

1. absolutely no violent crime

You will not go to prison immediately, less severe but still violent crimes will involve relocation in tier 2 residential areas where only other violent criminals are sent to. As technology improves we can ensure compliance easier.

2. people receiving assistance through basic income are barred from having children

Violation = castration and relocation to an area where such violators can be more easily monitored. Not prison, but limited ability to travel and interact with others.

There are many ways we can brainstorm what a scientific rational based governance would look like. It would also be far more nuanced than this childish left vs. right freak show.

Jacob Harrison #fundie fstdt.com


Thank you for your insight on how your education was in Poland. You confirmed that you had great religious teachers such as the one who got you into fantasy. And it is important to educate people on Satanic ritualistic murders because it is important for people to know about the evil and tragic events that happen in this world.

The other things you said about what the religion teachers and preists can restrict are mere speculation because you haven’t experienced that happening. However I have seen a large amount of Protestant Fundies condemn Harry Potter and Halloween showing that Protestant fundies are far more restrictive on fun than Catholics.

However Masterbation is bad and many feminists agree because it teaches men to think of females as sex objects and not people which is why men like David J Stewart have sexually violated other women. The only women that men should feel sexual thoughts about are their wives or fiancés.

I commited the sin of masterbation one time when I was 13, and my dad caught me. He made me confess my sins to our priest and then asked me who I was masterbating about. I told him the name of the girl at my school and he had me write an apology letter to her for sexually violating her and give her 50 dollars in compensation. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

w41n4m01n3n #fundie fstdt.com

Unlike all these other philosophies, National Socialism has never been invented – it has been derived from the eternal Laws of Nature, which have existed as long as the universe and which have governed all life since the first primitive organism came into existence. This has been expressed beautifully and clearly by Savitri Devi, the famous late National Socialist philosopher, in her book The Lightning and the Sun:

“In its essence, the National Socialist idea exceeds not only Germany and our time, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the primeval forest and of the ocean depths and of the spheres in the dark fields of space; and it is Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine wisdom, but to have made it the practical regeneration policy of world-wide scope”

In other words, National Socialism was not invented by Adolf Hitler. It is the conscious expression of the fundamental Laws of Nature governing our lives. It is based on an infinite love of the creation in all its diversity, a deep, unconditional respect for the wisdom of Nature, and an ardent will to preserve life as it has grown out of this wisdom. The only way to do so is to organize the society of man in accordance with these fundamental Laws. Thus being against National Socialism is just as absurd and illogical as it would be to oppose the law of gravity or the fact that the earth is round!

National Socialism is really nothing but the application of physical and biological laws to the political, economic, social, and religious areas of human life in the same way as they are today applied to technology. In this light, National Socialism is truly scientific – unlike any other world view. It does not wish to make reality fit any preconceived theories but to make the theories fit reality. New epoch-making scientific landmarks would thus immediately be reflected in the practical life of a National Socialist community.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com


Cardinal George Pell’s December 2018 conviction on charges of “historic sexual abuse” was a travesty of justice, thanks in part to a public atmosphere of hysterical anti-Catholicism—a fetid climate that had a devastating impact on the possibility of his receiving a fair trial.

How else does one explain how 12 jurors, presented with uncorroborated charges refuted by overwhelming evidence that the alleged crimes could not have happened, completely reversed the overwhelming pro-acquittal vote delivered by a hung jury in the cardinal’s first trial last year?

MobilePenor #sexist fstdt.com

we don't have a sexual market that could be considered free. I've already posted it in the past but it got ghostbanned because probably it had some trigger keyword:

laws regarding divorce are in favor of women, they don't have any incentive in mantaining a decent family
the State provides for women and single mothers via welfare, no need for men
women's status is inflated by affirmative action programs, women only scholarships. It's much easier for a woman to get a great job and keep it, so the dating pool is greatly reduced
anti-family propaganda comes from sources subsidized by the State (ex. academia)
many other small laws in different countries (ex. no paternity test in France)

Things were bad, but what made it worse was the "globalization" of sexual markets. With social media like tinder or instagram, many males had to compete not only with the local circles but with the whole city if not the whole world. Globalization is good when it comes to work because you can change your job and get cheaper goods, but you can't change your desire to be loved. This may be only free market influence on the whole rise in inceldom, but even then it may be argued that social media were made possible by the federal reserve printing money (quantitative easing). I personally don't think it would've been possible to have facebook, tinder, etc so widespread if it wasn't for the fed keeping interest rates extremely low and basically pouring money into SV via venture capitalists.

In any case, moral of the story is that we're not in a sexual market that can be considered free, because it is clearly steered by the State even if probably unwillingly for the most part. I don't think an uniinfluenced sexual market would be good for the males as a market controlled to favor the males, of course, but it would be fair nonetheless. In the end what's happening is that men, including incels, are financing whoredom with their taxes.

ps. even the market economy is not free, in the west it got much less free in the last years and that's why people are moving into big cities. There used to be much less regulations and tax avoidance was much easier before. In big cities you are closer to bureaucrats and legal institutions, which are those who plan the economy and make regulations that impede the free market, and therefore the best way to survive for a business is to be close to them physically in order to have an influence

TakeitEasyFam #sexist fstdt.com

Many things. Decline in marriage rate is a symptom of the situation, not the cause.

Not everyone here would agree with me, but here's my list:

death of religion
women's rights movement
end of gender segregation
birth control
fake up
social media
rise of androgyny in both men and women
rise of cucks
social acceptance of being a player or a slut
welfare state
city living

Can expand on any of the points above if needed

AestheticBiscotti #sexist fstdt.com

circa 2010 is when womens standards/hypergamy had a huge increase. mainstream media/society has gaslit ugly obese women into thinking their shit doesnt smell and that they are 10/10's and deserve only the best. all while shaming average guys for wanting average things.

STD/STI's are also on the rise dramatically due to women having more sex with only the top 10% of men.

articles that claim "people are having less sex" are true... but they leave out that its MEN who are getting less, and women who are having 1000000

Steven R. #fundie fstdt.com

Sexuality is of the devil, and people need to realize that any form of indulgence and glorification will result in the fall of civilization as we know it. Sodomy is not okay, and neither is doing what the wicked former deacon James Wilson did. Only good men of integrity these days have the courage to clean house and eradicate people who are perverted freaks out of the public sphere. Nowadays it’s called the “LGBT community” instead of what they really are: child predators!!!!! No more porn, no more premarital sex, no more sodomy, and absolutely no more transsexualism!!!!

Fschmidt #fundie fstdt.com

I have some bad news for you all, I have reproduced. I have been happily married for 19 years to a former Levi's model from Mexico. I have never been divorced. We have two children, a girl age 11 and a boy age 14. Since I was financially successful in business, I no longer need to work for a living and now have the time to homeschool my kids. I currently divide my time between my current business, which I run from home, and homeschooling. I teach my kids to think for themselves and not accept any beliefs without skepticism.

I have been to Europe. I spent 6 months traveling around the world with my wife, about half of which was in Europe. My parents are from Hungary and they also have a European perspective. I have a good understanding of European history and culture, and the mistaken assumption of Horsefeathers is that prostitution is banned in America because of the puritanical and Victorian values that America got from England. But New Zealand has these same influences and has some of the world's most liberal prostitution laws.

I am not ugly and have never been out of shape. I was rejected by American women because I am a decent person. American women, being the scum of the earth, naturally reject decent men.

One of my frustrations with the internet is that people hide behind pseudonyms and are all talk and no action. My user name, fschmidt, is short for my real name, Franklin Schmidt. I live in El Paso, Texas. On the love-shy forum, I encourage men to stop complaining and to take action to improve their situation. Those of you here who would like to beat the shit out of me should come to El Paso and give it a shot. I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting in El Paso with anyone here. I can be reached at fschmidt@gmail.com .

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

You know I just read all of the comments that were made toward Ron and the level of stupidity and ingorance totally perplexes me.

Every one keeps saying about how we discriminate against this group and that group. Time to set the record strait you idiots.

Lets start with gays since you are all so feminine and over sensative. When I was a scout there was a young man who was a homosexual and just for the record he was one of the best guys in the troop to talk to and hang out with.

Now lets talk about god. I don't know how many of you have ever had to write a date on a piece of paper or some other document but everytime you do you acknowledge the existance of god. After all we live in 2008 A.D. (For all you uneducated morons out there, A.D. stands for "After death." To make it a little more clear we are talking about the death of Jesus Christ.) Oh, and by the way, we have never turned anyone away who doesn't believe in god.

Now we are gonna talk about women.......... Once more to all of you uneducated loud mouth assholes out there we have a little thing in the Boy Scout organization called an Explorer Post. Now I'm gonna give you a chance to use your brains for the first time in a long time. Who do you think can join an Explorer Post............times up and I doubt you guessed that women can join the Explorer Post.

As for the separation of church and state....I'll bet not one of you god damned morons can show me anywhere in the Constitution of the United States where it says there is any kind of separation between church and state. Good luck dumb asses.

Now before you go shooting that hole under your nose that you stuff with GOD only knows what you might want to do a little bit of research. It's amazing how easy it is to put all you fucking idiots in your place with just a little bit of research.

Warren Mcintosh #fundie fstdt.com

[ quote from 2015 on a 14 year old molesting his 5 year old siblings ]

I have to say I find this histerical mob-frenzy against a horney 14 year old who made a stupid mistake 12 years ago disgusting.

He was 14 FFS, a child, and he's being attacked for it now so viciously only because he's a prominent christian. And last time I looked, being a christian wasn't a crime.

This is nasty, nasty stuff, and it gives athiests a bad reputation. Not in my name thanks!

As for the post, as a parent of two girls and a victim of childhood sexual abuse I can confidently say that if I had a son who admitted to touching one of them I'd be devistated and I don't know what I'd do. But I do know I'd still love him, and bringing in the authorities would probably be the last thing I would do, and then only as a last resort if I believed his behaviour could not otherwise be controlled.

Frankly, the way the Duggar's dealt with it seems to me to be well within the boundaries of what a reasonable parent might have done. I personally would have ensured the councelling was far more professional, but in general terms they dealt with an incredibly difficult situation, and to all appearences seem to have done so successfully.

Anonymous #fundie fstdt.com

"exploited beta providers"

I've been saying it for years, incel ideology is an SJW ideology. It's the same oppression olympics nonsense (you can read it in Elliot Rodger's manifesto too, it's practically an incel manifesto). This guy couldn't have made it more clear, he even uses the same buzzwords now.

They see women as an exploiter class and men as an oppressed class (similar to third wave feminism only in reverse).

You guys sad to say have a lot more in common than you think.

And of course Pharaoh Bastethotep himself is an admitted incel LOL. The reason he seems to be the only one constantly submitting these quotes is because he's trying hard to make you think he's one of the "good incels".

Such a transparent virtue signaler.

You're not fooling me buddy.

caamib #sexist fstdt.com

"One of the most repulsive"

And yet has a girlfriend, which imbeciles like passerby and pharaoh will never ever ever have. I mean, for all their wisdom about women you'd expect them to be just a bit more successful that I was? Instead I already have my third girlfriend and had sex with 6 different women if you count just consensual.

Let me put it to you this way

Caamib - 3 girlfriends, 6 sexual partners (if you just count consensual)

Passerby - 0 girlfriends, 1 possible, but not confirmed sexual partner (he was too drunk), which is basically zero since he doesn't even remember even if it happened.
Pharaoh- 0 girlfriends, 0 zero times he had sex.

Women in their countries and their prime minister approved importing a bunch of rapists who know what women want exactly because men like Passerby and Pharaoh are too pathetic and these women want strong Muslim men to breed them.

And these guys are giving somebody advice !

"and least aware (self or otherwise) people"

Oh? And what am I not aware of? I mean, I can't be less aware than these two with the facts I just mentioned? Hahahahaha

GGRAMONE #fundie fstdt.com

(responding to Raunchous Brothers lyrics being submitted here)

You guys nagging and bitching about these lyrics are morons! This is a shock value band intended to be offensive! They are comedic and are just being edgy. The lyrics are basically their views except more hardcore. These guys aren't killing faggots in real life. Also the Neo Nazis shit is a shtick. These guys do NOT go to KKK rallies or Nazi gatherings. They do not worship Hitler.

If they really were neo Nazis they wouldn't have sent their demo to Howard Stern, who they are a fan of.

Also they were good friends with Seth Putnam of AnalCunt... That should tell you they are an offensive act and nothing much more serious!
One of their main influences is the Mentors!

Also the Whipping Bastard is a righteous singer and can sound angrier than any of you queers.

Anon #sexist fstdt.com

Just Along For The Ride

Fine, as soon as women drop the 'men are sex-hungry, mindless rapist pigs' ethic. And really, how are you supposed to flirt if now more than ever a woman can get you thrown in jail with ease (cuz' we #believewomen) if you so much as look at her wrong? I know incels are delusional dickheads, but unfortunately the notion that males are increasingly discriminated against while women get a free pass on more or less everything is not all that far-fetched. You can see it wherever you look...sexist jokes against women? Huge taboo. Sexist jokes against men? A-okay, encouraged even. Men being shallow and entitled? How dare they. Women being shallow and entitled? They're strong and independent who refuse to bow to the patriarchy. So on and so forth. It's just that nobody is willing to discuss this in a mature way, because as soon as a male brings it up, he's immediately drowned out by a chorus of 'AH THE WIDDLE MANBABY IS UPSET ABOUT NOT GETTING HIS PEEPEE WET' and 'oh, you're no longer free to harass women without consequences, poor you'. And if a woman brings it up (which very rarely happens, because let's not beat around the bush, most women are more than happy to milk their eternal victim status coupled with their newfound priviliges for all it's worth), she's labeled and 'internalised misogyinist' and 'gender traitor'. This whole gender war stopped being about equality a long, long time ago. Now it's pretty much all about female supremacy.

Gods Sky Divine Earth #fundie fstdt.com

Children of gods, children of ages. Let us ride the tiger once more, let us reach for the ocean of forgotten reality. I am the guardian of peace. Who but me knows the way in this plastic, hysterical inverted modern age. Progressivism has failed, has he not. We are the victims of inverse evilution, the victims of rage of the women and the weak. The whore rises her bloody hand against my sign, but I reach for the spell in the eye of the storm. Before us gods, we swim in sea of plastic and false promise, and the promise that was born after our time. Be free once more sons of Chronos, we are the water and we destroy the rock. Future calls do not let her down!

Adam: Sword of the Spirit #fundie fstdt.com

And just so all of you know -- judgment is coming.

I'll come on here and preach it, too.

The sins of the United States have reached up to the Throne Room of God in Heaven, and His great patience is over. Judgment, very soon, is going to rain down on the U.S. The rest of the world will follow suit, also.

Nonetheless, the Lord Jesus Christ is extending mercy to every one of you here. All He is requiring of you is repentance from your sins and calling out to Him for the salvation of your souls. He willingly gave Himself, His very life, as a one-time, forever lasting sacrifice for all sin. He is the first of the resurrected from the dead, and now sits on the right hand of His Father, with power, in Heaven.

All who trust upon Him have His promise that all of your sins are forgiven...and will be remembered no more.

I hope you all take this message to heart, and deeply consider the matter. Time is now very short to make a decision.

May you all be blessed and well.

Jacob Harrison #fundie fstdt.com

1: So what? I'm not a liberal. Why should I even care? I care about "Rule by and for the people".
2: If we were to measure Anglo-Saxonness by how much the English language is spoken, South Africa and India are just as Anglo-Saxon as the US. Also, please enlighten me on what Anglo-Saxon culture is, so that I can at least form some coherent image in my mind. As for the rest I've got to say that this is just stupid. Pretty much every country ever has property rights and individual rights in their constitution and you can legally own firearms in South Africa and India if you carry a license.

Jacob Harrison
1. See, this is where the American Anglo Saxon concept of representation differs from the European concept. The European nations have majority rule while the American Anglo Saxon concept believe in fair and equal representation to all areas of the country, hence the electoral college system that caused Trump to win the 2016 election because in America, we believe that rural American communities deserve as much representation as the cities. The evil Democrat party who are cosmopolitan’s out of touch with the rural Americans want to abolish the electoral college system and subjugate America to cosmopolitan tyranny. England gave representation to the Lord’s and the Commons including the people of London and other cities and the Peasants.

2. Fair representation is one of the criteria’s of Anglo Saxon culture. Right to bear arms is another. Christianity is another because the Medieval English were pious Christians. America has a greater emphasis on private property rights because it considers land to be a commodity to be bought and sold while Europe has more socialist political parties that believe in sharing all property, making it all free.

Jacob Harrison #fundie fstdt.com

(On vlogger The Amazing Atheist deliberately trying to induce flashbacks in an actual rape victim)

This shows how immoral atheists can be in how they treat women. Atheists treat women as sex objects, while us Christians treat women as fellow humans created through evolution in the image of God, who will be our wives and the mother’s of our children.

Keep in mind that Tj Kirk/The Amazing Atheist is the top atheist YouTuber.

James A. Wilson #transphobia #homophobia #fundie fstdt.com

Men are simply born men! Women simply are born women! Ask any non-Darwinist geneticist and you tell me what the truth is! If Transgenderism is valid, why do transgendered "women" commit crimes at similar rates to men? Because they are MEN! Yet I'm the one with the third grade understanding of science.

Homosexuality is unnatural because children who are raised in homosexual households are more likely to be in poverty, incarcerated, depressed, and also more likely to become homosexuals. This is verified information

Taylor Swift's "reputation" album and corresponding music videos have shown off her drunkenness, vindictiveness, as well as her lack of modesty in attire. Quite sad, really.

Next, I am not a schizophrenic person, and you libs have obviously never heard of reusing content with permission. I simply reused the content from Pastor Grimes' sermons to bring the light of the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved heathens residing there until I was removed by hyper-PC liberals who decided that the word "tranny" was comparable to the n-word. When were trannies enslaved again in the United States? Please enlighten me. Trannies and tranny enablers are insulting the African American community by spewing nonsense like that.