David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images. They have created great images for things Disney. That includes, Walt Disney, Disney movies and Disney’s Amusement parks. The sinister side of them has been carefully hidden. Disney, just as Satan, are deceivers (2nd Corinthians 11:15). They are not what they appear to be. A closer look reveals a very dark side.
In order to make movies that contain the typical smut of Hollywood, sex and violence, Disney did a slight of hand and created subsidiaries which Disney runs, which has allowed them to keep their good image. They also never showed the public the hard core porn that was made for years in secrecy for the elite. Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft.
Disney’s involvement in these kinds of things will be explained in this article. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers. Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp and woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment.
For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a “triumph of the human spirit” (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney’s movie “Alive” featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism). Under the disguise of entertainment and showing us how “triumphant” the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism.
Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” And yet when it has been suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents came unglued and have gotten angry. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is an Illuminati deception. Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons.
Christina Aguilera was a "Mousekeeter" and it seems that she was severely affected by Disney mind's programming. Walt Disney is steeped in the occult as well as sexual perversion and Satanism, controlled by secret society Illuminists who are trying to corrupt every child in America.
Satan is the god of this world, he operates primarily through secret occult societies and esoteric groups. All of the worlds top political, corporate, financial, and media leaders are members of such Satanic organizations (such as Skull and Bones and Freemasonry).
Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree Freemason which is an occult organization, whose members are often guilty of pedophilia, but are never prosecuted. Please read Masonic Child Abusers. Read about the Franklin Cover-ups, about the little boys being raped by Washington politicians
In the photo to the right you see Donald Duck pulling on Christina Aguilera's bra, exposing her breast. The person inside Donald's suit is doing exactly what you see, opening her blouse; and yes, the photo was taken inside a Disney theme park.
Sexual perversion and sexualization of children are in the top of Disney company's agenda. It is tragic that Walt Disney is recognized as a family establishment.
Even more tragic is that the Southern Baptist Convention [SBC], after 8-years of protesting the annual Gay Day at Disney, lifted their ban against Walt Disney. Well, God hasn't lifted His ban against Disney. It looks like the 37% Freemason membership within the SBC won out!
America isn't going to Hell, she's gone to Hell.
The current mind controlled puppet is the teen pop artist Miley Cyrus and judging by her successful career, it seems that North-American society is losing the battle against Illuminati-Disney propaganda.