
David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

All humanity are guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving, sinners (Romans 3:10-23; 6:23). I heard Pastor Joel Osteen say that he doesn't preach against homosexuality because it has been exalted above other sins nowadays. What a cop out! That's exactly why we ought to take a Biblical stand against the sin of homosexuality! Sodomites are forcing their perverse deathstyle upon American society and our precious children.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most false religions don't address the issue of sin. Karma is "cause and effect" much like Buddha taught in Buddhism. It is the idea that everything one does will affect him in a later life. Karma is a lie. Most Hindus live morally upright lives, and are honest and hardworking people; thus, they think that their "Karma" is going to gain them peace and bliss in the afterlife. Wrong! 2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9 expose such a damnable notion... "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." It doesn't matter how high you think your Karma may be, you WILL be punished in the tormentuous flames of Hellfire if you refuse to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and die in your sins. The bottom line is that you are a sinner (Romans 3:10,19-23). We are all sinners, GUILTY under God's Law, and justly deserving of Hellfire. Thus, every man needs a Savior. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again triumphant. He shed His blood and applied that blood to the Mercyseat in Heaven to take away our sins. If you do go to Hell, you will
have no one to blame except yourself. Ye Must Be Born Again!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

{note: this is from 2007}

It is tragic that America's teens have immoral, sleazy, God-hating, lesbian, drunkard, reprobates for idols. Take Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan for example—BOTH recently arrested and charged with drunk driving. They ought to be charged with attempted murder, just as all alcohol-impaired drivers should be! When people knowingly drink alcohol, and then endanger other people's lives because of it, it is nothing less than PREMEDITATED CRIME.
Why do the American courts ignore the facts? Should it be surprising that our courts don't care about the victims of drunk drivers, when they voted in 1973 that a fetus is NOT considered a human being? The godless Supreme Court is saying that children aren't even human beings anymore. So should it be surprisingly that they allow drunk drivers to continue killing people with their Liquid Devil?

There is NO greater hypocrisy in American society today than that of drunk driving. The beer companies tell their customers Don't drink and drive. My question is: If you're getting drunk, and going out of your mind, then how can you maintain enough sense not to get into your car and drive it? This just PROVES the fallacy of the lying propaganda fed to the public from the liquor industry.

Alcohol is called LIQUID DEVIL for a very good reason—because of it's deceitful nature! A BAC of 0.02% at many U.S. companies will require that an employee be relieved of duty for 24 hours and at 0.04 they will be fired. In an organization with a "zero-tolerance" policy as regards alcohol use, you will be fired if you test at 0.001% (which is less than 0.010%). So why do U.S. lawmakers foolishly allow people to drive trucks and automobiles with a BAC up to .08? It's the love money, the scum-sucking lawyers who work for the booze companies, and the sell-out politicians who ought to be hung publicly for high treason.

Do you realize what a BAC of .05 to .079 does to the human body? According to OHS Health and Safety Services Incorporated, a BAC of between .05 and .08 means... walking, speech, and hand movements clumsy. Blurred, split, or tunnel vision may occur. Judgment and equipment operating ability impaired. Chance of accident is greatly increased by up to 300% or more. Are you getting this? Our legislatures are deliberately allowing such alcohol-impaired drivers onto the streets of America!!! Why?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Satan is laughing at all the gullible women who kill their own baby.

If you ask people why they do the things they do in life, they will give you sensible sounding reasons which seem to explain their decisions. We like to believe that we exercise sound judgment, especially in the important decisions of our lives.

I think that this is rarely true. I think that standard operating procedure for human decision making is to do what feels right to you at the time, and then to give logical sounding justifications for what you were already going to do anyway, whether you had justifications or not.

So, if you are pregnant, and want to get an abortion, you will be able to give any number of reasonable sounding explanations why this is the right decision. You're not ready to be a parent, or you need to finish your education or get to a better point in your career, or you don't have enough money, etc.

If instead you want to keep the baby, you will explain how even though you will have some extra difficulties due to the lack of money or whatever, you will certainly be up to the challenge to make your life work with the baby, how being a parent will be good for you, what a great parent you'll make, how it will bring you and the father closer together, and so on. In either case, none of these will be the real reason for your decision. The real reason for your decision will always be, "I did it because I wanted to do it." END

David J Stewart #psycho #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

It is sinful rebellion for a wife to seek her own independence apart from her husband's authority. Men are controlling by nature, territorial and protective of what's theirs. This is my land, stay off it. This is my family, you talk to me first. That's a normal attitude for any man. If you want an equal relationship, then you are desiring a homosexual intellectual relationship.

Feminism is insane, wrongly labeling husbands as “controlling” for wanting to know where his wife is at. A man has every God-given right to inquire concerning his wife's whereabouts, activities, friends at all times. If you don't like that, then you have an unbiblical attitude. The sinful world rejects the Bible as being God's inspired Words. The heathen world doesn't recognize the Biblical right of a married man to “RULE OVER” his wife (Genesis 3:16). Feminists are rebels, who completely reject the Bible's teaching of wifely submission to her husband. A godly woman obeys her husband, giving him veto power over everything in her life. Her husband is her boss, and

Ephesians 5:22, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.” 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.”
Many women have a totally backwards mindset toward their marital problems. A lot of women are demanding, placing ultimatums on their husband, threatening divorce; when instead they are Biblically supposed to submit in obedience to the husband. 1st Peter 3:1 teaches that a husband who WON'T listen to God's Word may likely be won over by the obedience of his wife. It is a Biblical principle that a wife's submission to her husband will push him toward obedience toward God.

David J. Stewart #dunning-kruger #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I used some JavaScript code to make it snow in the background. It didn't just happen, I made it happen. It was deliberate and the result of my making a decision. The same is true with the universe. It didn't just happen. God made it all happen. Only a fool would claim that the universe came from a chaotic explosion, that just happened. Everything in life happens for a reason. This is because there is a God who does everything He does for a reason. He gave us His Laws for a reason. When men don't obey God, there is tragedy and heartbreak. This is the reason why America today is going to hell. The evil minds behind the New World Order are trashing America, and we are allowing them to do it by our woeful ignorance, love for sin and indifference.

One thing evolutionists are sure to one day discover—they were wrong! DNA is the silver bullet in evolution. Apart from Dr. Frankenstein tampering in a lab, God's laws of nature do not allow for interbreeding of species. A cat and a dog can never mate and reproduce. A horse and a tiger cannot mate and reproduce. Despite scientist's discovery that there's only a slight difference between the DNA of varying species, the difference was made permanent, distinct and deliberate by a divine Creator.

Evolution is false science, just as the Bible calls it in 1st Timothy 6:20. No wonder public school teachers have been banned from reading the Bible to students since 1962. The Bible exposes and destroys the fable of evolution.

God Is Evil Award

David J Stewart #fundie #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible Commands Every Believer To Be Depressed

In fact, God commands every believer in the Bible to “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up” (James 4:9-10). The Bible teaches to HUMBLE YOURSELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD through humility, mourning and afflicting yourself (realize one's misery), and then He lifts you up. Whereas God COMMANDS us as Christian believers to weep, afflict ourselves and have a heavy heart; the wicked world tells us the exact opposite, telling us that we're supposed to be happy, confident and cheerful all the time or else there's something wrong with us. The world is insane and wrong! There's something wrong with the world!!!

The Bible plainly teaches that if you're not depressed, you're not right with God! The word “afflicted” in James 4:9 is the Greek word talaipōreō and means “to be wretched, that is, realize one’s own misery.” The dictionary defines “wretched” as “very unhappy, full of misery!” Dr. Jack Hyles of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana once said, “I know I'm inferior, but I don't have an inferiority complex.” That's the difference between godly depression verses unhealthy depression.

Unhealthy depression is when we condemn ourselves over past sins which have already been confessed and forsaken (Hebrews 10:22). Satan tries to discourage believers by continually accusing them day-and-night the Bible says before the throne of God (Revelation 12:10). The Devil's crowd behave just like their father the Devil, continually accusing Christians day-and-night. We must realize as king David that God is the ONLY one that we have to answer to. Psalms 51:4, “Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.”

David J Stewart quoting Jack Hyles #sexist #fundie #elitist jesus-is-savior.com

[From Jack Hyles’s advice for how to raise a young girl.]

1. Dress her like a girl. Let her have long hair. Let her wear lace and ribbons. Do not let her wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The parent who wants to make a young lady of a daughter should see to it that she does not wear revealing clothes, but that she dresses modestly. I Timothy 2:9 and 10 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

This must be started early in the life of a girl. If she never wears pants for the first time, she will always wear skirts. If she never wears mini-skirts for the first time, she will always wear skirts of a modest length. In these days of hot pants, mini-skirts, and pant suits, may God give us some old-fashioned mothers and dads who well rear some sweet, feminine ladies for our boys and dress them accordingly.

2. Teach her strict obedience. Other chapters stress the fact that obedience is the most necessary ingredient to be required from the child. This is especially true in the life of a girl, for she must be obedient all of her life. The boy who is obedient to his mother and father will someday become the head of the home; not so for the girl. Whereas the boy is being trained to be a leader, the girl is being trained to be a follower. Hence, obedience is far more important to her, for she must someday transfer it from her parents to her husband.

This means that she should never be allowed to argue at all. She should become submissive and obedient. She must obey immediately, without question, and without argument. The parents who require this have done a big favor for their future son-in-law.

3. She should not be allowed to play alone with boys. The parents should see to it that she plays with other girls. This is important for many reasons. She should play only with toys that are uniquely for girls. This, by all means, should include dolls, doll clothes, housecleaning equipment, dishes, pots and pans, etc. She should participate in sports enough to become coordinated but she should not excel in sports. If later she marries a man who is very athletic, she could become more proficient in some particular sport that he enjoys, but if she becomes an expert in a sport that is usually associated with men and boys, it could prove embarrassing to her future husband, and for that matter, it could entice her to become more masculine than she ought to be.

4. Teach her how to be graceful in sitting, walking, etc. Every mother who has a daughter should be careful to show her how to sit like a lady, walk like a lady, and exhibit propriety and grace in her manners. (Note the chapter on MANNERS.)

5. Teach her to be an intelligent listener and an articulate conversationalist. She should read a variety of good books and magazines and have a wide variety of knowledge. It should be obvious to any male with whom she is conversing that she is an intelligent listener and that she can understand and respond to his conversation. She should never seem to know as much as he does (even though she may actually know more) but enough to talk intelligently about his interests and to make him feel that his conversation is falling on receptive ears and an understanding mind. This means that she should learn all she can about everything, especially things that interest men. For example, she should know football, but she should not play it. There is nothing a man wants any more than to be understood by an intelligent listener.

The wise lady will never "take over" the conversation. She will add just enough to make a valuable contribution and to show her intelligence on the subject, but she will always make her man feel that he is the more knowledgeable. Of course, as a girl like chooses a man, she will want to choose the kind that is at least her equal, the kind that she will not have to dominate, and the kind whose mind and conversation will always intrigue her. This means that the wise mother will teach her girl not to be a wallflower and not to attempt to get by on beauty alone. She will teach her to be the kind of young lady who has a beautiful spirit and a beautiful soul, one who can communicate, one who is understanding, and one who is quietly articulate in conversation.

Though she should not be a football fanatic she should know enough about football to enjoy watching the game with her boyfriend, fiancée, or husband, if he so chooses. It should be obvious to him that she is enjoying the game and that she is knowledgeable about it, but that he can teach her even more.

6. Teach her to make her dad feel like a hero. A young lady that can treat her dad properly is more likely to treat her husband properly. If she makes her dad feel like a man when he is in her presence, she will not doubt make her husband feel like a man when he is in her presence. If the daughter is careful to refill Dad's glass at the table, see to it that he gets the best chair, listen to him intelligently when he talks, participate intelligently, yet meekly in the conversion, she will someday transfer this to her husband and her husband will rise up and call her "blessed."

7. Teach her to have the proper heroines. The mother should be very careful to see to it that the daughter does not idolize Hollywood starlets, female athletes, etc., but rather, feminine, yet successful women like the Bible characters Hannah and Elisabeth, and characters in history like Susannah Wesley and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Also point out feminine ladies whose path is crossed by the daughter and lead her to emulate them. It is very important that the young lady, even the girl, look up and idolize the right kind of people.

8. Teach her not to be too forward to boys. A young lady should not initiate a correspondence. If she cars for a boy she may respond to him with courtesy and feminine reserve so as to let him know she like him, but she should not be the aggressor, neither should her respond except within the bounds of propriety and right. It certainly is not proper for a young lady to call a young man on the telephone for a social talk, If there is obvious business, it may be done with reluctance, but it should never be done when the call is strictly for social purposes.

9. Do not show off her talent to others. As is mentioned elsewhere in this book it is far better for a parent to compliment character than talent. Many children have been ruined because their parents were too proud of them and their performances. This not only hurts the child but it disgusts other adults. In such cases the child receives far too much attention and then wants it for the rest of her life. Hence, she becomes maladjusted. Let her gain her own attention by her performance. Let her attract her own audience by her own ability and opportunities, not by the insistence of a mother or father who is overly proud of a daughter.

10. Let her do things that enable her to be a necessary help to another who is in the limelight. This is very important for a young lady. That is why learning to accompany a soloist is good training for a girl. Learning to take dictation is also good training. Both of these things train her to be a necessary helper to someone who is in the limelight. The Bible teaches that a woman is made not for the limelight but to complement and supplement. Proverbs 32:23 says, "Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."

The girl should be taught that her lot in life is to be obedient and helpful to her husband. Hence, if as a girl she can perform supplemental duties that are vital, she will be better equipped to be a well-adjusted lady. It is more important that a young lady be an accompanist on a piano than a concert pianist. Parents who train their daughter in this manner will someday be called, "blessed," by their son-in-law.

11. Teach her to pull for her dad. The wise mother will teach the girl to make a hero of her father and always pull for him. She should pull for him in business and do all she can to help. She should pull for him in any athletic contest and do all she can to cheer him to victory. In everything he does she should stand on the sidelines and root for her dad. She is being taught to root for the biggest man in her life and to cheer and spur him on to bigger heights. When she is married she will transfer this to her husband and will be a great encouragement to him.

The mother must teach the daughter that when the father is a success the daughter is also a success. She is a very vital part in his success, and as a member of the team she can share the victory and the spoils. When this attitude is properly developed she will feel the same way when she is married. When the husband wins a victory it will be a team victory rather than a victory just for him.

12. Teach her to plan for a profession but to hope that it will not be needed. Mothers and fathers should teach their daughters to train for some kind of profession that is always in demand. There is always the possibility that the daughter will never marry or that she will become a widow with children to rear and will not remarry. Because of this she should plan to pursue some profession that will enable her to support herself and her children in any eventuality. She should be taught that if possible, she should not follow this profession when married. This gives her a dependence, if the opportunity arises to be dependent, but an independence if needed. There are many professions that a young lady could pursue such as that of a school teacher, beautician, secretary, nurse, etc.

13. Teach her the sanctity of the body. Teach her that boys should keep their hands off and that her body should be clean in every way. She should care for her body. She should be well groomed and physically clean. Then she should also be moral and virtuous. Talk with her about situations which arise in the lives of most young ladies. Teach her how to handle each situation. Explain to her that that is the reason she should not be in a car alone with a boy. Teach her what to do if improper advances are made. Let her be conscious of the fact that her body is a very sacred thing and should always be treated as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

14. Teach her to do feminine chores. As is mentioned elsewhere it is better for a girl to do the dishes than the yard, to wash the pots and pans than the car, to clean the bedroom rather than the garage. She should do the duties that she will do when she is married and a successful mother and wife.

Much stress should be placed on the importance of her working hard. It is not feminine to be lazy. In fact, it is quite feminine to work hard. It is not working hard that makes one unfeminine; it is the doing of masculine tasks. Wise is that mother who teaches her daughter that good hard work is feminine and that the work a woman should do should be that of feminine chores.

15. Let her be around feminine women. Teach her to associate with ladies who are feminine. Point them out to her when she is a little girl and tell her they are the ones she should copy and emulate. Let these ladies be those who dress like ladies, talk like ladies, walk with feminine grace, sit with feminine charm. Let these be ladies who are good mothers and who have poise, dedication, chastity, consecration, and spirituality.

16. Let her baby-sit. It should be remembered that someday she will no doubt be a mother. She can prepare herself for this and train for it by caring for little ones while she is a teenager. When a girl gets around thirteen, she should becomes acquainted with taking care of little babies and small children. Her motherly instinct will be developed and nourished. This is very important in preparing her to be a successful and happy mother.

17. Let her care for younger girls in the family. Let her dress them, do their hair, wash their faces, etc. Even a girl seven or eight can care for a little sister. She should be encouraged to do so. This will teach her to fulfill responsibilities, to carry the load in the family circle, to work hard, and to prepare herself for motherhood.

18. Allow her to do no loud shouting or hollering. In fact, such should not be a part of anyone's household. The business of rearing children can be transacted without shouting or fussing. Especially should this be true in a girl, for the parent is to try in every way to make her quiet, meek, and feminine.

19. With the passing of the years, let her shop more for herself, and if she has younger sisters, let her aid them in doing their shopping. This will teach her to care for her own person and also for the needs of others.

The most noble goal that parents can set for their daughters is to help them become Christians. The second most noble goal is to lead them to be ladies, for one of the great needs of our generation is Christian ladies. May God use this chapter to make it so.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There are an estimated 8 billion people in the world, that’s 8,000,000,000 people! The average life expectancy of a person is estimated to be around 70 years of age. With all the natural disasters, people smoking, the global aids epidemic, terrorism, drug overdoses, liquor related deaths, accidents, murders, war, et cetera. I’m sure the average life expectancy is much lower.

Visit a cemetery sometime and you’ll be surprised how many people have died at a much younger age. Nevertheless, let’s suppose that the average person lives to be 70 years old. 8,000,000,000 divided by 70 equals 114,285,714. This means that 114,285,714 people, on average, die every year. If we divide 114,285,714 by 365 days in a year, this means that an average of 313,111 people are dying every day in this world. Are you shocked? You'd never think from listening to the daily news that so many were dying.

On and on, religion and more religion! Countless billions of people are trusting in their religion to save them instead of the Lord Jesus Christ. Surely, nine out of ten people in this wicked world are bound for a Godless, eternal Hell. I have no doubt whatsoever that 90% of the people in this world are going to Hell. Why? For one simple reason friend, they do not have the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. They have never believed the Gospel message. They have been deceived by Satan (2nd Corinthians 4:4). If you don't believe the Holy Bible, then you had better hope to God that your right. If you believe the Bible “just enough” to BELIEVE THE GOSPEL—you will be eternally safe! We all must die and it’s guaranteed that we're not going to escape death! It’s just a matter OF TIME! Prepare to meet thy God! All followers of Judaism are liars, because they deny that Jesus is the Messiah. That's what the Bible teaches in 1st John 2:22. It's Jesus or Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is a website called landoverbaptist. They use the domain extensions of .com, .net, .org and others. I won't even link to their filth, because they say it's not appropriate for visitors under 18. Yet, they have a section titled “just 4 Kids,” which is highly contradictory. These are dangerous people. Their website has attracted millions of visitors, which makes it a serious concern.

The website fraudulently claims to be a Baptist Church. Instead, the website is a horrible mockery of God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and sin-hating, God-fearing, Christ-honoring, Christians. The website is pure evil, intended to mock Christianity, blaspheme the Lord Jesus and confuse people.

The internet group may or may not be incorporated, I doubt it. But even if they are a 501C3 organization, their blasphemous beliefs and teachings against the historical Baptist position exposes them as liars. This internet group is a fraud. I've been a Baptist my whole life, and I can tell you plainly that the Land Over Baptist website mentioned is evil to the core, not Baptist in any sense of the term. There are actually some legitimate churches named Land Over Baptist, which causes even more confusion, and these rotten imposters know it!

I published this article to warn everyone on the internet about this fraudulent group, who claim to be a Baptist Church; but they are wicked people, liars, deceivers, God-heaters, degenerates and hate-mongers who spew blasphemies against God. Mark 3:28, “Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme.” These God-haters spew blasphemies against genuine Christianity and the God of the Bible.

The website mocks salvation by stating “Accept Christ and receive a free Playstation 2!” This is just evil. It couldn't be more obvious that the owners and publishers of the Land Over Baptist website are God-hating heathens.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Women today have been brainwashed by domestic violence literature to seek divorce at the first sign of abuse. I was recently reading a pamphlet from an organization called VARO (Victim’s Advocates Reaching Out). There are thousands of such non-prophet anti-violence and abuse organizations all across America. I couldn’t believe what the VARO pamphlet said inside. There was a listing of “signs of abuse,” with questions, and then at the bottom they requested for the reader to seek help at once if they answered” yes” to any of the questions. One of the questions was, “Is your spouse tracking your time?”

Another asked, “Does your spouse ever make any belittling comments to you in front of others?,” “Are you often criticized for little things?” Another question asked, “Has your spouse ever tried to prevent you from contacting friends or family?” One of the questions asked “Has your husband ever forced you to have sex against your will?” The implications are clearly against an authoritative husband who decides where, when, what, who, and why concerning his wife’s life, activates, and friends.

"Who’s teaching the women? We know that many socially conservative organizations are now teaching men to be good fathers. Think about it. Women are learning about issues of marriage and dealing with husbands through Women’s Studies courses (feminist and humanist propaganda), local “battered women’s shelters” (which disseminate more of the same in each community) and many other kinds of organizations that teach women to be independent—independent from husbands. Women are also taught by such organizations to know the incentives to divorce (propaganda and tactics that make divorce an easy lifestyle option for them). Most conservative organizations have been recipients of some of the same liberal, anti-family propaganda—many without knowing it." -Men's News Daily

You probably won’t like this; but a husband has a God-given RIGHT to decide who his wife associates with, where she goes, when she goes there, when she has sex with him, how she dresses, et cetera. Now a loving husband will be fair, and desire for his wife to have a happy life; but the husband should have veto power in a marriage. I believe a husband who loves his wife will want to let her do what makes her happy most of the time. However, in those few decisions where the husband and wife disagree, the wife is commanded by God in the Bible to submit to her husband (Colossians 3:18). I am not advocating domestic violence; but a husband who tracks his wife's time, whereabouts, and associations is NOT being abusive--he is RULING over his wife as God expects him to.

David J Stewart #fundie #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com

The Devil Is A Beautiful Liar!

Do you know what witchcraft is? Witchcraft is seeking help or guidance from any spiritual source other than God. We see much of this in society today—horoscopes, astrology, tarot cards, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, séances, psychics, palm reading, spiritism, fortune telling, necromancy (communicating with the dead), yoga, New Age meditation, the force, Chinese Zodiacs, burning candles, chants, spells, potions, charms, the Rosary, icon bracelets, et cetera.

If it's not God's Holy Spirit, then you are dealing with the Devil. Any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit. Anytime you here someone talking about spiritual matters without mentioning Jesus Christ or the Bible, run, as fast as you can. A Modernist is someone who falsely claims to be a Christian, an imposter. Many false prophets today masquerade as Christians, but they are children of the Devil. You can tell them by their fruit. They never mention Jesus Christ as the Savior. They don't recognize the Scriptures as their Final and Only Authority.

The Devil is an evil spirit, just as God is the Holy Spirit. We can only worship God in spirit (John 4:24). Jesus said that His Words are life. John 6:63, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” Our battles in this life are ultimately against the Devil, not flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). The Devil works inside the mind of the wicked, to lead them to do horrible things (Ephesians 2:2). The Devil can't make anyone do anything, but he influences people if they are susceptible and willing. This is the woeful danger of making witchcraft look innocent and fun to young people. It teaches children to invoke Satan's power. Harry Potter's magical power all comes from Satan.

The 'Church Of Satan' boasts that 'America is Absolutely a satanic nation!'

All spiritual power comes from either God or Satan. We see this truth in the Bible, when Pharaoh's magicians imitated the Lord's miracles wrought by the hand of Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:11). Satan is a master counterfeiter and disguise artist (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). Satan is all about deception and lies (John 8:44). There is no such thing as “white witchcraft.” There's only one kind of devil... A BAD DEVIL! All forms of witchcraft are Satan's works of darkness. It is tragic that children are being introduced to witchcraft, sorcery, magic, spells and all sorts of demonic practices which the Bible condemns. There are NO examples of good witches in the Bible, none! All witches are on the Devil's side!

Scholastic is a demonic company that publishes all of the books marketed to public school children. Here is their Harry Potter webpage. Scholastic advertises on their website...

“For 90 years, teachers and parents have recognized Scholastic as a trusted name in learning. Scholastic continues this successful history by remaining focused on encouraging children to learn to read and love to learn, helping teachers carry out their important jobs and supporting parents in their role as their child’s first teacher.”

SOURCE: http://www.scholastic.com/aboutscholastic/peoplehistory.htm

Harry Potter's witchcraft is being taught, pushed, and required by public schools. Whereas the Word of God is banned in all public schools; Scholastic is allowed to push their demonic witchcraft onto children, and they do! They're mission is to INDOCTRINATE children, especially with witchcraft...

“Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education and media company, has a corporate mission supported through all of its divisions of helping children around the world to read and learn.”

SOURCE: http://www.scholastic.com/aboutscholastic/missionandcredo.htm

Children are learning the evils of witchcraft through Harry (potty) Potter books. These books are pushed, promoted, and being distributed into the hands of all public school children. Wiccans even have a chaplain in the military service. Wicca is a recognized religion by the U.S. government. Harry Potter teaches the witchcraft religion to children. Tragically, Harry Potter has become an international phenomena. ...

“God forbids his people to dabble in this satanic system. When a people turn from God, they generally go after the occult and abnormal. There is a great turning today to the occult, a great turning to the spirit world and demonology. We have here in southern California a Church of Satan. There's one up in the bay area. They're spreading! Many are worshipping the Devil today.” —Pastor J. Vernon McGee (Thru The Bible, Isaiah 8:9-22)

David J Stewart #fundie #crackpot #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Humanism is EVIL!

by David J. Stewart

“The pagan in Africa gets a piece of wood and builds him a god; the intellectual in the university gets his mind and builds himself a god.”
—Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, How We Got Here

There is an evil under the sun lurking amongst mankind known as humanism..."An insane form of thinking that invades the human mind convincing it of it's superiority over God and His Word." I will repeat that definition of humanism again...

An insane form of thinking that invades the human mind convincing it of it's superiority over God and His Word.

Humanism is a direct enemy of Christianity and therefore Christ Himself. God hates humanism, but He surely loves the humanist. One must not confuse hatred against humanism with the love of God. As Christians, we are to love all people of all races of all nations. However, we are to hate the damnable heresies and evils that destroy the same people.

The Bible is God's Word. The King James Bible is the inerrant, infallible, preserved, eternal Word of God. Whether the heathen want to accept the Bible as God's Word or not is irrelevant...The Bible is God's Word.

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." -1st Peter 1:23

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." -Hebrews 4:12

To those who reject God's gift of eternal life by spitting on the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Bible says...

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:" -2nd Thessalonians 1:8

Hell will be hot my friend. God doesn't want ANYONE to burn in hell, but the Bible is clear that ONLY those who go through Jesus Christ will make it to heaven...

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6

This is the major problem with HUMANISM...it does not recognize God at all. I was doing some research online about Humanism and ran across the Council for Secular Humanism website. The particular article I read was 10 Myths About Secular Humanism by Matt Cherry and Molleen Matsumura taken from Free Inquiry magazine, Volume 18, Number 1. I would like to comment on a few of their statements.

Article quote: "Yes, it's true that secular humanists don't believe in a God or an afterlife...Secular humanists plead guilty as charged to these and many other claims that show the genuine and radical differences between humanism and revealed religion. In fact, we are proud of these differences, and want to see them publicized and debated."
My response: Anyone who has faith in God should run as far away from secular humanism as they can. Frankenstein would be welcome in my home before I'd let Secular Humanism in the front door. The humanists openly admit that they DON'T believe in God, heaven, or hell. This is to their own demise. It is such atheistic godless-minded thinkers who are controlling the curriculum of the public school system in America. I am unalterably opposed to the heathen public school system. Humanism is of the devil because it denies Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Article quote: "Humanists also emphasize the importance of self-determination - the right of individuals to control their own lives, so long as they do not harm others. Secular humanists, therefore, often promote causes where traditional religion obstructs the right to self-determination, for example, freedom of choice regarding sexual relationships, reproduction, and voluntary euthanasia"

My response: The above quote is clear, the Humanists are working in direct opposition to the New Testament church. Humanists openly PROMOTE a "Do-Your-Own-Thing" type mentality. Do you know that is exactly what the Church of Satan believes? They believe that you can do anything you want, just as long as no one else gets hurt. However, that is NOT what the Bible teaches. We are commanded in the Bible to OBEY GOD rather than men (Acts 5:29). How can Humanists obey God when they deny that He even exists? Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).

Furthermore, abortion is murder and destroys a little babies' life. Is this not hurting someone? The Humanists and Satanists speak out of both sides of their mouth. The Homosexual community doesn't want the public to know the truth (the statistics) about their "freedom of choice" regarding Sodomy. There is a link between pedophilia and homosexuality. New York just opened the countries first exclusively homosexual high school...talk about discrimination. If someone started an ONLY white kids school, the public would go nuts. I guess being homosexual gives them special rights which allows for discrimination. The days are growing evil friend. Are you right with God in your heart? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour? If not, please do so right now before it is too late. You have no guarantee of tomorrow (Proverb 27:1).

3. Article quote: "On the other hand, liberal Christianity has been deeply influenced by humanism."

My response: There is NO such animal as "liberal Christianity," just as there is no such thing as "Christian rock" music. Either it's Christian or it's heathen. It's sickening to hear professed "Christians" speak of "Theistic Evolution." The Bible teaches that God created the world as we know it in six days and then rested on the seventh. It is unbelief in God's Word to teach or believe anything else. Most people are woefully ignorant of what it means to be a Christian. Even false religions such as godless Catholicism call themselves "Christians." They are reprobates! I do not hate Catholics; on the contrary, I love them. I hate Catholicism because it is a damnable heresy totally out of line with the Bible. The Bible is God's Word, listen to the Bible NOT the dope in Rome.

4. Article quote: "But secular humanism is not a religion and humanists don't worship anything. We are far too realistic to worship humanity. While we recognize that all human beings have the potential to do good, we also realize that the potential exists for acts of great evil. Humanity's constant challenge is to understand itself and improve itself."

My response: Romans 1:25 says, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." It is a very dangerous thing to re-create God in our own image. Mankind was created in God's image and we must not CHANGE that truth into a lie. When I think of the humanists, I think of a Proverb in the Bible (Proverb 19:3) which says, "The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD. Secular humanism is utter foolishness and an abomination before the Lord God. The Bible teaches that God created mankind, which means that God has the master blueprints (the instructions). The Bible is God's instruction Book to mankind teaching us how to live and to treat each other. If we neglect God's truth, then we are like an idiot headed for a waterfall without a paddle because he deliberately threw the paddles overboard. Proverb 20:24 teaches, "Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?" Apart from God's Word, there is no understanding! Proverb 28:5 declares, "Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things."

5. Article quote: "Secular humanism is a naturalistic, nonreligious worldview."

My response: I think I'll let God answer this one for Himself...

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." -1st Corinthians s 2:14-16

Humanism is horribly evil because it DENIES God. Humanism is evil because it seeks answers WITHOUT God. Humanism is evil because it does NOT recognize the Bible as God's Word. Humanism is wicked because it promotes the acceptance of homosexuality, witchcraft, abortion, assisted suicide, and every other evil act (as long as they think no one is being hurt). I got news for you Mr. and Ms. Humanist...babies get hurt when you suck their heads off, cut them into bit sizes pieces or burn them alive in acids. Someone is definitely getting hurt. To you it's just "freedom of choice" regarding reproduction. Freedom of choice? For who? The child certainly has no choice.

David J. Stewart #quack #fundie #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

These vaccinations CAUSE the diseases!!

That's the only reason why they are still here!!

If every child GOT the childhood diseases as Nature intended (they are very mild and treatable in children) -- none of those diseases would even
be around today!! Getting the REAL disease (or exposure to it) as a child, gives LIFE LONG IMMUNITY!! That's how God meant it to be, because if an adult gets these diseases (and we are seeing a LOT of this happening now), it can be deadly. But getting them as a child, not only gives life long immunity, but this is HOW diseases die out NATURALLY, and they all would have, if this government had not come up with these vaccines to keep the diseases going!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. This is not merely my opinion, but the teaching of the Bible.  We read in Exodus 20:13... "Thou shalt not kill." Try as they may, abortionists cannot justify their heinous crime of torturing children to death. Abortion is a woeful sin, which makes the mother guilty of murder, and the father too if he consented. 

Thus, it is normal to feel GUILT after murdering one's child. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't feel guilty after murdering their own child, let alone why they did it in the first place. That's your own child! 

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

Massage Parlors are EVIL

Only in a sinful, carnally-minded society do people go get a massage, letting someone of the opposite sex usually) put their hands all over you from head-to-toe. It is just plain wrong.

When I hear someone say that they're going to get a massage, I know that they're not right with God. Oh, I know, everyone has a bad back, or a bad leg, or some other health problem that they use to justify getting a massage; but it doesn't matter. It is sinfully for a man to have a woman putting her hands all over him (unless it's his wife). Massages are unscriptural and sinful, because they potentially arouse sexual desires (at least in a healthy, normal man) and often lead to sexual immorality during the massage. God calls all believers to a life of holiness.

A wife who doesn't mind if her husband gets a massage by another woman; probably dresses like a whore, has a loose past of fornication, approves of abortion, accepts homosexuality, et cetera. Only an immoral wife would approve of her husband getting a massage by another woman. You should be jealous over your spouse, just as God is jealous over His own (Exodus 20:1-5).

Massages are sinful. No one should touch you except your spouse. Even a man touching a man is creepy. No man should massage another man.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Erwin Gane further errantly states...

There is not the slightest hint in the New Testament that the Sabbath was changed or abolished.

WRONG! Colossians 2:14,16-17 state quite the contrary... "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross... Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." The Old Testament SABBATH was a CEREMONIAL LAW, which pictured Jesus Christ, in whom we rest for the salvation of our souls. This is evidenced by Hebrews 4:2-4, which state...

"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works."

This passage of Scripture clearly evidences the fact that the Sabbath Day was only symbolic of a person's faith (i.e., solely resting) in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Mankind attempted to work his way to Heaven through self-righteousness, but he utterly failed (Romans 3:19; James 2:10). This is represented by man working 6-days prior to the Sabbath Day. Today, Jesus is our Sabbath, i.e., He is the fulfillment of what the Sabbath Day symbolized.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The modern corrupt Bible revisions are 10,000,000 times more dangerous of a threat than 911! The horrifying 911 attacks murdered 2,977 innocent people (343 of which were dedicated firefighters), but the Devil's modern Bible revisions are sending MILLIONS of people to Hell!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

ANTICHRIST BEAST SYSTEM WARNING: THIS MINISTRY IS BEING CENSORED BY GOOGLE AND YOUTUBE! (Google owns YouTube). Compare the below chart stats (look at the orange column for unique visitors between 2019 and 2017). In September of 2017 JIS received 364,372 unique visitors for the month, but by February of 2018 it dwindled down to only 180,672 unique visitors. The total number of web visitors hasn't been this low since 2011. There's proof of censorship!!! Land of liberty? Freedom of speech? I don't think so!!! Due to internet censorship by the now forming New World Order, the number of my web visitors has decreased by a whopping 50-75%. If you look at the total hits, I've lost 75% of my web visitors over the past 5 years. Google has the blood of millions of hellbound sinners on their hands! Google by far is the source of most of this ministry's web visitors. Satan is the God of this evil world, and he WILL have his evil way for now; but the Bible says the Devil KNOWS that his time is short, and he is relentlessly working to kill, steal and destroy the work of God. Revelation 12:12, “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” That's okay, everything's alright in my Father's house, where there's joy, joy, joy!!! The biggest hindrance to the Devil's NWO is the New Testament Church, i.e., born-again Christians! 2nd Thessalonians 2:7, “For the mystery of iniquity [NWO] doth already work: only he [the Holy Spirit in believers] who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way [the Rapture].” Even so, come, Lord Jesus!!!!!!!

Jesus-is-Savior.com received (with much thanks) the following worldwide visitors during 2019...

I Love You All, Whosoever You May Be! - Thank You Sincerely From My Heart!!!

Although 6,230670 total web visitors for 2019 sounds like a lot (and I praise God for each and every one of them), that number was 10,879,326 for 2017. The discrepancy is due to Google's ruthless censorship of conservative and Christian articles that criticize the LGBTQ agenda, expose the evils of abortion, and other sensitive topics of THE TRUTH. It is tragic that this type of communist oppression exists in America today, while sodomites online are completely free to express their degenerate deathstyle and views. We are at war over morality, righteousness and the truth in America today!

Edo Nyland Award

For excellence in failing linguistics forever

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages? Did one gorilla get angry at another gorilla and decide to start a new language? I'm intrigued to know.

The Bible teaches that God created all the different languages at Babel... "Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech ... Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Genesis 11:7,9). It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages; than it is to believe that some space-dust from a massive chaotic explosion somehow became life, and then took on intelligence, and then from the same evolutionary process ended up with 7,000 different languages. That makes no sense at all.

There are no "primitive" languages. All languages have a system of sounds, words, and sentences that can adequately communicate the content of culture. This is evidence of a divine Creator. The languages of the so-called "primitive" peoples are often very complex in their grammatical structures. If mankind had advanced through an evolutionary process, then there should still be developing languages today; but in fact, one languages disappears every 2-weeks...

The fact that mankind's languages are vanishing from civilization at any alarming rate is proof that evolution is a lie. If evolution were true, then the process by which mankind has obtained 7,000 languages would be continuing today. Has the evolutionary process ceased? According to the Bible it never happened in the first place. One would have to be a fool to follow the nonsense of evolution. Hey, if the Big Bang Theory is true, then why was there only one? Why not two or three big bangs, or a thousand? It's amazing to me how people continually place God and the Bible on trial; yet unquestioningly accept the illogical theories of evolution. This just shows their wicked heart of unbelief in the Word of God.

Jack Hyles #fundie #pratt #wingut #god-complex jesus-is-savior.com

It is surprising how few parents know what is going on in the public school system. Apathy is killing America, especially apathy on the part of God's people.

I have in my hand tonight a book, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. This book is a best-seller. John Steinbeck was the winner of the Nobel Prize. This book was at one time required reading at a school in this area. Now at the school where some of my children go, they made it required reading but backed out because there was so much complaint about it, of which complainants I was one! I will not read this language; I will let you guess what the words are. I want to read to you some statements from this book, required reading not in a college but for freshmen in high school. Will all you high school freshmen stand up, please? Now, this book was required reading in a high school -- at least one, maybe more -- for boys and girls this age. Thank you.

Here we go. On page 33 I read:

"Don't let him pull you in -- but -- if the b#### (son of a female dog) socks you -- let 'im have it."

Page 35:

"Listen to me, you crazy b###### (an illegitimate child)," he said fiercely. "Don't you even take a look at that b#### (a female dog)."

Now one reason I am preaching on this is that a lot of you parents are so lazy that you don't check on it. Tonight I am going to cram it down your throats. You are going to know what your children are reading.

Page 39:

Carlson said thoughtfully, "Well, looka here, Slim. I been thinkin'. That dog of Candy's is so g## d### old he can't hardly walk. Stinks llke h###, too."

Page 48:

Candy went on, "Either you guys got a slug of whiskey? I gotta gut ache."

That kind of stuff is not vulgar but it sure goes against my refinement. There is a word for gut which decent people use -- it is called stomach. And you people who think you are educated and refined, listen, when you use that, you are nothing but a heathen with a degree. Not only do you not know how to use decent language; you are not even cultured. Now that book is required in some high schools.

Page 48 again:

"Gotta bad gut ache," said Candy. "Them g## d### turnips give it to me."

Not only is it vulgar talk, but that is not even good English.

Don't get mad yet. We haven't begun. I see a lot of folks frowning already. You may have a stroke before we are through.

Page 59:

Whit stood up. "I guess maybe I'd like to see this," he said.

"Curley's just spoilin' or he wouldn't start for Slim. An' Curley's handy, g## d### handy."

Page 61:

George sighed. "You give me a good w#### house (place where prostitutes do their business) every time," he said. "A guy can go in an' get drunk and get ever'thing outa his system all at once."

Page 83:

Candy rubbed his cheek angrily. "You g## d### right we're gonna do it .... "

"Yeah?" said Crooks. "An' where's George now? In town in a w#### house."

Page 95:

"This here g## d### little son-of-a-##### (female dog) wasn't nothing to George."

Page 107:

"That big son-of-a-##### (female dog) done it."

"I'll kill the big son-of--a-####### (illegitimate child) myself. I'll shoot 'im in the guts."

Now you hear me, and you hear me well. If you would cram this filthy, rotten, stinking trash down the innocent minds of these little boys and girls who stood up awhile ago, you ought to be in the penitentiary. You ought to be in jail. And, by the way, there was a day in this country when you would have been!

Now this book is required reading. My boy was supposed to read this book, but there were so many complaints about it -- mostly by our people -- that they took this book out and put another one in. It had a lot of these vulgar words and they still DAMN the name of God all the way through it. And when I told the committee, "My boy is not going to read it," the committee said, "Now let's talk about it."

I said, "Talk about it all you want to, but my boy is not going to read it."

"Well," they said, "we will reach an agreement."

I said, "Yes, and I can tell you now what the agreement is going to be: my boy is not going to read the book."

They said, "Well, you find worse things than that on the restroom walls."

I said, "Yes, and when you make the restroom walls required reading, I will come back up here."

The simple truth is, there is too much good literature that has been taught through the years in America to let such trash as this be crammed down the minds of our tender freshmen boys and girls.

The book, Caine Mutiny, is not as bad as this one I have quoted but it condemns the name of God all the way through. I heard a teacher say that she thought Caine Mutiny ought to be read, that there was nothing wrong with freshmen children reading Caine Mutiny. You think this is bad; you ought to read Baldwin's book that some of our kids are having to read. It contains the most vulgar four-letter words you ever saw written on a sidewalk. But they said to me, "Now Rev. Hyles, Caine Mutiny is the language of a sailor. That is the way sailors talk." I know a lot of sailors who do not have to use dirty words to talk!

Now you had better check and see what your children are being required to read. There has been a deterioration in our school system in the last five years that you would not believe. And in the next five years when these demonstrators and long-haired beatniks get out of college and are teaching our children, it will double the deterioration we have seen in the last five years. And that is only the beginning.

One of our students in our church overheard two teachers talking recently in school. One said, "If we are going to get something real vulgar in next year, we had better get something a little less vulgar in this year. And if we can get a certain book in this year, next year we will wriggle in the real vulgar ones." And that is only the beginning.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

People nowadays are absolutely infatuated with the occult, Satanism, magical powers, vampires, witchcraft, levitation, etc. These things are all demonic. A man recently told me that he personally witnessed someone levitate. I told him that if he legitimately did, it was of the Devil. Any spiritual power not of God is demonic. The entire Harry Potter series teaches and promotes spiritual POWER, i.e., potions, spells, magic wands, magic mirrors, flying brooms, enchantments, etc, etc, etc...BUT, these powers are not from the Holy Spirit of God. Witchcraft derives it's power from Satan.

It is the desire for power that lures many people into witchcraft, and there is limited power available; but, it is the power of Satan. Occult powers are real, and many people today dabble in them, but Satan always requires one's soul in exchange. Keep in mine that Pharaoh's magicians successfully mimicked some of the miracles performed by Moses. It is worthy to note that Pharaoh's magicians COULDN'T reproduce all of the miracles. Thus, Satan's power is greatly limited in comparison to God's omnipotence. If you want access to unlimited power, then ponder 1st John 4:4... "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." There is NO one greater than Jesus Christ.

Harry Potter is a loser, and only losers follow him. Why follow a witch as your hero? The Devil desperately wants young people to idolize ANYONE except Jesus Christ--Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Harry Potter, Pokemon, the tooth fairy, etc. Harry Potter is of the Devil, hates God, and should be shunned by society as a despicable menace. I plead with you, destroy your "curious arts." Acts 19:17-19 state, "...and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts [witchcraft] brought their books together, and burned them before all men..." Harry Potter is popular because he is a demonic witch. If Harry were a Gospel preacher, he'd be abandoned and forgotten. Harry Potter is rotten to the core, an apple filled with worms! Please don't be deceived, Harry Potter is anything but harmless. Danger! Harry Potter will take your child to Hell, which is where J.K. Rowling is headed. Jesus Christ is the one whom our children should be praising and idolizing; not Harry Potter, a Satanic wizard.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Pete Buttigieg]

This is really sick, two queers, one candidating for the office of U.S. President. Truly our fight as believers is against spiritual wickedness sin HIGH PLACES! The American people are as a frog in a warming pot of water on the stove. By the time we wake up to reality, the water will be boiling in our degenerate culture. ...


Could things get any weirder in our sick country? What next, Ernie And Bert Will Be Queers? (character writer says they are!). As Americans increasingly forsake the holy God of the inspired King James Bible, all the stops are being removed against the vile and dehumanizing sin of homosexuality. A whole new Godless generation is being raised up who have no fear of God, no respect for their fellow humanity, and without hesitation wallow in the depths of Satan!

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Women and Girls are Biblically Commanded to Dress Properly

The internet is saturated with hard core and soft pornography (both devastating to society). A woman who is 99% naked is considered acceptable these days, evidenced by Katy Perry's website and latest album TEENAGE DREAM (which I won't even show you), but it is sinful pornography in God's opinion (1st Timothy 2:9). Women are to dress in “modest apparel.” That is what the Bible commands. It is not a matter of your opinion, nor mine; but of God's opinion. God has revealed His will concerning the manner in which women ought to dress. Rebellious women don't care, they're going to be lewd, rude and crude anyway; but a woman that fears God does care, and she is careful about the way she clothes herself.

The Greek word for “modest” in 1st Timothy 2:9 is “Kosmios” which means “of good behavior.” Hence, the attire which a woman wears sends a message as to the type of moral character which she possess. Women who wear pants either do not recognize, or do not care, about the spiritual dangers of lasciviousness. The clothes that women wear send a message.

Proof of this is found in Proverb 7:10... “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.” The Bible speaks about the attire of a harlot. One cannot deny that sexually suggestive clothing is the attire of a harlot. Any type of clothing that exposes a woman's thighs, breast cleavage or is tight is immodest and sinful.

It doesn't surprise me that the same society that has murdered over 50,000,000 of it's own children, in a Rock 'N' Roll culture of celebrity idol worship, would also scoff and laugh at my preaching concerning Biblical morality. It is a sin for women to wear tight pants, miniskirts and open blouses. It is a sin for women to pose in women's catalogs, because they KNOW that millions of men will also look through those catalogs and commit adultery. It is a sin to become a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, stripping down almost naked and showing the crowds their underwear while kicking their legs in the air. Bally dancing is the most filthy trash on earth. Plays and theatre performances are nothing but whore shows. Get right with God America!!!

David J Stewart #fundie #psycho #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com


Dr. W. Herschel Ford, 1969

Luke 16:19-31

We have come to a time when few people believe in a literal Hell. Yet it is still in the Bible, and it is still true because the Word of God is true. Men change their ideas but God's truth is always the same. The great Eternal God tells us that there is an eternal Hell for all those who reject Christ and live without God. Preaching on hell has diminished. We hear many light, fluffy sermons about peace, goodness, brotherhood, and the social gospel, but some congregations never hear hell even mentioned.

When Dr. Ramsay Pollard was pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church in Knoxville, one of his young people brought a boy from an Episcopal home to church one night. When the boy reached home after the service, his father asked him how he liked the sermon. "I liked it pretty good," said the boy, "but the preacher used a bad word right there in the pulpit. He used the word 'hell' over and over again." That boy had never heard the word used except in a bad sense. Yes, preaching about hell has cooled off, but hell is as hot as ever. The Bible that tells us of a wonderful heaven also tells us of an awful hell. God created hell just as sure as he created heaven. One is just as real, just as necessary, just as lasting as the other.

Reasons for Preaching on Hell

1. We must preach on hell because it's in the Bible. Do you want you preacher to preach his own ideas or the Word of God. You will reply, "Let him preach God's Word." Therefore he must preach the whole counsel of God. He must preach about heaven and delight in it. He must preach about hell even though he dislikes to do so. The preacher has not been called to tell what he believes, or what his church thinks, or what someone writes in a magazine. He must preach what God says. We know what God says is true. We know that there is a hell. We know that we must warn men to escape the "wrath to come".

So, let today's preacher preach on hell. But let him preach it in love. A great teacher once said, "Young men, you should preach on hell but let it be with a broken heart and tears in your eyes." We must tell men about the everlasting home of the doomed, but we must [sorrow?] over those who are condemned. And we must tell them of a loving Saviour whose death makes it possible for them to avoid hell.

2. We must preach on hell to awaken Christians. People all around us are going to hell. They are getting closer to the flames everyday. But we are asleep; we dont' realize what peril they are in. It may be someone very near and dear to you. If I can get you to see their lost condition and how hell is waiting for them, maybe you'll start praying and working for their salvation.

General Booth of the Salvation Army was speaking to a graduating class in the Army's training school. These young people had been there several years, learning how to work for God and win souls. The general said, "Young men, if I could have had my way, I would never have had you here for these years of training. But I would have put you in hell for 24 hours. I would have allowed you to feel the pains and pangs of the damned, to hear the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I would have caused you to see how they suffer forever. Then I would have sent you out into the world to warn men to flee from the wrath to come." General Booth was right. If we really knew what hell was like, nothing could stop us from urging men to come to Christ. So we must preach on hell, hoping that people will get concerned for their friends and loved ones who are going there.

3. We must preach on hell to warn sinners. It's an awful thing to remember that you could be in hell in another minute. No doctor can guarantee you of even one minute of life. David said, "there is but a step between me and death." (I Sam. 20:3) I have looked out into my congregation and seen someone in good health, well and strong, and before another Sunday they had gone to be with the Lord. It could happen to you; it could happen to me. What if you are not ready? What if Christ is not your Saviour? This means that you would be doomed forever.

Some people had no use for the Gospel. They hated preachers and laughed at Bible truth. Now they are in hell. Let's talk to one of them for a minute.

"Did you intend to come to hell?"

"No," he answers, "I meant all along to become a Christian and get ready for death. But I waited too long. Death slipped up on me and the next thing I knew I was in hell."

"Were you a wicked man? Were you a drunkard, or a thief, or a murderer or adulterer?"

"Oh no," he answers, "I lived a pretty good life, but I left out the main thing. I left Christ out of my life."

So today we have to preach on hell to warn men. Look all around you, lost sinner. People are dying every day. Your hour is coming. I want you to realize the seriousness of it and come to Christ. This is the only way you can escape hell.

The Certainty of Hell

Today many learned men deny the existence of hell. We have come to a time when we talk glibly about the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. We imply that everybody loves everybody else and that all men are saved. We think of God as a great big beneficient Santa Claus, smiling down upon all. But God is not the father of all. He is the Creator of all, but not the Father of all. He becomes our father only when we come to Christ. Jesus said in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil...." He was thinking of lost people. John 1:12 tells us that "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God....." These are the ones who can claim God as Father. They are saved, and they'll never go to hell. But remember this, you are not a child of God until you come unto Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

A preacher preached a sermon on hell and a woman asked him if he had any children. He replied that he did. "Do you love them?" she asked. "Oh yes," the preacher answered. "Well," the woman said, "what would you think of a father who could save his children from suffering and refused to do it?" "I would say that he was a tyrant and a monster," the preacher said. "That's what you're making God out to be. God would be a monster if He sent his children to hell instead of delivering them by his power." "But lady," the preacher responded, "you're making one mistake. God doesn't have any children in hell and he never will have. The people in hell are the devil's children. All of God's children are in heaven or on the way there. God has a home for His children and the devil has a home for his."

He was right. God is the Father only of those who believe in Jesus Christ....who have been born again. Too many people are presuming on the goodness of God as an excuse for sin. They say, "Let us live as we please. God is too good to punish us." One day they are going to have a rude awakening.

The Bible, God's inerrant Word, tell us that there is both a heaven and a hell. If we receive one and reject the other, we are reflecting upon the truth of God's Word. But we are not left to depend upon the opinions and speculations of men. We must rest upon the infallible truth of the infallible Bible.

You may deny the fact of hell, but that does not change the fact that it exists. Fire burns, whether you choose to believe that it does or not...poison kills, whether you believe it will or not. The world is round, whether you believe it or not....and hell is a reality whether you believe it or not. And if you reject the offer Christ is making today, you will go to hell, whether you believe you will or not.

Now listen to Jesus. He knew the truth about hell. He said that a certain rich man died and went down to hell, and was in torment. He said that the man cried out, "I am tormented in these flames." He said that the man was anxious for his brothers to repent, so that they would not come to that "place of torment."

If a man breaks the laws of the land, what else is there to do but punish him? He is put in prison or sentenced to death. And if men rebel and sin against God and trample his son under foot, what else is God to do but put them in the prison called Hell? Man must exact his penalty for a broken law and so must God.

Suppose that a train carrying 500 passengers was coming down the track and that you and I were 20 miles ahead of the train. And suppose that we found that a trestle over a mighty river had fallen in. As I think of the train approaching, I say, "I must warn them and save their lives." But you say, "I wouldn 't do that, it might scare the passengers. Some of them would faint. Be nice to them and don't disturb them." And the train rushes on to tragedy and the passengers are killed.

Have I done the right thing? Have I been prompted by love? No. If I loved people, I would warn them. And if I love lost souls, I must hold up my Bible and say, "This is God's Word. It tells us that there is a hell for those who reject Christ. Come to him and be saved from such an awful fate."

So I say to you, not out of my own wisdom but on the strength of God's Word, that there is a hell as surely as there is a heaven. And men who reject Christ go to hell as surely as those who accept him go to heaven.

The Bible's Description of Hell

Look for a minute at the biblical expression which describe hell. It is called a Lake of Fire - a bottomless pit - a horrible tempest - a devouring fire - a place of sorrows - a place of weeping and wailing - a place of torments - everlasting destruction - a place of outer darkness - a place where men have no rest - a place where men are tormented with fire and brimstone - a place where the fire is not quenched.

1. It is a place of separation from God. We couldn't exist here a second if we were cut off from God. But think of being in hell, cut off from Him forever. We can pray here; we can call on His name. But prayers will not help in hell, for men will be forever separated from God.

2. It is a place of unsatisfied desires. When we have desires here, we can usually satisfy them in some measure. If a man desires money, there are many ways to get it. If he wants liquor, he can get it. If he wants to satisfy his fleshly nature, he can do it. But in hell, he will be burning up with these desires, and there will be no way to satisfy them. The rich man in hell wanted water, but there was no way to get it. So man, with all of this cravings, will suffer in hell with unsatisfied desires.

3. It is a place of vilest companionship. The worst people, the meanest, cruelest, filthiest people will be there. Let me tell you something that will add to the horrors of hell for some people. They live clean lives, they are cultured and refined, they are good citizens, they are nice to their family and friends. But they reject Jesus Christ. One day they will be cast into hell, to live the rest of eternity with liars, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, homosexuals, and the vilest of creatures. This will be an awful thing for them and will last forever. They can never die and leave these people, and they can't get up and move away.

4. It is a place of hopelessness. Hope is the mainspring that keeps us going down here. When we are sick, we hope to get well. When we are poor, we hope things will get better. When we are unhappy, we hope soon to find happiness. When we have an unpleasant job, we hope to get a better one. But there is no hope in hell. There you just suffer and live in hopeless despair. Over the doors of an ancient prison were these words: "Abandon hope all ye that enter herein." That is nothing compared to hell. There is not one second of hope there. When you are cast into hell, it is forever.

5. It is a place of suffering. I don't think I need to dwell on that. Every Bible description of hell denotes suffering - intense, everlasting suffering. I know a woman who is now suffering greatly. She knows she is going to die soon, so she says, "It will soon be over." No one can ever say that in hell. There suffering there never ends.

6. It is a place of memory. When men are haunted by a bitter memory here, they can commit suicide. But you can't do that in hell; you must live on; you must remember. Your memory will be like 10,000 mirrors around you, recalling all the sins and follies of your life. You will remember how you sold your eternal soul for the pleasures of this world. You will remember every sermon and every song you ever heard, every invitation to salvation, every wooing of the Holy Spirit. You will remember how your mother prayed for you and your friends and family sought to win you to Christ. You will remember how you held back from any decision for Christ. As you remember all these things, this memory will be hell in itself. Oh, to be shut up in hell with memory always fresh.

You will remember that instead of suffering in hell, you could have been enjoying the happiness and bliss of heaven. You will remember the easy terms upon which you could have been saved. If it had been impossible for you to repent and trust Christ, this would have made the agony easier. But you will remember that you could have had eternal life for the asking, and you turned it down. You will remember how cheaply you sold out to Satan, and how you exchanged the joys of heaven for the sorrows of hell.

On this earth you sometimes blame Christians for your own sins. You say that they are a bunch of hypocrites. Then you turn your back on God and continue in your sin. You blame everybody else for you unsaved condition while you're here, but in hell you'll remember that you're the guilty one. Remember now that the issue is between you and God and no one else. You must account to Him for yourself and not for the hypocrites. It will be no one's fault but your own if you deliberately seal your own doom.

It isn't easy to go to hell. Before you get there you must climb over the church, the Bible, gospel sermons, your conscience, your better judgment, the Holy Spirit, and all the providences of God. Then finally you must climb over Calvary and trample Jesus Christ under foot. In hell, you'll remember that you did all of this.

When Does Hell Begin?

It begins at the end of a Christless life. If you go through life without Christ, your soul enters into conscious suffering when you die. I am not saying that you enter into the full measure of suffering at that time. This must wait until all the records are in. Then at the Great White Throne judgment, all the sinner's works will be judged, and the degree of punishment will be determined. Oh, man without Christ, you don't know how close you are to hell. It may be that before midnight your heart will stop beating and you'll go out to begin an eternity of suffering and anguish.

What do you have to look forward to if Christ is not your Saviour? At best, you have only a few more years in this world with its pleasures, its troubles and sorrows. Then comes a death without hope and nothing beyond but everlasting doom. How different is the outlook of a Christian! Just a little while longer here, then the door opens and he enters into the joy of his Lord and a glorious heaven. Oh, friend, what folly to go on without Christ and miss heaven.

How Can We Escape Hell?

You can never escape it through the good works of the flesh. You may do many things to gain the favor of God. You may join a church, be baptized, give your money, help people, live a good life. But these things will not save you. Salvation is an inner thing, a thing of the heart. The Bible plainly tells us that if we believe on Jesus Christ, the doors of hell will be forever closed to us.

You were condemned to die. But God's son could not be satisfied to see you die and go down to hell. He said, "Father, I'll pay the price for him. I'll suffer the pangs of death in his place. I'll satisfy the demands of the law on him." So he went to the cross and paid in full the measure for all of our sins. Now if we accept that payment, our sins are forgiven, we are saved, we become the children of God and heirs of heaven.

Your sins may have been as black as the pit, or you may have lived a good moral life. It doesn't matter - there is mercy for you with the Lord. He was bruised for your iniquities and wounded for your transgressions. He stands today with open arms saying, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.”


David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I pray for God to help me find a Christian wife. God created a woman FOR A MAN. If she does anything else with her life, she won't be happy. I want to provide for a woman, and make her happy, and let her be her. I don't want to control someone's life, that is not me. That is how I feel. I want to be a servant to her. I think a good woman would love me for a husband, if she understood that my heavenly rewards become her rewards if she marries me. I doubt if one woman in 10,000 thinks that way, that is, with an eternal perspective (Colossians 3:1-3).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Rick and Morty are satanic! In the following episode titled, “FINDING THE MEANING OF LIFE,” the message of the video teaches that Biblical beliefs are not as important as having a social life. Ladies and gentleman, NOTHING could be further from the truth! Your eternal destiny depends on your beliefs! You had better believe (trust) the message of the Gospel. It matters what we believe. The Holy Bible is God's inspired Word! I mean the King James Bible!!!

The cartoon's creators, Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, are sick and twisted perverts. The show has numerous homosexual characters...

Few Americans want anything to do with the Word of God today, because of their love for sin. That's why Bible-preaching videos on YouTube receive hardly any hits, while perverted music videos by Taylor Swift receive 68,000,000 hits! It is a sign of these evil times that we are living in today. People don't want a holy God and truth, they want entertainment and a feel-good message at church.

I never heard of Rick and Morty until recently, when one of my web visitors asked me about it. I watched a few episodes on YouTube and was disgusted. Episodes of Rick and Morty have all sorts of erotic sadist/masochist clothing used on characters, filthy talk, constant perverted innuendos, and immoral scenes. Character's buttocks are exposed. Literally, it is a subtle form of cartoon pornography. I read on Wikipedia that Justin Roiland was fired by a former TV network, because of his cartoon's perverted content. These guys are losers!

We are living in a warped generation!!! Youth today have lost all confidence in the Church, because the churches have lost their authority (which is the inspired Word of God).

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as “civil rights.” Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of “civil rights.” Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God. For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the “right” to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual. I don't care what the Supreme Court says, the Word of God condemns homosexuality!

America is filled with demented homosexuals and murderous abortionists who boast of being respectable citizens, who commit their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their wickedness (Romans 1:32). I am not trying to be unkind, I am taking a proper stand against a moral menace to society.

No one is born “gay,” because God doesn't make mistakes. God created male and female, which is normal. For anyone to claim that God made them a homosexual is to say that God made a mistake, because they cannot bear children nor have normal sexual relations. God didn't make a mistake, you did.

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a Communist, anti-family, anti-Christian, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their babies, practice witchcraft, abandon homemaking, and become lesbians. Please read, Woman Admits Feminism Ruined Her Life.

Every woman has her rights; but, there's a world of difference between human rights (which we are born with), civil rights (which are granted to all U.S. citizens), and moral rights (which belong to God alone). A mother who claims the “right” to murder her baby through an abortion is violating God's moral rights. We have no sinful rights. Any honest person knows that abortion is wrong. The Bible calls it murder (Exodus 20:13). Nearly all abortions are the result of human irresponsibility, i.e., fornication. No one has a right to sin! Abortion is cold-blooded murder! This is a moral right that belongs to God alone, because only God can give life, and only God should take life. Again, we have no sinful rights.

Feminism is not the same thing as women's rights. People oftentimes get these two confused. Feminism is a sin; but, human rights certainly are not. Human rights are granted at birth, and apply to everyone. In contrast, feminism is rebellion, i.e., rebellious women refusing to submit to their husbands (or refusing to marry because they won't be ruled over). Some feminists are so "militant" about their rebellion that they are referred to as “Femi-Nazis.” Femi-Nazis like to destroy other people's marriages. Sometimes feminists refuse to marry, and strongly resent other women who are happily married. Many feminists CHOOSE to become lesbians. Homosexuality is a choice—no one is born homosexual. Feminism and homosexuality are inseparable. You show me a homosexual, and I'll show you someone who hates the King James Bible (which condemns homosexuality as a morally reprehensible sin. See Romans 1:22-32).

The feminist movement in America is trying to castrate men by DEMANDING equal authority. The idea that it takes a man to do certain jobs is repulsive to a feminist. Yet, who do we ALWAYS see holding the flag when we drive by a construction site? ... a woman! It's the men who are doing the rough work. Also, feminists are completely quite when it comes to the unfairness of child support and alimony payouts that men are often unfairly forced to pay! What hypocrites! Feminist women want EQUAL rights when it's to their advantage, but they don't want EQUAL rights for the man. I believe that a man ought to support his own children, but the U.S. legal system is abusive, catering to rebellious wives. A Christian husband has NO RIGHTS in the U.S. court system to enforce his wife's Biblical obligation to cook, clean and be an obedient wife (Genesis 2:18). This is wickedness!

For example: If a husband feels that it is in his marriage's best interest to shelter his wife from certain troublesome friends or a meddling mother-in-law, U.S. courts consider that “Domestic Abuse.” In reality, Biblically, every Christian husband has a right to decide who his wife associates with. A husband has a right to track his wife's whereabouts, but the U.S. Courts define this as “Domestic Abuse.” Husbands have few rights these days in America! In fact, the ungodly U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1988 that a man's pregnant wife can abort the child, even if the biological father objects to the abortion. She can murder his child! This is cruel and evil. Sadly, and tragically, marriage licenses have become weapons against husbands in today's ungodly U.S. court system. Judges and lawyers are predators, who profit from the calamity and hardships of others. No wonder Jesus preached the stern warning . . . WOE UNTO YE LAWYERS!!! Luke 11:46a, “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne.”

David J Stewart #fundie #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com

Psychology and psychiatry ― so dangerous because they stand as competing authorities against the Bible!


The Root Problem Of Society

Modern psychology fails to take into account man's sin-nature. Secular psychology attempts to explain and diagnose man's problems independent of the Word of God. So-called Christian psychology is just as bad, because it tries to find a compromise between God's Word and heathen psychology. Certainly the Bible is the best Book on psychology ever written; albeit, the Bible DOES take into account the reality of sin. Genuine psychology doesn't ignore the realities of sin and the consequences of sin; but rather, addresses them.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

(Poster's Note: Eliseo F. Soriano is a popular Filipino televangelist best known for hosting the Christian TV show “Ang Dating Daan”.)

Eliseo F. Soriano is a false prophet, who teaches damnable heresies. Beware of this imposter!

Let us see the belief of this certain group who was alarmed because of the preachings of the only sensible preacher of these end times, Brother Eliseo F. Soriano.

His comments tell us:

1. This is a lie of the Devil. We don’t have to join any visible church organization to be saved. Salvation is by faith alone in the Person of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:13).

Let us see if salvation is by faith alone and if men don’t have to join any visible church organization as alleged by this certain David Stewart.

Rom 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Where is that “faith alone”? So, who is a false prophet? Brother Eli Soriano or this certain David Stewart? Anyway, if you are in your proper sense, my dear fellow readers, don’t forget to read ROMANS 1:7

To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

So, if they are “called”, where were these saints called into? And why were they called for? Let us continue. In I Thessalonians 1:1 we can read the following:

Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, by implication of the same writer, ST. PAUL, those addressedby ST. Paul in Rome were members of the church which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ. And by the way, why do you lie David Stewart?

2. Again, this is a lie of the Devil. There are NOT “two kinds of salvation.” Jesus plainly stated in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.” Soriano is a false prophet!

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose King's false teachings and Communist agenda.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to “Martin Luther” King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. — King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization's founder. In 1965, the so-called “reverend” Martin Luther King Jr. did a Playboy (that's right, Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire of sexual lasciviousness, adultery and smut) interview with Alex Haley. No pastor worth his salt would ever do a Playboy interview. Shame on Mr. King!

Here are some facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that you won't hear from the liberal, leftist, mainstream newsmedia . . .

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO born-again Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his writings, King openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection (effectively making King an atheist). Sadly, King is burning in the fires of Hell this very minute!!!

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. As mentioned, he denied the bodily resurrection of Christ, Jesus deity, the virgin birth and believed that spirituality could be gained through “religious experience” as he termed it. King did not hold to the historical orthodox Baptist positions.

3. The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #ableist jesus-is-savior.com

God Allows Pain and Suffering to Conform Us Into His Son's Image


Image: A woman sitting on a railroad track and cradling her head in her arms. Stewart has blacked out the woman’s legs.

Nobody likes to suffer, but the Bible teaches that God won't allow us to bear more than we can handle. (The young woman in the photo to the right was wearing pants, but I painted a dress on her instead using Microsoft “Paint”. Now she won't be depressed...lol. I know, I'm crazy! Oooaaahhh) 1st Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” Life is often a yoke of wood (burdens), and I hate it; but it beats a yoke of iron (unbearable burdens) that the Devil wants to enslave us to! Jesus promised us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” One of my very favorite sermons on this Scripture passage is by Dr. Jack Hyles is called: “It Doesn't Matter How You Got There.” I hope you will take the time to listen to the message, I am confident you'll be glad you did!

America was strong during The Great Depression ear of the 1930's and 1940's. People who survived those hard times think very differently than the Baby Boomer generation does, and succeeding spoiled generations of American brats...lol! Seriously, people like my father (1933-2010) and Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), who both grew up very poor during The Great Depression, thought very differently than the Vietnam War generation did a few decades later. My father grew up in an orphanage. The older folks learned how to “USE IT UP, WEAR IT OUT, MAKE IT DO, DO WITHOUT!” Nobody came to the rescue to help them, they toughed it out! One of my favorite sermons by Pastor Jack Hyles is called: “WHY MAMA WAS SO SMART,” all about her suffering through The Great Depression, and how God used it to make her a very wise woman.

My voice counts too as an American and a believer! I preach against everybody, including myself. If you want to find a big sinner, you found him. I am a guilty sinner, deserving of Hell, a diamond in the rough, and the Lord still has a lot of work to do on me. I thank God every day that He loves a lonely misfit like me. As Christians, all we have is each other. John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

Religion is one of the worst things that has ever happened to this world. True Christianity has nothing to do with religion. The Bible only mentions “religion” five times, and only once is it well spoken of in James 1:27, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Many homosexuals are joining churches, claiming to love God, but the Bible calls them liars. 1st John 5:3a, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments...” A person can be saved without turning away from their sinful behavior, because eternal life is the gift of God; but no one can honestly claim to “love God” who chooses to continue in sin. We live in a nation of liars today.

The unsaved world will never accept a holy God nor His holy Bible. Homosexuals want a false form of religion that tolerates homosexuality, honors the wicked, and doesn't try to get homosexuals to repent of their sins by preaching the truth about sin. What is happening in America and around the so-called civilized world today is as uncivilized and reprobate as can be, utter wickedness in the sight of God. Homosexuality is a disgusting sin! All sin is vile in God's sight.

The Bible cannot be rewritten to be non-offensive to the wicked. Homosexuals claim that any mention of homosexuality being a sin is “bigotry and dehumanizing slander.” That's the exact wording used in the pro-homosexual propaganda film, PRAYERS FOR BOBBY. The film is full of sinful propaganda, promoting tolerance of homosexuals. Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” No matter how loving God-fearing Christians try to be, homosexuals will never be content until Christians are totally silenced and supportive of gays. It will never happen. In March of 2015 a shocking 20,562 ministers in 10,083 Presbyterian churches accepted same-sex marriage, which is evil and tragic! I wouldn't give you a dime for those apostate churches!!! Homosexuality is a sin Biblically (Romans 1:24-32), and only a reprobate minister or church congregation would say otherwise.

Also, beware of the modern corrupt Bible revisions that remove the word “sodomite.” I only use the trustworthy King James Bible!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You do not have to be water baptized to go to Heaven! Granted, water baptism is the first step of obedience for the believer, and I encourage all Christians to be baptized if you have never done so; but it is not required, nor permitted, in God's plan of salvation. If you get baptized “JUST IN CASE,” then you are going straight to Hell when you die. You're not really trusting the Savior, if you're also relying upon anything else (like water baptism). Salvation is obtained by faith alone, without works.

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is nothing more shameful than owning and operating a tavern, making a living from the sale of alcohol which ruins people's lives. You'd think that after growing up around the illegal drugs, drunkenness and sexual immorality of Hollywood that Barrymore would have learned something. Hollywood is a known cesspool of pedophilia and homosexuality.

Psalms 50:22, “Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.”

Children are sexually abused at Hollywood parties all the time, getting the children high on drugs and alcohol and then raping them. Fox News exposed this evil in December of 2011. Drew Barrymore ended up in rehab at age 14 from all the abuse inflicted upon her at Hollywood parties. That speaks volumes. When a bunch of elite wealthy Hollywood Jews abuse children, they get away with it.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The people who destroy other people's lives, reputation and family are hypocrites who protect their own. I guarantee you that the man or woman who owns a newspaper won't publish anything bad about themselves. But they'll print bad things about you, destroy your life, and then make excuses why it's not their fault. Yet, they are 100% to blame for spreading manure and hurting their neighbor (Proverb 11:9). God will hold them accountable for the damage they have caused.

I don't hate anyone, including news reporters; but I hate the rotten newsmedia, because they destroy so many people's lives. Once something has been printed in the news, or spoken over the television, the damage is done. The newsmedia doesn't care who they hurt or destroy, just so long as it's not their loved ones. They are making money by gossiping, slandering and often broadcasting things that they don't even know is true. Even if the information is later found to be false, the damage has been done.

America has become a rotten, cutthroat, slanderous society. The newsmedia has damned themselves, by condemning their fellow mankind. Proverb 10:12, “Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” All the newsmedia does is stir up strifes, because they are hateful. Newspapers are instruments of hatred. The newsmedia is an instrument of hate. The Bible says that hatred focuses on people's faults, sins and mistakes. The newsmedia is like a giant magnifying glass that scrutinizes, attacks and destroys people's lives. There is NO love, none.

Revelation 12:10 tells us that Satan accuses Christians in the presence of God day and night, “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” This is what the newsmedia does, accuses people day and night. They are pure Satanists in the Biblical sense, because they do exactly what Satan does, they accuse people day and night.

I've heard advertisements on the radio, where they encourage people to text or call the newsmedia immediately if they have breaking news. It's sickening. The newsmedia are so rotten, desiring every filthy piece of evidence, every sick detail, every gory photo, et cetera. There is nothing as evil and unwholesome as the newsmedia. Woe unto the media!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Until a person is afflicted with endless pain, they naturally can't relate to such suffering and can't possibly understand. They just can't. I know what's it's like to be outside on a beautiful day with the sun shining, and everybody is enjoying life and having a good time, but physical suffering within my body is afflicting me and it overshadows me.

Philippians 2:13, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” That is why this website is here, i.e., because God has done a work in my heart to will and to do of His good pleasure. Amen and amen!

I have endured the Devil afflicting me ever since my ministry began to grow in 2004. I started the work in 2002. Only the Lord knows the depth of suffering that I've endured. Job didn't have it so bad. The book of Job reads like a biography of my life. Job 16:20-21, “My friends scorn me: but mine eye poureth out tears unto God. O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour!” Job 19:19, “All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me.” I have a faithful Savior in Heaven and that is my hope. Jesus is precious!

I ask for your earnest prayers for this ministry and me daily. This ministry is much bigger than me, it's about the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE (John 14:6)! HEAR YE HIM! No one is despised in this world, even among professed Christians, like the TRUTH-TELLER IS DESPISED. I am a truth-teller (except when I am filling out retarded Pfizer drug forms). I expect as much from an unsaved heathen doctor and a greedy drug empire. But we are living in truly perilous times, when even professed Christians don't care about each other anymore. Baptist pastors are a shame to their profession! Who cares? I do. Sadly, I oftentimes wonder if anyone else really cares in churches today. They sure don't on Guam. I would find more compassion in a Roman Catholic church on Guam, than at a lousy place like Harvest Baptist Church or some other hangout for religious people. By God's grace, in accordance with His will, I will never shut my mouth about the things in my soul that I am passionate about! If I have to stand alone in my pain of soul and body, then I will, in a world of cowards!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Unchristlike Christians hate conflict more than they hate evil.

Many independent Baptist Christians don’t want to be controversial about the King James Bible. They pride themselves in staying out of the fight and not causing any problems. Numbers 32:6 comes to mind...

Numbers 32:6, “And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben, Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here?”

Why is it that only a small tireless handful of Christian men and women are defending the inspiration of the King James Bible? It is because only a small handful of believers love the Lord Jesus Christ anymore. Money, covetous, the lust for power, prestige, worldly success, the pleasures of life, intellectual arrogance, family pride, et cetera; have turned men's hearts away from THE TRUTH. They choose to go along to get along, rather than suffer with their brethren who are standing alone against government evil and crime, fighting alone against unrighteousness, and fighting alone for the inspiration of the King James Bible.

We need reinforcements on the frontlines, but most believers have forgotten that they are supposed to be SOLDIERS for Jesus Christ. 2nd Timothy 2:3, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” Too many preachers are more interested in golf outings than they are about fighting in the trenches for their Lord. God called us to preach THE TRUTH. Jesus is THE TRUTH (John 14:6). The Bible is THE TRUTH (John 17:17). God wants us to fight for THE TRUTH. Good luck trying to tell THE TRUTH about the 911 attacks to any Christian today. THE TRUTH is that no plane ever struck building # 7. So why did it implode to the ground in 6.5 seconds? THE TRUTH is obvious if you can handle it. Those 3 buildings were detonated from within with carefully placed explosives. It was an inside job involving top brass in The White House, the Pentagon, the FBI, the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, and other key government agencies.

They ran mock terrorist attacks on the morning of 911 to confuse everyone and provide a cover for their crimes. They did then exact same thing to cover for the London bombings. People can't handle the truth. The average fancy-pants, bigwig, richy-rich, pastor has too much to lose by telling THE TRUTH, or dare even investigate or question what really happened on 911. America's biggest pastors are like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand. No one cares, and so the criminals get bolder, more blatant in their crimes, and reward those who look the other way in apostasy. Today's pastors have absolutely no desire whatsoever to know THE TRUTH about anything except what benefits them personally and their friends.

They do nothing while America goes to Hell. Their attitude is to not get involved when they see a thief breaking into their neighbor's homes, because it doesn't involve them. They look the other way when their neighbor is being raped, tortured and killed, which is EXACTLY what we have done to the Iraqi people. Our government has exploited our children as paid mercenaries to steal, kill and pillage other sovereign nations. The reality which most people live in is all a fabricated lie from the time they are born. Most people cannot deal with my website because it is concentrated TRUTH. The average pastor cowardly turns his head away, covering up his cowardliness by saying that reaching more people for Christ is the solution, while he does nothing to expose the CRIMES being committed against his neighbors. Where dwelleth the love of God?

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Satan is the god of this evil world and is behind feminism, which is an agenda of the Communists. A web search will show numerous other excellent works by Dr. Griffin (and others) exposing the plot by Communists to morally corrupt and destroy our nation. The evils of Communist feminism has led women into debauchery and insanity. Satan has used feminism to steal women's marriages, kill their babies and destroy their homes (John 10:10).

President Barack Obama signed NDAA into law on December 31, 2011 which permits the military to have sex with animals and now the DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL military policy is no longer in effect. The homos are out of the closet and they want your children. They're not nice people! They want to see Christians arrested and locked up for speaking the truth from the Bible. Please read, Silencing The Christians.

Please understand that I don't condemn the following LGBTQ couple, but this is where the sin of feminism leads my friend... freak lesbianism! Satan turns people into freaks! Romans 1:24, “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.” Homosexuality begins with an unthankful heart toward God (Romans 1:21). You can see on their faces that something is bothering them. In the last statement in the video, Stanley says she has dreamed about being legally recognized as a gay family since she was “a little baby dyke.” Was the Bible and prayer in our schools really so bad that we had to remove them in 1963? Look what our nation is becoming... She's proud to be a dyke!!!

Stanley and Laura (We're From Ewa Beach, HI) - True LGBTQ Stories

Feminism indoctrinates teens and young women to resent, despise and rebel against masculine authority in the home, marriage, church and even reject a masculine God and authoritative Bible. Satan is a beautiful liar! Feminism falsely promises women's liberation, happiness and fulfillment through rebellion, divorce, shacking-up, abortion and a career; but it's all a big pack of lies. It's unbelievable how easy it is to get a group of people to do what you want them to do.

PSYCHOSIS: “A mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.”

Welcome to America! When we kicked God's Word and prayer out of our schools in 1963, we invited the Devil in and have since become psychotic as a nation. Americans have lost touch with reality—supporting criminal warmongers and the treasonous theft of our nation, begging for more Police State control, more environmental regulations, more insanity!

Look what Satan does to people. To see a woman who is masculine, rugged, horribly obese, muscular, nose pierced like a dinner pig, tough, dressed in men's clothes, bragging about being a dyke (masculine lesbian) is shameful. All traits of femininity are gone. My heart goes out to such people, for Christ died for them as much as anyone else. I feel sadness when I see people ensnared by the Devil. I view everyone, no matter who it is, as the object of God's unconditional love Every individual is a person whom Jesus Christ died for.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Every wife today, if you care at all about God's Word, must choose between obeying your husband or listening to insane feminist lesbians who hate God and every form of God-ordained authority. God will be vindicated and the wicked will be punished. Your time is running short, for the Lord's return is imminent. Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” Feminists and lesbians are steeped in arrogant sinful pride and rebellion against the God of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 11:9 and 14, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. ... For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

God is not playing games with anyone. Marilyn Monroe is burning in the fires of Hell this moment, having died in her sins without Christ. Monroe was a lifelong follower of the Christian Science religious cult, who openly deny Christ's deity and salvation by grace alone. As with Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, the Charismatic Movement, and Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science was founded by 33rd degree Freemasons to infiltrate religious circles and lead the masses to accept World Government through ecumenical one-world religion.