W. F. Price #sexist web.archive.org

Here in the US and other Anglo cultures there’s a strange kind of cultural assumption that it’s a good thing for fathers to treat their sons like shit, e.g. the “toxic fathers” zed has written about. I’ve lived in both France and China, and the more typical scenario there is for the father to dote on his boy. In fact, the term “fils a papa” (daddy’s boy) is more common in France than “mama’s boy.”

Hence you see the phenomenon of Anglo men allowing women to treat them like garbage, while French or Chinese men have a sense of privilege. Who the father favors makes an immense difference, and Anglo men have been favoring daughters for some time now. Personally, I think there are elements of incest involved, and our civilization is essentially cursing itself through this grievous crime. As we did with slavery, we will pay for it, eventually. Our men already are paying, actually, but women will get the bill, too, in time.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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