Same sex marriage boths me because it is just as foolish as a man wanting to marry his dog because they like sleeping together and both enjoy hunting
So just because something "bothers" you then it should be forbidden with the force of law? And what about what someone is "bothered" by one of your actions? Is it going to be just fine in that case?
As for your little bestiality analogy... well, that dog don't hunt. You simply cannot make a valid comparison of actions involving two willing and consenting parties to actions involving a non-consenting party.
Same sex marriage bothers me because there are enough problems surrounding traditional marriage
Once again, what bothers you is of absolutely no concern, intrest, or importance to anyone besides yourself. As for "problems" surrounding so-called traditional marriage, you should clean up your own backyard before you critisize someone elses. The rates of divorce and infidelity are highest amoung your fellow christians.
For that matter is there a single person out there who can explain to me just how same sex marriage is going to effect "traditional marriage" in any way whatsoever? I've never seen a valid answer to that question, I've seen a bunch of people duck the question, I've seen people change the subject, but i've never seen anyone give the real answer. What do I mean by "real answer"? Simple, You don't like gays and think it's perfectly OK, or that "god" wants you too, take away anything that you can, thinking that it might somehow by you favor with you "god". Your arguments against same sex marriage are the same ones you people had against interracial marriage, and they were bullshit and their bullshit now.
Same sex marrige bothers me because I firmly believe GOD will punish the nations and the people who seek to mock that which GOD HIMSELF established
So why is it that your "god" hasn't punished any nation that has legalized gay marriage to date? Why has your "god" not punished those nations that allow marriages not sanctioned by christianity, such as, oh, I don't know.. EVERY SINGLE NON CHRISTIAN NATION ON THE PLANET??? Why are you not howling out for your "god" to punish those atheists, muslims, scientologists, hindus, pagans, and countless others who have gotten married and in doing so have "mocked that which GOD HIMSELF established"? Where was your "god's" wrath and punishment then? Where was your "god's" punishment in the ancient civilizations that freely allowed men to marry, and yet persited for hundreds if not thousands of years?
I firmly believe that satan himself is involved in this conspiracy to reframe, defame, and redefine marriage.
So was he involved before when marriage was redefined from 1 man and many women? Oh well, I understand people like you need to have a boogeyman to rail against and blame for everything beyond your control, after all, you've got to keep the sheep scared so you can keep them in line, as you so eloquently demonstrate.