
Nine of Spades #psycho #wingnut christianforums.com

If Donald Trump declares martial law and installs himself as Supreme Leader of the United States for life, it will mean the end of democracy in America. Indeed, our constitution won’t have any meaning anymore. But ask yourself this question: is that really such a bad thing?

Frankly, I’d rather have Donald Trump as dictator than have our country suffer through 4 to 8 years of a Biden presidency, which would surely be far worse for America than a Trump coup d’etat. Come to think of it, I can’t think of anything that could go wrong in such a scenario.

AV1611VET #sexist christianforums.com

I grew up in the Leave It To Beaver era.

Men were men and women were women.

I had "It's a man's world" drummed into me.

My mom never had a driver's license.

Then came women's lib, equal opportunity, reverse discrimination, NOW, and all this other balogna.

And while I hold two women up in high esteem (Rosa Parks & Frances Kelsey), I've seen my share of women arcing & sparking and singing songs like "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" and "I Am Woman" and other junk.

I love the story of the man who held a door open for a woman, and she stopped and refused to go in, calling him a "male chauvinist."

To which he replied, "I'm not holding the door because you're a woman. I'm holding the door because I'm a man."

My older sister got into the women's lib movement as a teenager, and it was all I could do to put up with her nonsense.

chad kincham #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut christianforums.com

The catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam came from the politician Al Gore, and it’s being pushed as hard as possible by corrupt politicians worldwide to enrich themselves from the hundreds of billions of dollars in carbon taxes, and to increase their control over economies and they do manipulate science and scientists as part of the scam, via the huge amounts of grant and research money given to those who propagate the scam, and other types of pressure they exert.

But there are fortunately those climatologists, researchers, professors and scientists out there, who speak the truth and counter the ridiculous scam.

bekkilyn #transphobia christianforums.com

Before all this "woke" stuff, trans people would just live as if they were the other sex as much as they could because it helped their gender dysphoria symptoms, but they were still very well aware that they weren't actually that sex. It's all very different now that it's being pushed onto everyone else as if their mental disorder was the norm and everyone else has to redefine reality to conform to it and validate it.

Steve Blackburn #fundie #conspiracy christianforums.com

Stop wondering whether or not Nicolas Cage is secretly mason. If he is a successful Hollywood celebrity, he is, or some sort of luciferian sellout for sure (facts are facts and if you're going to deny them there is no reasoning with you). Now, besides that point.....

This movie definitely has esoteric and exoteric meanings.

The exoteric meaning is the one most people will understand as the feel good movie with good principles. Christians will defend this as well saying that the croods were doomed before they chose to follow the sun (or son).

The esoteric meaning, the one that only those who actually question what is going into their minds will understand is this. The croods have a Father. One who has provided rules to keep them safe from danger. The wages of not following those rules is death. (This is portrayed quite mockingly as stupid and paranoid). A guy comes along and contacts "Eep" first who can control fire and teaches her and the rest that they "surely will not die" if they don't follow the rules of the Father. Not only does he teach them this, but also has a strong fascination with the sun (most if not all ancient cults/demonic religions believed in sun worship and lucifer always portrays himself as the light.

One point in the movie the Father says "it's my job to follow the rules and protect you". Eep said that was not living, it was just surviving (YOLO!!) to which they all replied they were now going to follow guy. (The turn from God).

bekkilyn #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut christianforums.com

In 2020 I believed that the left was friendlier to women and children, supporting programs like paid family leave and health care, but even though it's been a few months, I'm still not really over my shock at finding out just how much hatred and contempt the left really has for women and children. I just never imagined it. If you're a woman or child and you need help, don't run to anyone on the left because they'll just take the side of the abuser if he's anything other than a straight white male who doesn't pretend to be a woman.

chad kincham #conspiracy #quack #pratt christianforums.com

Once upon a time, in 2002, there was the SARS-CoV-1 virus, for which they developed a vaccine.
Animals given the vaccine developed a robust antibody response, which is what they wanted.
But when the animals were exposed to the live virus, they all died from the pathogenic priming effect, so they discarded the vaccine.
Fast forward to 2019 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in which vaccines were developed in a rush and released as experimental vaccines - and guess what essential step was skipped? Animal trials.

A Nobel prize winning virologist predicts mass deaths within 2 years among those vaxxed.

The UK recently released a report showing that most COVID deaths are among the vaccinated.

One of many reports on UK COVID deaths:

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave

(Note: Here is the link he posted - doesn’t look like a very authoritative source to me https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/uk-hospital-data-shocks-the-world-80-of-covid-deaths-are-among-the-vaccinated-covid-deaths-up-3000-after-vaccine-wave/)

bekkilyn #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy christianforums.com

Yes, the left won't let us say "pedophile" anymore when it comes to this perversion. We have to say "minor attracted person" now so that their feelings won't be hurt. Well what about the feelings of the children who are subjected to this abuse?

And the trans thing when it comes to children. Parents (usually woke mothers, father nowhere in sight) parading their male children dolled up in make-up and frilly dresses and showing him off and claiming he's a girl because he wanted to play with dolls a time or two or some other such thing for social media clicks and likes. Makes me sick. Don't say it's because the child wants it. No, that's all on the parents pushing it on their children. Children want to be unicorns and dinosaurs too.

M Walter #pratt #fundie #dunning-kruger christianforums.com

I hate to be a jerk, but I really don't understand how anyone can accepts the tenets of evolution. It is irrational at best: lacks cause-and-effect, doesn't agree with basic thermodynamics, doesn't work mathematically, is contrary to the laws of probability, lacks empirical data, to name a few things, and besides it is really quite silly. What exactly do you get outta it...I mean the personal relationship?? There must be a great disparity in your life as your belief-system disagrees with reality so much.

Aussie Pete #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia christianforums.com

I despise homosexuality. I would not want a gay teaching my children. If I say that publicly in Australia, I will be taken to court and sued for everything that I have. My kids are well and truly grown up, so it's not an issue for me now. I objected when the socialist greenies started brainwashing my 6 year old. That was 20 years ago. I was ignored but at least I was not punished.

Teachers are afraid to stand up for the truth. Men are avoiding teaching because they are presumed to be serial sex offenders, especially at primary level. Teachers here are constantly trained on the latest PC nonsense. George Orwell would recognise the approach. How teachers find time to teach is beyond me. That they are doing a lousy job is obvious. Kids struggle at the cash register to work out change. No wonder they want to eliminate cash. You need a degree in maths to subtract two from four. Don't start me on what passes for English these days. Even government data states that educational standards are in decline. The good new is that you can no longer buy a golliwog at the school fete. The world is so much better off. Not.

Jamdoc #homophobia #transphobia christianforums.com

You know, back before I had gotten back to the Word, back before I noticed how we were going down a slippery slope. I had been affirming. But I'll tell you what, it wasn't pride celebrations that made me more sympathetic to gay people. In fact, pride parades had the opposite effect. Dressing up in biker leather and bondage suits and cross dressing and acting in stereotypical ways made me want to reject them more than anything.

It was seeing gay people who seemed "normal", were well dressed, clean cut, and seemed to have normal family lives that made me think "they're not so bad afterall"

So if anything.

Pride month is destructive to their own cause if they're looking for acceptance.

"Drag Queen story hour" makes you wish we'd never stopped having a death penalty for them, not making you want to accept them being in society, especially around children more.

Steve Blackburn #fundie #conspiracy christianforums.com

Think about what is on TV now versus when TV originally aired. You think all the messed up junk sprung up overnight? At first no foul language.. then maybe they said "damn" for the first time. That would have created an uproar with some people, while others would have said "well maybe it's not that bad", then they said "ass".. well maybe it's not that bad and slowly graduates to all the disturbing things we now hear on prime time TV.

The first kiss on TV.... remember that? I don't, cause I'm too young, but I know about it... it was a big deal.. that's something that was taken seriously.. slowly longer kisses, clothes started to come off, and now it's basically inappropriate content on prime time. If you would have asked someone back before the first kiss if they thought there would be all the stuff on TV that there is now, they said "no way, you're paranoid and self righteous for actually trying to decipher what is going on in this world. Let me melt my brain in peace and you mind your own business".

How about when the Beatles said "we're bigger than Jesus"? Uproar, people tossed their records, they were banned from the radio... they had to make a formal public apology... look at all the stuff that people can say against Jesus now... happened overnight?

Before you start calling people self righteous because they refuse to put their heads in the sand for their own sake and the sake of others. Maybe, just maybe, you should check to see if you're being self righteous by saying that the people who feel lead to discernment (which God tells us to do in everything by the holy spirit) are in the wrong and are being self righteous.

No where did I even say that you shouldn't watch it. Or you're doomed if you do. I'm simply saying to be careful of what you're putting into your mind. Is that really any different than what the Bible says?

sarahkuving #fundie christianforums.com

I am 34E and I have no problem with the size of my breasts except that guys are constantly staring at them, even when I dress modestly. Since it is causing them to sin, would the right choice get a breast reduction? It would solve a lot of problems because I wouldn't have to cover up as much and it wouldn't cause others to sin. It doesnt really matter to me if I am an A cup or an E cup, I'm still the same person. I've already talked to a surgeon but I don't know if I should follow through.

Aussie Pete #fundie #homophobia #transphobia christianforums.com

It seems to me that the current crop of young people have no idea about life. Of course, that applies to every generation. Since when has it been acceptable to pick and choose which laws to obey in civil society? Sure, people do. But there are consequences. God's law (far more than 10 commandments) is far higher than man's law. "I don't agree" is not going to cut it with God.

Perhaps you can pass this on to your daughters. "God created mankind in His image. He created them male and female. Full stop. The gender blender alphabet soup brigade are in total rebellion against God's purpose in creating the human race. If a person is born with the physical attributes of a male, that's what he is. Likewise female. Not liking your gender is rebellion against God.

Same sex relationships are likewise rebellion. God's commission to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Same sex relationships cannot produce offspring."

God does not demand that you understand everything. He does expect obedience. Disobedience has consequences. God does not (as yet) punish people directly. He simply allows sinners to do as they please. You may think that the world is a better place. On some criteria, you are correct. On the issue of personal freedoms, equality, justice, the right to work for a fair wage, mental health, drug addiction, freedom of speech, no, the world is not a better place. It's getting worse - just ask the citizens of China and minorities in India. Free speech is under threat in Australia. We have no constitutional right to free speech. Our kids can barely spell, have poor maths skills, lousy grammar and low financial literacy. However, they spend time learning about "gender diversity". Woe betide the individual who questions the education system's priorities.

hiscosmicgoldfish/Ishraqiyun/Xpistis sopheiaX #fundie #magick #conspiracy christianforums.com

Am I correct in thinking that the god Yahweh of the exodus etc. was a creation of the archons, and that Jesus was on a mission to expose this jealous, angry Yahweh? What are archons? Of late I have been thinking that this murderous psychopath, Yahweh, cannot be God, but was an imposter.

Yeah, YHWH - Yaldabaoth was the father and chief of the archons. The archons are beings of ignorance, sleep, and psychological disorder that seem to be ruled by unconscious drives for power and domination. Out of their ignorance evil often arises. They are jealous of humanity because of our divine spark and they try to keep us hypnotized and asleep so that we do not correct our mistakes and so that we come to lack a high level of awareness. They are beings of a psychic rather than spiritual nature. They may have strong powers of logical thought but lack imagination or inspiration. They are often described as reptilian in nature, or locust like, and in more modern times as robotic machine beings. They are alien inorganic forms of life that often have a parasitic relation to man. The grey aliens of UFO lore are good example.

<Xpistis sopheiaX>

Yes, YHWH is basically the first archon.

Part of Christ's mission was to free us from the control of the archons, as it is our duty now.

From the time I was 10 years old I could tell a serious difference between YHWH and Christ, and was always baffled by how they could possibly be so different. I was always told that there "is no difference" which is obviously a lie. It came as no shock to me to find that some of the earliest Christians felt the same way.

However, I don't know how literally you want to consider YHWH as an actual entity. I'm more of the opinion that YHWH is simply a false image of God. He doesn't actually exist outside of people's minds and Bibles.

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

(For context, he is talking about God killing babies)

What's to deal with?

God pointed and said, "sic 'em"; and they obeyed.

Wouldn't you have?


I'm not denying anything, chief.

I'm even agreeing with your lack of understanding -- (unless you're just faking anger & frustration, which is probably the case here).

The Bible says it, that settles it.

God documented what He did, when He did it, how He did it, why He did it, what order He did it in, who He ordered to do it, where He did it, and who the eyewitnesses were.

And He certainly wasn't afraid of people like you coming along later to accuse Him of not following your standards.


I can't tell if you're disgusted because you think it was murder; or if you think it was murder because you're disgusted.

In any event, I think it was obedience, and I don't agree with the term "murder."

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

Like I always say, I'll agree with science only insofar as it doesn't disagree with the Bible --- when it does --- then it has to go.

If you say these endomorphic regional virii (?) attach themselves to my DNA w/o my permission --- who am I to disagree?

But if you say that shows I came from Magilla Gorilla, I disagree.

mmbattlestar #fundie christianforums.com

Hello Wakalix. A creator is necessary because there is no other way that the universe can possibly exist. Think about it, the universe is so vast and creation is so unbelievable that there HAS to be a creator somehow. As an atheist I didn't believe it either like you don't but, it's the truth.

What evidence is there that scripture can be taken as a science text book? You mean besides faith? Well for one the Bible has predicted things since before Christ came to the earth. Like I said, it proved the world was round before Christopher Columbus proved it. It also proved in Genesis 3:15 that both men and women possess the seed of life (Sperm and the Egg). This wasn't discovered by science until the 17th century. These are just some of the things the Bible has proven.

FutureAndAHope #fundie christianforums.com

I have been out trying to represent the LORD in street evangelism of sorts. One time I was out trying to witness and I found it had to do so becasue of the crowds. But a man sat beside me and blashphemed, using the name Jesus as a curse word. Instantly I turned to him, not me but the Holy Spirit, spoke out "You better respect that name for Jesus is coming", the Holy Spirit then cause me to stare upward at the sky, it was a sunny day, then I began to say "Jesus is coming back, soon", and you need to repent of your sins for God is a God of purity, not homosexuality or lust. I was interrupted by a police officer, and as I stopped speaking it began to pour with rain, when the sky had been clear.

A second time I was out and wanted to try to prophecy, all that keep coming out of my mouth when I opened it was "Jesus is coming soon you had better get ready"

I have also over the last few years had a few end time dreams that would suggest Jesus is coming back with in our generation, like almost too soon for most to cope with.

Some of these dreams lead me to believe that before Jesus returns demons will mimic an alien invasion when they are released form the abyss onto the earth. I have just last night made a website about this at www.ufno.online

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

This actually doesn't require one to be a Rhodes scholar to figure out.

Unlike the gods of polytheism that you guys are accustomed to falling back on, God is always right.

In fact, He cannot do wrong.

So anything He does, He does it right.

Let's see you reconcile this paradox:

Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill.

Ecclesiastes 3:3a A time to kill,

frienden thalord #fundie christianforums.com

The ideal you describe will come to pass one day, during the Great Tribulation. For three and a half years, there will be a great harmony between all religions. The antichrist will bring worldwide peace. All religions will become one, in the biggest ecumenical movement the world has ever seen.

OH you are very right on this point .
the weapon has done been formed. Its born now.
Galatea you are right on this, very clear .
agnostics, atheist , lukewarm christains, muslims, buddits whatever the background
many even now are seeing the need for this , for world peace.
and it leads all who go under its delusion, RIGHT to the man of peace , the one who destroys many through peace.
In time this religion will be seen as the only way to have world peace.
Then comes the great tribulation, as the world cheers when ones like me
are eradicated from the earth. Hatred against the bible in this generation has skyrocketed.
and this religion swells in this generation, the religion that causes all to unite in time
and be as one voice has been born.
Humanity is not the answer. CHRIST is the answer.
But since man wants to be as god, soon he will have his god. and
their love and tolerance will be seen as hate and intolerance against the few true ones
who reject this lie , refusing to bow the knee to this god of humanity and his religion.

jimmyjimmy #fundie christianforums.com

[on the subject of healthcare]

God created the free market system. It's beauty is found in its simplicity and fairness. Two parties engage in a free exchange. Both get what they desire, as they trade what they want less for what they want more.

People have become very confused about what rights are. They often speak of commodities as "rights"; however, we know that nothing that can be purchased is a right.

frienden thalord #sexist christianforums.com

Christ did not come as a woman
the apostels were all male.
and if we heed pual he makes it very clear.
while a woman can teach , its other women she can teach.
but she cannot teach or ursurp authority over the man.
church leadership is AUTHORITY.
and I know women who follow this to the T.
they don't follow feminism..........they FOLLOW CHRIST.

Widlast #fundie christianforums.com

When the anti-Christ comes the Moslems will flock to him like flies to dung, Islam will end.
And we know that the reign of the anti-Christ is of very short duration.

It's going to get really ugly, but it won't last long.

ImAllLikeOkWaitWhat #fundie christianforums.com

Is there a gay demon or a demon for every sin?

I read somewhere there were 177ish sins discussed in the bible. Is it farfetched to assume there is a demon or a legion of demons for every sin trying to get people to commit them? It also seems our minds are able to connect with the spiritual world and hence why we sometimes get thoughts that are against what the bible says we are to think about. What do you guys think?

AV1611VET #fundie christianforums.com

(This fundie is talking about the Canaanite Genocide)

If God was responsible for genocide ... I promise you ... you would not even see one later on in the Bible.

In addition, there's that Catch-22 mentality you guys like to employ.

If they were to save the women, then you claim they were saved to be raped.

If they were to kill the women, then you claim it is genocide.

Your zealous false accusations are a dime a dozen.

Happy to Help #fundie christianforums.com

Here's my story.

There's a woman who I met at my old job. She would prophesy to me. Telling me that god says " your time has come my son." She tells me she's really into god and that god uses her a lot. As I start to got to know her more she would eventually tell me god uses her to cast out demons.
Here's her story she told me,
At 19 she had a dream where a beautiful angel came to her giving her a light. She was not sure what it was at the time, so she said just continued to be in the world going out drinking doing all that stuff. But she said ever since that dream she had that she could see right through people. Basically she says she can see their heart. She can see what people are " all about " if they are with god or not. She can even look at someone's picture and know what will happen in their future.i have to add that when I was about 14-15. I played the ouija board inside my bedroom with friends. I didn't know any better at all. For I have just became a christian late 2012

In her early 30s she told me that god punished her for about 7 years because of all the time she spent in the world after receiving that light from the angel. She said god punished her because she lived in a house where a witch lived. She said it was horrible because demons would knock on her door and every Friday the witch would watch a horrible horror movie and put the volume on so loud.she said would always have to walk with her bible and go to church everyday.

Anyway that's the background story I guess, this is my concerns.

Since I was convinced she was serving god I let her pray for me.(she's like 43 now) She lays hands on me and speaks in tongues over me. She told me I have a demon inside of me and that she can see him saying that the ouija board was the cause of this.And when she speaks in tongues that its god speaking to the demon. Every time she prays for me she always spits very bad. Almost to the point of vomiting. It's weird, no one else who serves in my church spits like that. She tells me she spits because that's the way her body reacts to demons and that she's spitting out bad spirits. Also when she prophesies she just looks different and her eyes get really red. She says her eye hurts from all the light she sees. She says that god just takes over and speaks over her using her lips. She also told me in the beginning that there's been a few people who think she's a witch but she denies it. I get a lot of panic and anxiety in my chest. That used to happen before I even met her though.

I had an extremely real dream, where in my dream I actually woke up. It was so real. My dog was next to me and everything just as he was in real life. Then out of a sudden it was like a tornado. I got thrown off the bed with the covers and everything and the book I was reading " destined to reign" by Paul prince was thrown down with me which was also on the bed next to me in real life. I woke up and everything was normal but my body felt so extremely scared. I also had another dream where my little niece was over me and I was on some sort of operating table and my niece was trying to convince me to let her snip with scissors at my insides. And being my niece in the dream I was going to let her so in the dream she said " ok just a little snip here and there" and right before she was about to snip away there was a voice in my ear that was very low almost like a whisper and it said "noooooo" and I woke up right away.

Sorry for the long detailed message. God bless all who reads and will be able to help me. I can answer any more questions you may have. This is really bothering me.

healingrainbow #fundie christianforums.com

(On a thread asking what Christians think of furries)

I think furry is a cartoon character. I don't believe that people can be one in real life. People can be very hairy but that just proves that person has a lot of hair. The amount of hair on your body doesn't make people any different because they still act and look human. You never see a person having dog ears. Animals are different in every way. God created us so that we are permanently human :amen:

And besides, people turning into furries is a evolution belief. I don't believe in that stuff, I only believe what God says because his word is the only thing that has evidence supporting it. I don't believe in something that sounds illogical. This is what I believe so don't try to get me to believe in evolution! You can't get me to change my mind, so don't bother!!!