100% Sure #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I've been on this forum for 12 years and this subject rarely gets talked about. In fact since it is the biggest conspiracy there is TPTB have done all they can to bolster their round earth hoax and make 'flat earthers' look like mental patients. Guys, NASA is 100% fake. It's a freemason club designed to keep you in the illusion.

I kept an open mind and did the research. I am absolutely convinced of a few things:
1) Earth does not spin or rotate
2) Earth is flat (at least the part we are on)
3) Earth is the center of some type of created system, like an experiment.
4) The 'all seeing eye' is our "gods" peering in to the experiment from above the sky (hologram?)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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