UFOs are a hoax or PSYOP by the GOVT & Hollywood.
There is no proof for such a thing, even as most people carry around a camera.
The reason for this HOAX or PSYOP is the same reason as the moon landing HOAX - NASA Want to create evidence of Big Bang (because they lack real evidence.)
So if there is life out there somewhere, that means there are more planets, created by the Big Bang, not God.
The so-call UFO/ET Crop circles were made by the govt to trick the masses.
In the 1960s nobody believe in UFO/ET. Today?
I have to be pedantic here. Would you please stop using "UFO" to mean "flying saucers?" UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. I've seen dozens of things in the sky I couldn't identify, usually because viewing conditions weren't ideal. Most of them were undoubtedly planes or natural phenomena, but at the time I couldn't identify them.
That being said, how does evidence of the Big Bang help NASA? There's nothing in your Bible that says or implies that God didn't create other life on other planets.
I agree, UFO's are a hoax, usually perpetrated by the UFO crowd. Most pictures or video of UFO "sightings" which have found to be hoaxes have been made by those who want others to believe in UFO's.
That's not to say that people don't often see things in the sky which they can't identify, but to make the leap from "unidentified object in the sky" to "alien spaceship" is too great a step to be logical.
Welcome to Conspiracy World, where black is white, up is down, and nobody believed in flying saucers at the height of UFO Frenzy!
If you think evidence of alien life somehow proves the Big Bang happened and God isn't real, you clearly a) don't have a clue what the Big Bang was actually supposed to be; b) have never heard of scientific deism; c) have detached from reality to such a degree that you believe non sequiturs are justifications and actual justifications are non sequiturs.
If anything, more people believed in flying saucers in the '60s. Life, Look, and lots of other magazines published lots of photos. People were much less aware of natural phenomena like lenticular clouds, plasma lights, etc., and image manipulation was a skill practiced by relatively few.
There is a piece of truth in this plate of lies, crop circles are indeed fake. They are not a government plot though, nope. The people that started the hoax came forward and explained how they did it.
Yes, Earthling. You are certainly correct that there are not aliens. Especially not living among you. Waiting. Plotting.
Your government TOTALLY cares enough about some theory to do a massive PSYOP to make people believe in aliens. While denying the existence of said aliens. Because they TOTALLY gain something from crazy people ranting about UFOs.
Do continue believing that. It will make things easier when you are TOTALLY NOT being invaded by aliens.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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