For now, Children's Services concentrates mostly on the weak, the poor and the vulnerable, people known to be easily subdued or swept under the carpet. But statistically they are running out of children, so they are working on ways to infiltrate all sectors of society.
Look at your local newsletters and bulletins. Do you see flyers and leaflets that beckon you to come and contribute to help prevent child abuse? Do they speak of how many children are abused and never receive help because it goes unreported? The only reason they want people to come to them is so they can scope out every family in every community.
Don't believe it? This year, 2000, Governor Kitzhaber decried his plan to screen every firstborn of all families in the state of Oregon. He wants to "ensure" no abuse goes undetected. If you are familiar with King Herod or Pharoh of old, then this "Firstborn" talk should raise the hairs on your neck! History repeats itself my friend, WAKE UP!!!
Ahh, the Christines. The selfsame fundies who...
- lived in a bus;
- Abused and starved their daughters;
- had the children thus removed from them by CPS;
- set up a "visit" with the children and CPS in which Brian Christine, at gunpoint, took the kids back whilst Ruthie drove the getaway car;
- Wound up childless and imprisoned;
- Were used by various fundy org's and hacks as a fundraising tool.
Your god does enjoy child abuse. It's celebrated in his book.
Tell me, you guys have any children? Do you punish them in the Biblically-approved way? Do you prefer an iron rod or do you go for the more traditional wood?
They do have kids.
They did abuse them...both by starving and direct abuse (one had a fractured skull).
When the kids were removed from their oh-so-Biblical "home" (an old schoolbus), they took them back from CPS at gunpoint, for which they wound up doing some time as guests of the state.
I'm not sure it's as much amazing as it is incredibly sad.
And those poor children...please tell me they're in good homes. FAR away from these monsters. Hell, tell me they survived...
the biiiiiiiiiblllllllllllllle doooooooooooessssssssss nooooooooooooooooooooot ennnnnnnnnnnnnnndorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssseeee chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllddddddddd abuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssseeeeeeeee yooooouuuuuuuuuuu faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
can i say it any slower you clitball licking son of a fucking cuntface?
You could start by not saying it at all. Secondly you could read what was kindly posted by m in another comment.
Here ya'go:
18: If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
21:19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
21:20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21:21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
[Beware, I'm about to go on a rant.]
This makes me highly pissed off. I went to school with a girl who was terribly abused. It was one of the worst cases of abuse ever reported in my county, and probably in the state. You know who reported it, after teachers and school administrators wouldn't listen?
She's a social worker and a Mandated Reporter. (Meaning, if she suspects abuse, she MUST report it.) She spends her days dealing with cases like these, and placing abused children in safe homes.
This has nothing to do with God or the Bible or any religion whatsoever. If your kids are starving, have skull fractures, and then you take them at gunpoint, you FAIL as a parent and a human being. Period.
Ugh, I had a look at that freerepublic cesspool of paranoia - frankly depressing, and a goldmine for CTSTDT. "The government wants to take your children! For undefined but probably evil reasons!"
Ironic how they're howling that due process hasn't been afforded the Christines when the Christines themselves showed utter contempt for the notion of due process when they took direct action and threatened the CPS worker with deadly force.
It's cases like this, that make me sure that even if your God existed, I would never worship him.
If there was an omnipotent God, with the power to protect innocent children, who still let people like you hurt children - in HIS name....
Well, thats not the kind of God I want to worship.
You starve your kids and fracture your kid's skull, then try to use God as an excuse for your child abuse? Maybe you folks better hope there ISN'T a God, cause I got a feeling the state of Oregon ain't gonna be the one God's pissed with!
Why would the Governor decry his own plan? Let me guess ... Brian and Ruth don't know what "decry" means.
The Christines were not the victims of a screening of "every firstborn of all families in the state of Oregon". The authorities received a specific complaint, which upon investigation, they felt showed the children to be malnourished and, in once case, suffering from an untreated head injury. The Christines then took their children back by hijacking a family services van at gunpoint and escaped to Montana. They are, as far as I know, now in jail on the hijacking charges. The kids are with grandparents. They have numerous anti-government supporters of the sort who get exercised over Waco and the prosecution of abortion doctor killer Eric Rudolph.
I've never heard of these people before. But now that I have, all I can say is "You. People. Are. Monsters."
...Really, you did WHAT to your kids & are concerned the ones PROTECTING children from scum like you have an "evil agenda"?
...If I DON'T go to Hell for being on Fundies or not believing in your God, can I just watch you burn in it in lieu of paradise?
That Freep discussion was deeply disheartening -- seems like half the thread were child abuse apologists. This is the nuttiness that Libertarians are trying to move us towards, whether they intend to or not -- everyone for themselves, no accounting to authority for anything.
That Freep discussion was deeply disheartening -- seems like half the thread were child abuse apologists. This is the nuttiness that Libertarians are trying to move us towards, whether they intend to or not -- everyone for themselves, no accounting to authority for anything.
I wonder how many would throw up their hands in horror and fiercely deny it if you were to point out that that would make them anarchists.
I would be very careful with your tongue because one day you will be face to face with the God of the Bible. if you want to get to know Him before he throws your unrepentent --- into hell.
Yes, the best way to get someone to convert to your religion is to threaten them with a non-existent place.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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