Dr. Strangelove #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Dylann Roof is a Trans-Human Manchurian Candidate

"Dylann Roof" in Pig Latin:

ylannday oofray

Anagram for: Only Day of Aryan (or add in the storm, Only of Aryan Storm)

Remember his middle name is "storm", obviously the storm in Storm Front comes from the storm god Thor..... who obviously has a big significance on this solar system/world as many know.....

These gullible brainwashed white kids are being used to "stand up" for the white race, while the smart, benevolent ones sit back until there is enough havoc causing a race war..... at which point fascism (of any kind or creed) can be openly considered "politically correct"

Notice Dylann Roof has similar features to Lanza, the dead expression, the obvious "offness", the pale skin, long, slender limbs etc..... these are the "throw aways" for the coming "master race", which has used spiritualism to distract people from the fact that the A.I. they're so afraid of already exists..... they're the A.I.

The programming happens via T.V., media etc... hence the obsession with "symbols" etc. in these shows, it's literal computer programming, witchcraft, whatever.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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