[Carico is back from her suspension, and it seems that she used the time to have the rest of her brain removed]
Since I've been laughed at here for saying that scientists claim that the light from the stars is reflected light, then what provides the light from Mars? Scientists have already explored it and found it is not powered by hydrogen as they have claimed. So again, where does the light from Mars come from?
Science does not say that the light from stars is reflected light. Stars, of which the sun is one, create their own light. The light from Mars is reflected. Compare the light from Mars with that from Venus. You will never see a fully illuminated Venus from Earth because it is between the earth and the sun. Since Mars is further away from the sun than Earth, we get a fully illuminated disk.
This post just illustrates how ass-backwards Carico is in her thinking. She possesses a very special kind of stupid.
The light from Mars is reflected sunlight. The light from stars is produced by the stars themselves. Mars is never more than about 250 million miles away, and less than 150 million miles from the sun. The nearest visible star is about 100,000 times further away than that.
Mars is a planet, not a star. Planets shine by reflected light; stars shine by emitting their own light ("powered by hydrogen," as you put it, at least most of the time).
This is stuff that the average kindergartener has no trouble with. So why does Carico?
~David D.G.
The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me. Just the other day I had to explain to an adult why the sky is blue, who then said my explanation was a good analogy.
I explained further that it was a scientific fact, not an analogy.
( I wonder how someone can be educated to the level that they know the word 'analogy' but don't know what a fact is.)
Nah, nobody said Mars was hydrogen powered, that would just be silly - they hadn't invented hydrogen fuel cells when they built it, so obviously it runs on clockwork and steam.
Since I've been laughed at here for saying that scientists claim that the light from the stars is reflected light,
Because no scientist hs ever made such a claim
then what provides the light from Mars?
The sun of course
Scientists have already explored it and found it is not powered by hydrogen as they have claimed.
When has any scientist ever made such a claim?
So again, where does the light from Mars come from?"
And again, THE SUN.
No dipshit. The light from stars is generated by nuclear fusion. The light that comes from Mars is the same light that comes fro the moon, it's reflected off the surface of the planet. God, this is basic astronomy, how can anyone be this stupid?
Mars isn't a star, you fucking idiot. It's a planet. Sunlight's reflected off planets. Stars generate their own light.
How stupid can you get? (Wait, is Carico a celebrity? Arrogance, divorced reality at some point, epic stupidity...)
If a scientist would say that, he or she knows nothing about astronomy.
[Insert explonation of Luminus objects, non-luminus objects, the difference between a Star and a Planet & finaly a long rant about how stupid Chreationists are.]
You know the drill if you're reading this comment.
@ David D.G.
This is stuff that the average kindergartener has no trouble with. So why does Carico?
Carico got an F in Sandbox 101, though was a gourmand library paste taster.
"Since I've been laughed at here for saying that scientists claim that the light from the stars is reflected light, then what provides the light from Mars? Scientists have already explored it and found it is not powered by hydrogen as they have claimed. So again, where does the light from Mars come from?"
PROTIP: The film "Total Recall" is not a documentary.
Besides, the ancient Martian terbinium reactor in Mons Olympus only creates a breathable atmosphere.
Still, should NASA (or China's CNSA) look for a volunteer for their future manned mission to that planet, I say you should go - to research your theory yourself, no less.
'Get your ass to Mars! ' [/"Total Recall"]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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