"Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic."
Sure, that'll fix the worlds problems. The internet, television, medicine, airplanes, all created through scripture. NOT! Retard.
OK. "And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself." (Matthew 27:5) "Go, and do thou likewise." (Luke 10:37)
My fellow Atheists, I must admit, I have to give up. The fundie's new tactic is pure brilliance. I mean, they'll win all the debates now! There's no point to be an Atheist anymore. I'm converting back to Christianity...
For it is written: Blessed are the brain-dead, for they are the parrots of the Church, I mean God! Oh crap, I'll never make it. Die brain cells, Die!
Once again, another quote that could have been salvaged, without compromise, with only a few words altered. Shame.
If you believe God created you in your entirety -- your eyes, your lungs, your kidneys, your bones, and everything including your BRAIN -- and he is infallible, then he gave your what you have for you to use to the best of your ability. It is your brain that allows you to determine right from wrong, and it's means for doing so is LOGIC.
Well, in all fairness, when one is writing a law review article or a court brief, it is necessary to cite all the authority used. But we have to use law and logic...and at least we know the source of our law.
I endorse and condone using both Scripture AND logic.
And I'm not joking either.
Glad I'm not a fundamentalist then.
Scripture, not Logic? Okay... here's a good example of using Scripture masterfully without a shred of Logic:
[Judas] cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. (Matthew 27:5) Then said Jesus unto him, "Go, and do thou likewise." (Luke 10:37)
See? Absolutely no Logic, but it does quote the Scripture!
Scripture and logic can co-exist. You just have to actually research and look beyond the surface. Look into the times it was written.
Wow, what a novel idea! *sarcasm*
I was forming a response to this....but why bother. Arguning or debating with a Christer is like arguing or debating with an eight-year-old. Even if that eight-year-old is actually forty-five, his or her intellectual, rational development has been stunted and retarded at an early age by religious dogma and never had a chance to develop.
Again....why bother.
Make sure your answer (to anything) is from scripture, not from thought... rational, logical, thought. Because, as all you christers know, rational, logical thought is a tool of satan! If you used rational, logical thought, you might use your money for food or medicine instead of giving it to religious "leaders".
couldn't have said it better myself
no really, I couldn't, once they actually say it themselves they've fit the stereotype like the proverbial shoe
Fundies don't listen to anything but their precious scripture - and even then, it's only what THEY WANT it to mean. That's why so many of them believe their horseshit myths of creationism, that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that man walked with dinosaurs. Surprisng more of them don't also think the earth is flat.
Retarded, without a doubt.
But one thing you may not have realized is that Wikipedia pretty much uses the same idea. "Verifiability, not truth" is what they insist upon. There's even been cases where Wikipedia has cited a source which actually cites IT, creating a kind of circular justification loop...not unlike the religious fundementalists.
Not making an attack again Wikipedia here, I'm just making a point that this kind of fallacious reasoning is much more widespread than we like to think.
Hahaha! I made the list!
Though I was talking to Christians, not atheists, asking for Bible verses on a subject. Some Christians ignore the Bible because of logical conclusions, and at the time I wanted to know only what the Bible said. (Logic can be *so* easily twisted!)
Cool site. Having atheists around keeps the church on its feet, exposing our weaknesses so we won't be lazy. I thank God for atheists!
Fair enough in this case, cdevidal, but I've run into fundies who not only quote scripture to atheists as though it's supposed to convince us, but they even refuse to listen to even the simplest logic. This is why so many people voted to give your quote the "Fundie in a Nutshell" award.
While you're here, can you please quote the two places in Genesis that describe Adam's creation, as well as the two places that describe the creation of non-human animals? Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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