The average person selfishly doesn't care if something evil is hurting others, just so long as it doesn't affect them. That is why the world is such a big mess today. And sadly, of those who DO care, their charity is exploited by evil people who pocket the money or misappropriate it for their own sinful agendas (like population control).
Only a fool would give a dime to anything involving the United Nations (a front organization to carry out the agendas of the criminal elite to establish World Government). Angelina Jolie has been an active supporter of UN agendas, the same UN behind the 1962 Katanga Killings: The Untold Story (58 minute shocking documentary by G. Edward Griffin). The United Nations were instrumental in 700,000 killings in Rwanda. All major food and medical program now being carried our by the UN are fronts for population control.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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