Exactly, the "yellow fringe" on the flag is the Flag of the King or of Admirality Law. Always display an AMERICAN flag on your auto as the "flag of the vessel" is the recognized law it falls under and ALL authorities must adhere to this law when dealing with the captain, that would be YOU!!! And the AMERICAN flag is the Constitutional Flag, NO BORDER or White border.
The display of the flag is important, on all buses and ambulances, ever notice ambulances don't have license plates? They are corporate vehicles carrying passengers for profit? City buses the same thing, they are corporate owned, NOT owned by the city itself. SO why do you need a plate on your private property? Property rights, ever read them? Any law dictionary will explain it to you.
We must stand up for OUR rights and NOW.
Around here, ambulances and buses have license plates. The ambulances here are actually free to call, too, though I understand that that's a rarity.
Didn't Dale Gribble from King of the Hill use the yellow fringe means it's an admiralty court defense once? Also no, it doesn't mean that authorities have to deal with the law laid by the captain.
Also, on my way to class for college, I see an ambulance or school bus everyday due to I have to pass both a school and a hospital and not once have I seen either without a license plate on them. There are also some businesses that use cars with their names on them (like the bank) which are also corporate owned and they have plates as well.
Is he saying that if he flies a flag on his car, he doesn't need a licence plate?
Good luck with the highway patrol, pal. Seems to me you may soon be making licence plates ...
"ever notice ambulances don't have license plates?"
Uh, no, I've noticed they DO have license plates.
Aside from the utter bullshit, there is another fallacy to point out here.
The property rights you refer to only cover "real property" and in most states vehicles are considered personal property, not real property. Once your vehicle leaves your real property it becomes governed by the law of the land.
Beyond that, you don't have to register your vehicle to own it. You only have to have it registered to use it in conjunction with the public assets associated with driving, i.e., roads, bridges, traffic signals, etc. If you wish to have an unregistered vehicle and use it solely on your own property, you are more than welcome to do so.
If we're talking about admiralty law, that has to do with uh, ships at sea.
Land-yachts don't count. Unless maybe you have an Aquacar?
What part of the U.S. are you from, daddio? In my part of the world, ambulances and buses have license plates.
Also, the Constitution mandates no specific flag, buddy.
Have you read it?
Um, no, the yellow fringe is just a decoration and doesn't signify anything important.
And emergency vehicles may not need license plates in some places because they are county owned and some counties don't bother requiring license plates on fire trucks or ambulances. However, most counties do require license plates, especially on emergency vehicles that are required to drive outside the county at any time.
Face it, you're just another tax dodger who wants to try to get out of paying your taxes. If you don't want to buy a license plate for your car, then fine. But don't expect to drive on the publicly-maintained streets & roads that I drive on.
SO why do you need a plate on your private property?
So people can distinguish your green Honda* from all the other green Hondas. If someone commits a crime using a green Honda, do you want the police to waste a lot of time knocking on the door of every owner of a green Honda, including yours?
*an example chosen at random
And the emergency vehicles here are a private company but paid for by the city (like single-payer healthcare). Public transportation is completely city owned and operated.
Right, let's have some fun...
Does this person even realise, that ships have to have their name, & port of registration, clearly and legibly painted on their stern, & both sides of their bow, along with related load lines, in addition to the national flag that the poster is ranting on about...?
If he does this to his car, i.e, he paints the boot/trunk lid, and both front wings of his car with his registration details, then he might have a point, otherwise he's extremely ignorant of the rules of the sea...
Exactly, the "yellow fringe" on the flag is the Flag of the King [...]
I didn't even know that the USA are a monarchy. The things you learn on this side...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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