CERNology #conspiracy
The Frightening Science What They Are Really Doing At CERN
I posted this in the CERN Earthquake thread and thought it might make a good thread of its' own.
First of all to hopefully simplify things for everyone: The Earth operates like a huge DC motor. Our planet, all the weather, the tectonic plates which float on magma and even more that I don't know about is electromagnetic. The magnetosphere receives it's energy from the Sun. We see that power all the time when we see huge storms, thunder, lightning little rain showers, and winds all over the Globe. Not to mention the magnetic ley lines all over the planet that are linked to government classified and occult technology dating back to at least the pyramids.
How do you think respected scientists are able to say that they can use HAARP to create weather anomalies, earthquakes and even some with real understanding say mind control with these atmospheric heaters (a.k.a. HAARP)? It is because our planet and every living thing on it is sensitive to anything screwing around with these EM fields. Our brains function electromagnetically at ELF's (extremely low frequencies) of around 10 Hz.
So at CERN they are taking two streams of lead-ions and releasing them in what they call bunches of trillions of particles with very very short intervals in between bunches.
They are doing this with two streams traveling in opposite directions. So, arguably what they are doing can be thought of as two streams of liquid lead traveling in opposite directions at **near the speed of light**.
Now here is the important point that you and everyone remotely interested in CERN needs to understand. They are propelling these particles at near the speed of light. And Though the thoughts and math change in both of Albert Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity, one important thing does not change.
The relativistic mass of each particle gets greater as the velocity increases toward the speed of light. The mass or weight of each particle relative to the observer increases toward infinity as the particle gets nearer and nearer to the velocity of light.
What this means is that the electromagnetic fields needed to just get these super heavy particles at speed is difficult to comprehend. Then you have to consider containing these two rings of liquid lead as they are only increasing in mass or weight as they get faster and faster. It is mind boggling.
Now consider that they were previously colliding protons and they were doing that at an angle. Now, protons weigh almost like nothing when compared to a whole atom of lead. And they were crashing them at an angle. They are colliding these lead ion particles head on and there are a lot more of them and the duration between groups of particles is so short that it almost may as well not be there at all.
So to sum up what is really happening. CERN scientists are misleading people about the amounts of energy being released. Before it was 13 TeV which others have said isn't a lot. Yes that is true but that was for a single collision of a proton at an angle. The reason that there have been physicists issuing warnings and conCERN about what they were planning to do at the LHC is because you have to multiply that 13 TeV by billions and trillions of ANGULAR collisions to understand that it is like trying to contain the energy of one of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki WWII nuclear explosions within a very small space and containing it electromagnetically.
The difference now is the energy releases of single collisions of lead-ions can be described in PeV (Peta Electron Volts). A PeV is 1000 times the energy of a TeV. So the energy projected to be released now is more than 100 times what it was previously published. Plus the collisions were at an angle before and now they are head on. In addition, there are far far more of them and in very very quick succession. Really no interval at all even in terms of time at the atomic level. I would have said in terms of time at the quantum level but time breaks down at the quantum level.
So now instead of billions and trillions of collisions, we are talking about trillions and quadrillions of collisions. I really can't comprehend how they have the technology to even build a machine that can contain these energies especially in light of what Einstein said about these particles getting heavier and heavier towards infinity as velocity increases.
Now I am not a theoretical physicist but I am an engineer and people tell me I am pretty smart. But with the little I do know about what they are doing, the technology they are using to do this must be super top secret Roswell type stuff. What they will not be able to prevent is what these electromagnetic fields that they are using are going to do to the Earth.
They scary part is, these super genius scientists themselves are readily admitting that they don't know what is going to happen. They have built the biggest machine the modern world has ever seen and they have adopted a wait and see attitude?
That's the kind of crap I used to do as 13 or 14 year old kid with gasoline and any other chemicals I could get my hands on! I know this is long and I apologize for that but to top it all off. They are openly occult. They are timing everything to the minute with occult dates and their freaking logo has 666 right there in plain sight.
Almost done Thanks for reading this far. I think I needed to vent!
99.99% of people don't know that the very first website was guess where? CERN. That is even though the Internet was created by DARPA, the first website of all websites operated at CERN of all places. That was 1980. This is a scary amount of long-term planning tied to CERN and the Internet. Final thought. Initially the Internet was awesome and it looked like freedom for ideas and thoughts and generally freedom for all. Now the Internet is the absolute opposite of that and it is the most diabolical scheme for population and mind control the world has ever seen.
Some have longingly said (Nazi evil humans have said) gee whiz if Hitler and the Nazis had only had the Internet.
Well now we have people in control that make make Hitler look like a sweet school girl in comparison.
I don't know what CERN is going to do. It really could be not much that we can physically see. It also could be very horrible. Both possibilities are equal in probability.
Ultimately with or without CERN though, we are heading to an evil end which appears more obvious and more ominous and inevitable with every world news cast each day.