So if atheists want to be treated as intelligent adults, then they need to start speaking from knowledge rather than ignorance. They also need to stop making foolish & contradictory statements with no proof for them.That's a sure way to look foolish. Otherwise, there are
only 3 options when dealing with atheists:
1) Coddle them like children in elementary school
2) Tell them their contradictions are not contradictions & that they are smart, rational people for making contradictory statements
3) Treat them as intelligent adults who are lying through their teeth
4) Ignore them all together.
If we applied it to you, Carico, you'd have the donkey ears by now. You know, contradictory, ignorance, foolish.............have a meaning since the beginning of time, and they're not going to change to meet your standards.
I've got it figured out. It just dawned on me.
from previous posts around here (not necessarily carico's, but still)
Muslims = Atheists
Jews = Atheists
Therefore, I postulate, to fundies, Theism = Atheism
From this we determine that fundies do, in fact, consider themselves to be the greatest form of Atheist, being closest to their god.
Therein, carico is finally dispensing some useful advise to the non-Atheists, or at least the non-fundies on how to best manage her and the rest of her ilk.
Finally, something useful comes from one of them.
You know,,, I'm sure even I could count to 4 by the time I left pre-school. Carico seems to have serious mathematical skills deficiencies
3 options? You seem to have four.
Some fundies can't count, I guess.
Sorry.Cabraxas beat me to it... ^^'
Three options? I see 1-4 listed. If you want to be treated as an intelligent adult, one of the first steps is to learn to count.
The next step is to use the brain you were given and look beyond your brainwashing and hypocrisy.
"1) Coddle them like children in elementary school
2) Tell them their contradictions are not contradictions & that they are smart, rational people for making contradictory statements
3) Treat them as intelligent adults who are lying through their teeth
4) Ignore them all together."
Amazing! That's almost exactly how I treat fundies.
Nobody expects the Carico Inquisition! Our three options are coddling, pointing out contradictions, calling them liars and ignoring them... er, our four options are coddling, pointing out contradictions, calling them liars, ignoring them, and making up lies about them. Argh! Ok... amongst our options are such elements as; coddling, condradictions, calling them liars, ignoring, making up crap and not knowing how to count.
"..Otherwise, there are only 3 options when dealing with atheists:"
And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three.
No more. No less.
Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.
Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.
Five is right out.
Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it'.
Couldn't resist! :0)
Damn, I'm surprised how long it took someone to notice how she said "3 options..." then listed 4.
Christian Math- It's what helps Kent Hovind do his taxes!
There are three ways to deal with them, and here they are, one through four....(Way to count, buddy!)
The mirror is very pretty, I know...
You just contradicted yourself right there, mentioning 3 and giving 4.
As for the foolish and contradictory statements with no proof, stop projecting your anger at yourself onto us.
excuse me...I must have forgotten how counting goes.
which of these three options is correct:
I think I've just been injured by the shrapnel resulting from the violent explosion of my Irony Meter...
Either that, or this guy's stupid makes my brain hurt.
I think this goes beyond Highly Polished Mirror... "I Know You Are, But What Am I" Award?
Or there is the 5th option
5- Take your hands off your ears, stop screaming "la la la, I can't hear you" and actually listen to what they say, realising what they say isn't contradictory, only what you say is
3 options? Hmmmm, at least we can count.
Oh wait,,, it's Carico. That eminent example of wilfull ignorance and pride in it.
Obvious reverse-argument indeed. But I try to avoid calling people children for being ignorant when possible, it's possible that this was added for effect, or to attempt to spice the argument, considering that the logic itself couldn't stand. This transforms it into a more traditional patriarchal "I'm the adult male so listen to what I have to say, kid!". It doesn't make it true.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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