Reduction of rape? Not bloody likely, considering all the "it's never the woman's fault" rhetoric thrown around all the date-rape shit I've been forced to attend as an 18-year old male. The best way to reduce rape is for women not to go out with the intention of getting hammered, and not to tease the single most poweful desire in impaired males. However ethically nice it may seem to create a sacrosanct right to get smashed and play with men's desires, it's doing a generation of young girls a disservice to tell them that such behaviors shouldn't increase their risk of getting raped, because they do increase the risk. When self-righteous women's rights rhetoric turns into bad advice, that's when it pisses me off.
In other words, Chupacabra doesn't like the idea of responsibility, and thinks that other people should go out of their way and avoid having a good time so that he won't have to bother having any self-control.
There appear to be some errors in the post. I've corrected them below.
"Reduction of rape? Not bloody likely, considering all the "it's always the teasing women's fault" rhetoric thrown around. The best way to reduce rape is for men not to go out with the intention of getting harmered, and not to take advantage of their inebriated female counterparts. However nice it may seem to create a sacrosant right to get smashed and be able to have sex with any woman that looks at you for more than two seconds, it's doing a generation of young girls a disservice by allowing men to increase their chances of getting raped, because they do increase the risk. When self-righteous patriarchy defense rhetoric turns into bad advice, that's when it pisses me off."
If he could approach this subject with a litle less anger, he could actually make a good point.
It is imprudent for people to go out and get "hemmered" in situations in which they don't have adequate control.
Of course, the bottom line is that men, "hammered" or not, are responsible for their actions.
I agree. In a perfect world, women could go out and get hammered and expect all the guys at the bar to be sweetness and light and not take advantage of the situation. But we don't live in a perfect world, and women should be aware that there are men out there who are less than honorable.
Of course, this doesn't change that men should be held responsible for their actions. No amount of temptation justifies rape.
You were forced to commit date rape? Aside from pedantic sentence deconstruction, this is just your average blame-the-victim dreck. I think I think I see a good implication that ElChupacabra got rejected one too many times at a bar in there too, though... Understandable, though - when even totally smashed women reject you, your ego aint gonna last long! Time to start projecting.
Only way someone would be FORCED to rape a girl involves being forced to do so at gunpoint by a 3rd party. Girls that tease too much might be complete bitches for it, but that still doesn't force anyone to rape them.
Alternatively, my husband is 'forced' to have his way with me while I fight back and yell no if he wants me to return the favor with the wax afterwards. But that's an understanding between two consentual adults, and thus not actually rape either. So really, there IS no excuse.
such an angry bunch here...
i agree with papa bear. it seems to me he just says women should be watching their backs, for we have all learned the world is a scary place. also, in this thread, he seems to be interested in actually learning about feminism, so my vote goes for angsty teen male : yes, fundie: no.
I think the responsiblity flips both ways. Of course the woman carries no blame on her self for being raped, and there in absolutley no exuse for a man to rape anyone else. but we live in a scary scary world, women don't need to police themselves any more than men do, but, maybe some precautions are in order. who knowingly walks into a mine field with no mine detector? i see why this post makes some people angry, but i think it's just becuase this little asshole didn't take the time to come up with a lucid response before typing all his angsty thoughts down.
my thoughts on rape: severe punishment for any convicted felon, including but not limited to permenant probation from any type of mind altering substance, and rape prevention classes givin to every female as a requirement for high school graduation.
we as a species have proven over and over and over that we cannot count on other people's self control. this doesn't mean we can't have our fun as well, but we might as well make sure we have our safety nets securely in place.
<<< it's doing a generation of young girls a disservice to tell them that such behaviors shouldn't increase their risk of getting raped, because they do increase the risk. >>>
Yes, it does increase the risk, and it would be wise for her to take that into consideration. THAT DOES NOT MEAN SHE DESERVED IT, AND IT DOES NOT ABSOLVE THE JACKASS WHO DID IT!
*sniffle* @ the poster =P
This poster was on the wall at the high school I worked at a couple of years ago when I was in an abusive marriage. Made me cry every morning...
As for ElChupacabra, he shouldn't incite violence with comments like that. Yes, he has freedom of speech, but I shouldn't have to suffer with the desire to castrate him.
I'm so sick of the arguement that a male can't control their own urges just because they're put into a position where they could, theoretically, act upon them. Listen up, ElChupacabra...most males have ZERO problems not raping everyone they come across, no matter how those people may be dressed or act. Sounds like you're just pissed that you don't have a free pass to rape whoever you want and get away with it.
Aye, a vast majority are men. what do you think future rapists would learn in a rape prevention program? unless there is a solid "power lust control program" I think maybe the only kind of education for males that would cut down on the problem would include data on the percentage of felonies and B.A.C. Its not like the rapists were unaware of the wrongness or illegality of the crime. more likely they get off on it.
Ooooh, my single most powerful desire is taking over. Oh no, no, please ma'am, don't take this the wrong way! Why, oh why, did you have to play with my desires? Now I'm going to have to cut you up and place you in the freezer.
It is odd that there is so much 'date-rape shit' he's been forced to attend. Even WITH that he's still angry and making up excuses for rapists.
Just like the guy in 'Airplane! 2', "She was askin' for it, understand? THey're all askin' for it!"
I understand what he's trying to say, but it is obvious that he has already 'chosen' sides on this argument.
I gather that this guy is referring not to power-trip rape, but to date rape. I think he is frustrated by what he sees as a one-sided, oversimplified societal setup whereby women are all treated as sweet, innocent victims first and only secondarily as probable consenting adults who know what they're doing, while all men are treated as potential rapists first and consenting adults second. This position treats women as being asexual or at least "chaste" in all circumstances -- which is far from the case in reality.
Frankly, I think he has a point; heck, I knew lots of girls in college who would get drunk for the express purpose of "being taken advantage of" so that they could tell themselves that they weren't really sluts, but were really "good girls" as long as their virtue stayed intact while they were sober -- and then would make sure to get tipsy as often as possible. In truth, those girls would have been acutely annoyed if all the guys had held back from them on the assumption that they were too vulnerable!
However, I also think that this poster's frustrated response is equally oversimplified; the social parameters, combined with individual codes of conduct, the boundaries of which become blurred with the use of alcohol, are infinitely variable. But rules of conduct have to be somewhat arbitrary because they cannot be shaded in advance to cover every contingency.
~David D.G.
Actually Shep --- That's exactly what your brother Ham did to Noah causing him to be exiled from God and form all the evil races on Earth like the Hittites, Amelekites, etc. That was one of the reasons why God wanted all the other races destroyed. Later it just became a shameless land grab!
So of course, the bible sets a precedent for different treatment of men and women once again, as treating women that way was of course perfectly acceptable!
Oh and if there was any confusion in #53611, that wasn't implying it's ever OK to sleep with a girl saying no - you walk away leaving her gagging for it until she learns to take responsibility for herself and be assertive enough to say yes. (and frankly sometimes walking away is still the best course of action)
Well he does actually have half a point, but he's too extreme.
It's completely the man's fault, just because someone is drunk doesn't mean you can have sex with them. But you have to admit it is irresponsible of women to go out wearing almost nothing and then get so pissed they can't even walk, and then be surprised when something bad happens to them.
But what about all the OTHER rape cases that don't involve drunk women? Rape doesn't mean sex with a drunk woman you know.
edit: Yeah, what D.D.G said.
Walking in the streets greatly increases the risk of being hit by a car. Should we all stay at home?
Yes, walking the streets (not the euphamism) also greatly increases the chance of being raped, stay at home!
Oh wait, someone could break in, staying at home greatly increases the chance of being raped - most rapes happen indoors.
Yup, it's official. Living greatly increases the chance of being raped.
Sorry man, you're implying three wrong assertions.
Men can´t hold their pants.
Men don´t think for themselves, even though they´re supposed to be the head of the house and society.
Men has no decision on sex.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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