Over and over, we are force fed propaganda on how "brave" blacks are in the US military and how patriotic they were. It is now offical folklore how the Tuskegee Airman singlehandly cleared the sky of nazi fighters. The reality is much different. British authorities complained to Americans about multiple rapes of white British women by knee grow troops during WWII. Another consequence of blacks in US military uniforms: half black children in Germany, Korea, Vietnam and Japan. Don't believe the propaganda.
The veracity of your claims of rampant unpunished and unrecorded rape in an era where apartheid was in practice and a soldier could be summarily shot by their commanding officer for numerous charges is sincerely doubtful, especially when no corroboration exists. Also: The Free French Forces. If anyone had a legitimately defensible reason to sit back and watch as the Nazis took over France and made it's inhabitants second class citizens in their own country it would be the African colonies. But instead they took up arms to save a country that despised them and blazed a trail to Paris... where they were forbidden to participate in the final push because the Allied Forces leadership wanted the psychological impression of a "white" victory over the Nazis which made no goddamn sense considering it seemed more like an attempt to reinforce the whole "Master Race" shtick being pushed by Nazis and their sympathizers. Cheated out of recognition, medals, and even their military pensions to help suit propaganda eerily similar to the people they just helped kick out of town.
Really? When I was in Britain, I never heard anything about that, but I heard another story.
In 1943, a detachment from the USAAF arrived at an airbase in a small village "somewhere in England" and, in a spirit of Allied friendliness, local people were encouraged to invite the airmen to come for tea. One lady sent in a request for some airmen, on condition that none of them were Jewish. That Sunday afternoon, four strapping black airmen appeared at her door. As they thanked her for her kind invitation, she stammered, "er...I think there must be some mistake...". The senior airman, a sergeant, smiled and replied "Colonel Cohen doesn't make mistakes, ma'am."
The reality is much different. British authorities complained to Americans about multiple rapes of white British women by knee grow troops during WWII.
Don't you know about the orgys of rape commited by good white Russian soldiers in the countries they occuped, apart if you affirm it was only the "Asiatic savages from the steppe" elements who commited them?
You forgot about the fact Colonial Troops were frequently victims of massacre commited by Heer members and Waffen SS "soldiers" with an hatred of these Untermenschen .
But they have been awarded medals and their penions have been recently raised to the same level as the ones versed to Metropolitan veterans.
Along with what others said, may I also add that plenty of white military folks are rape-happy, too?
Sadly, rape is often a common warfare tactic. Just ask the nutsy Nazis you so admire, kenfromthedarkside!
Oh look! A repulse Nazi woman who loved to rape & sexually torture folks!
Please don't smear some great American heroes. Of course, they shot down some guy working for your ideological peers, so I'm not surprised by you.
"British authorities complained to Americans about multiple rapes of white British women by knee grow troops during WWII."
Wow! Where's that written down? Because there are a bunch of British racists who never mentioned this stuff and you know, you would think they would have.
And it's odd that only American black troops stand accused of this sort of behavior. Because there were black troops from the West Indies, Jamacia, South Africa, the King's African Rifles and of course India. They fought gallently and with honor.
And Ken? You scum sucking, rat fucking, shit for brains asshole? You can kiss my ass.
There is no propaganda push for black WWII soldiers. Their contributions have been blatantly ignored for 40+ years, until a few years back it came up again that, hey, these guys did something worthwile, too.
Also, many of the Tuskegee Airmen WERE exceptional pilots. Which makes sense, because if all the world tells you that "niggers can't fly," you're going to push extra hard.
British authorities complained to Americans about multiple rapes of white British women by knee grow troops during WWII
No, they didn't. That's a flat lie.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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