RJ #racist answers.yahoo.com
ha ha typical lib answers, talk to former libs in cal that got robbed, beaten or worse, they sure don't sell that way now. as far as destruction people are waking up and seeing the er of ways look at France may be to late for england, the aa we have here is like a cancer I mean how can you give the 3nd or third best a position of authority without harming your company. It is insane, they say it's due to racism but honestly like the dela in boston none of them could pass the test yet got the jobs and even over the handicapped white guy. Look at that town in New York where Holder forced them by suing to give the jobs to the applicants that could even score a 60 on a test. That city had to spend $600 grand for some company to come in and fix the tests so idiots could pass it. That's smart
Eric have half wits running around with guns and in authority, sounds like reconstruction days again.
But sadly it is all over as they have had the media control to brow beat you, but not country or company can survive by putting less qualified and people who don't' have a clue into positions all it does in bring the quality down. granted countries that were forced to do this like South Africa, well their capital is the murder capital of the world the South Afrikaners just have their own private army and control of the nukes and let the rest kill each other that's what the libs wanted and they got it sad.. It's sad as many minorities do want to just live but when you live in an area where there is not law hey who you going to support in the open.
sadly FBI stats show how they attack and harm each other and others. You can look at this it's interesting that of the close to million interracial assaults 95% were one race on all the others and it wasn't whites.
It's like the colleges here and junior colleges 95% are going on grants and it's a waste as they could be taught a trade they can use. Why is obama wanting everyone to go to school, other than to have the banks loan the cash, when there are no jobs, other than keeping unemployment down. We know what can happen wiki jamie gorelick she was in on the housing market deal and in the justice department creating the wall and would not allow fbi to go into that guys computer which had all the info on 911 and barry wanted her to be head of fbi, once again the evil Republicans democrat shot his deal down. LOL
Pat Buchanan wrote a book about this 12 years ago and he is right, before long the boat will start ti sink. We need to clam up and sort out things now. but first get rid of this administration that doesn't follow the law and is openly biased.
Too bad the creators of ows have a different agenda as they could join and should have already with tea Party to make more of a difference, but trust fun babies are a different breed. Not sure if trollin (g) or serious but it doesn't matter facts are facts. lOL Have a great 2011!