Steve Deace #fundie
When Government Replaces God
The faith of our land often seems to lie in a heap of ashes.
Believers have their businesses shut down for not paying the jizya to the Rainbow Jihad. The Little Sisters of the Poor are legally prosecuted for not paying Sandra Fluke's abortifacient bill. Babies are ripped apart limb-by-limb and sold for profit.
The pagan progressivism rotting at the soul of this declining culture applauds it all. Its dark power grows stronger with each passing day.
[L]iberals cannot abide rules that can come from anywhere but their own inner child, and they know that a praying culture is an almost certain inoculation against the lies of the times. In short, they know they are no match for God. Ironically, these God haters know they are no match for God more deeply than many lukewarm believers are willing to trust in their own faith these days. And so the must mock and kill the praying impulse at every turn.
Our response should be clear. We would like to introduce you to the church militant. Yes, indeed, we are crazy for Jesus.
And you ain't seen nothing yet.