As a Christian, I believe it when the Bible says that women should not vote, Period.
Would you believe the bible if it told you to stand with one foot in a bucket of mash potatoes the other in a rubber boot, holding a lighting rod in one hand pointed straight up and the other holding a plunger with tin foil wrapped around your head and singing the Star Spangled Banner, backwards in Latin all to get better T.V reception?
probably not. so why should you believe the bible when it says women should not have the same rights as men?
The Bible says nothing about women voting, nothing whatsoever. If you're going to be a Fundie moron, at least read the fucking Bible for yourself.
Then again, I'm kinda glad this girl isn't going to vote...
IFBaptist Girl, you need to just learn to think for yourself. Get out in life. You can be a Christian and still be in this world. Woman need to vote. How else would we be able to let our voices be heard?
On one of these posts "A smarter than you 11 year old" said, "What is this, 1912?" (or something along those lines. She has a point. She is smarter than you, IFBaptist Girl.
Use your brain, not what others tell you to think, but the brain that God gave you. Or have you let it be so warped that you have forgotten how to make decisions for yourself?
Men are the minority if you check the latest census information. We, women, need to be strong and be role models for the young woman growing up in the world today. We CANNOT let MEN control America. We need to let our voices be heard. Vote your values and morals, but get out there and vote.
while I can't condone raping her, I do believe that she should be selectively removed from the gene pool, as well as Randy, and his wife and children.
And voting isn't the Bible, not even something sorta-maybe-resembling-almost voting, and if it did, I'm sure women weren't involved in that said verse.
But after all, if you want to be chattle, you can go right ahead.
Only if you vote do you get the right to complain about the way this country is going. Yes, there is an accompanying obligation to educate yourself on the issues (see the stem cell debate to look at what happens when people don't), but whether the vote came out the way you wanted, you had your say. If you didn't bother to speak up then, don't bother speaking up now. (At least without apologizing for your silence and promising to never, ever forget to vote on something important to you again.)
Looks to me like we gots ourselves a coupla secular fundie award wannabes. How y'all doin, there, DonnyB and Dragon Keal? You mind not making the rest of us look bad with your ignorance? We got ourselves a teachable moment here and y'all are just throwing the erasers around the classroom.
That's fine, if that keeps you from voting, so be it. However, women have as much of a right to vote as men do, so don't try to convence them otherwise.
And to those advocating the rape of this 'girl', way to be fundies yourselves. Just because her opinions differ from yourown does not give you the right to say such bullshit. Have you learned nothing from this site?
Voting hey!
In teh babble?
That autocratic book full of thou shalt nots and pig ignorant superstitious theocracies...
These people were so much more enlightened before they (via a mad emporer) adopted Christianity and started burning books and destroying knowlwedge and cluture and heritage and plunging Europe into the Dark Ages.
@ OMG -- Hey, it most likely is legal. My dad taught me how to shoot when I was three, or around that time. There is not a time in my life that I can not remember what a gun was, how to use it, and what it could do. Actually, I am a better shot than my husband. My daughter is a good shot too. We taught her in the safety of the local inside firing range.
And in reference to Dragon Keal and Donny B -- YOU BOTH need to be taken out, staked down on a mound of fire ants , and have honey poured all over their "personal parts" (front and BACK) .
You are not a female, you are a sock-puppet for Randy! And like most of your bullshit Randy, this is your own personal agenda, your bigotry, fear and hatred of women, hidden behind false interpretations and misquotes of God's scripture aimed at your sad cadre of naive little sheep.PS I am really disgusted that anyone over here would lower themselves to the rape apologist standards of Randy and his sockpuppets. NO ONE, no matter how fundie fruitloop, bigotted, or vicious to their fellow man, deserves to be raped or even have that suggested even in a joking manner.
I agree with Dragon Keal. We should all take turns raping this girl with a sword and watch her lil fundie cunt get her first period!!! LOL LOL LOL
You are possibly the dumbest asshole on Earth at this point.
I'm all for fundie women not having the right to vote as well! But for us non-fundie women? Just don't take IFBGs advice please.
@ OMG: Scary stuff, isn't it?
If you have a truly open mind,
It's quite amazing what fun stuff you'll find.
Fiction can beat facts,
And promote dumb acts,
Just like talking out of your behind.
DK and DB you are pathetic and creepy. Why don't you two go down to the gym and pump each other?
IFBG: Read your book and show me where that is please. I know that Paul was quite a woman hater, and I'm sure you are kissing his ass with this stuff, but he also said that when it came to scriptures that women are supposed to sit down and STFU. Now why aren't you doing what Paul told you? Are you being disobediant to god?
better yet, let DK and DB stay, but don't allow them to edit their posts. Once they post it, it's there to stay. that way they can never say that they never said something that they did say. Didn't we have that problem with Defensor Fidei?
The 19th Amendment says otherwise.
However, feel free to abstain from voting if you like. Just don't complain when "teh ebil libruls" propose laws you don't like.
I agree with Dragon Keal. We should all take turns raping this girl with a sword and watch her lil fundie cunt get her first period!!! LOL LOL LOL
This calls for the vigorous application of a +3 flaming cluebat of troll slaying. Preferably wielded by a ranger with trolls as his favoured enemy, and a miniature giant space ban-hamster as his animal companion...
Skip Smith sayeth, and I quoteht:
"Barry 3:16 And then Jesus spoke 'Lo, and I did wedge my man-meat betwixt his buttocks, and did cupeth his testicles, and in that moment he knew Jesus'."
@The smarter than you 11 year old
You do seem pretty smart, but allow a 33 year old to give you some advice. First, don't type when angry. I know, it can be difficult sometimes, but try to take some deep breaths. Barring that, at least double check your post for errors. Also, there's a handy trick for remembering the difference between "your" and "you're" The ' is a replacement for the a in "you are". And don't overdo the caps lock. You didn't go over the edge, but you tiptoed near it.
Please appreciate that I wouldn't be this helpful to an adult. I'm making the educated guess that you are a very clever young person, but shortchanged by underfunded schools and burnt out teachers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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