Josie Bear #conspiracy
Who Wants To Bet Me On A Hypothesis Regarding Chemtrails?
Shills, be damned!
So I am in California and we are supposed to get snow. However, they are spraying us BIG TIME. They killed this morning's perfect blue sky. The wind has kicked up and they are GRIDDING THE EFF out of the sky.
Here's my hypothesis: from what I have seen in the past, when storms are forecasted, the evil maggots start spraying us. Almost as if on cue, the storms either peter-out or do not materialize. Chemtrails, IMHO are storms-be-gone.
I swear the chemtrails eat the storm clouds.
I am willing to bet that the 6+ inches of snow we are supposed to get will be zilch. We won't get anything and then once the hope for precipitation has past, the evil maggot f**ks will stop spraying.
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so. If it does snow, well then, there's hope, but in my following of the weather, CHEMTRAILS KILL STORM CLOUDS. Or, perhaps they'll go the other way and make it snow a million inches. Storm is supposed to roll in this evening. I'll keep you posted.
If I'm wrong, it's a win-win and I go back to the drawing board!
PS: I wish I had an RPG... because I like shells?